Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 13:5 - Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-- unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
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Christ Alone “All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out." (John 6:37)
He is either telling the truth or He is lying. Trust Him alone, His finished work on the cross for your salvation. We are sinners. We sin and we will sin. The only one who never sinned is Christ. He is my only righteousness, my only worthiness. You can't add or take away anything from His finished work. Trust Him alone, not you or anything else.
Michael Orr (3/10/2021)
from Glen Ellyn, IL
We are Saved by Grace! Andrew & Tembo, be of good courage brothers. We all sin after conversion. Stay in The Word and pray often. Seek and ye shall find! Don't be fooled by the weakness of your flesh. It will strengthen in time with maturity. Listen to "The Cost of Legalism" by Bill Foote on this site. You are not bound by the Law anymore. By Grace in Christ you are FREE!
Tembo (1/3/2021)
Great Sermon! Andrew I will pray for you as I’m in the same situation as you. Listen to the sermon why won’t God save me by pastor Jim Savastio. God bless
Corey (1/2/2021)
Andrew, I hope you take this very seriously. Do not give up seeking the Lord. I think most genuine Christians have doubted their salvation. Now I also can not say wether you are truly saved or not. All I have is the comment you put and this is what I can say to hopefully help you: Romans 10:13-"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Do no let anyone lie to you about that scripture. What does it say? WHOSOEVER shall call. If you call on the Lord meeting only the condition of verses 9 and 10 of the same chapter then you can be assured of the promise in verse 13. You are an object of God's unending love. Another thing, David says in Psalm 52:8-"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." As much as we know of David and his sins, this is what he says of his faith. That he trusts in the mercy of God for ever and ever. What else can we do Andrew? We have no righteousness, the more we try the more we disappoint our self. But if we fully trust and rely on God's mercy, there's rest and hope for us. For God promises over and over He is long-suffering and merciful.
Now to be sure, I'm not here to convince you that you are saved or not. I am only here by God's Providence seeing your comment and reaching
DEBORAH (1/2/2021)
from Malaysia
Thank you Ps Paul for teaching us, I am so blessed by your sermon Hi Bro Andrew, pls do not be despair or feel condemn for God Loves you when He Came Down to die for you n me even though you do not feel or understand it now. I personally have experienced God's Help many times when i called him in my lowest moment n same for you when you call Him. Do email me if you like to talk n seek counsel. In the mean time, i pray the Holy Spirit to lead you n guide you in Jesus Mighty Name Amen
Andrew (12/31/2020)
from France
In the end I thought i was saved, then years later I fell away because many deaths and ruin hit my family, In the end it comes down to this.. God gives you faith to believe, if you dont have the faith to go through hell and still praise Him, then how can you judge yourself unworthy of Christ ( which I do) if 'Faith is a gift of God least any man should boast'
why is it that I know Jesus Christ is Lord, yet have no peace of mind in this, and avoid the bible because I cant live up to its high standard, I try but i cant.. and every Time I 'seek and knock' I come away empty handed so to speak.
I am desperate, i fear God, yet I cannot find love for Christ in my heart.
Its like seeing the ship slowly sinking and seeing no life boat to find rescue in.
I hate sin in my life, I hate lìfe itself.
I want it to be over yet fear those terrible words 'Depart from me I never knew you'
Why wont God forgive me?
Did i commit the unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit?
Is it all just a big joke? Are we all just little pawns in a Devine game of chess with Good and Evil?
I despair.