Great Sermon! We all need to listen to this man. He is preaching it like it really is in the Bible. If you want to know the truth about being saved and being sure you are really a Christian, listen to Paul Washer. He doesn't play games or sugar coat what the Bible says. He really wants you to know the truth before it is forever too late.
Great Sermon! This is the most profound sermon I have ever heard,it went to my very soul.Thank you Paul,you are an amazing Christian, I am hooked, Bridget
amazing... I already have listened to this sermon (they uploaded the audio a few months ago) and it was one of the best presentations of the Gospel I have ever heard. I would recommend this to anyone.
Great Sermon! I praise God for your son, brother Paul Washer and the boldness and discerment..... Thanks for such revealent preaching, it has benn a blessing to my walk with the Lord.
Great Great Sermon! A sermon that reveals to me another depth, dimension of the staggeringly wondrousness of God's love in Christ for us. An explanation of justification that has captivated my heart for Christ even more. I stand in mute awe of this God of grace. Thank you Bro. Paul for laying your life down for His bride/church.
Great Sermon! Excellent teaching. As parents of small children we want to begin now showing our boys how to treat women and our girls how to carry themselves as ladies. This was wonderful to hear!
Powerful Truth & Life Changing! I cannot get enough of this great mans sermons! He has been mightily used by my heavenly Father to speak truth into my heart!! Pastor Washer may God continue to enable & empower you to preach Boldly! Thank you! God Bless you, your family and your ministry whereever He leads you!
Great Sermon! Pastor Paul,
Thank you for laying the foundations of courtship in the glory of God. I have come to know your sermons through the girl i love and you have given me a sense of fear of the Lord and respect for authority in my preparations to marriage that has already produced great joy in me, and for that i thank you very much!
Great Sermon! Was blessed by this sermon. Too often we focus on things around instead of the real truth of the gospel. In looking at God's justice and holiness we are humbled by His great Love!! This is the dynamite of the gospel!!
Great Sermon! Second time. Hard to believe because it is so amazing, beyond our human way of thinking. I know it is true.
I appreciate it being preached in the power of truth and the Spirit of God.
Refreshing sermon Very refreshing to hear a sermon that helps to understand how wonderful God is to have me from my sins. These types of sermons are few and far between today.
Sounds Wonderful I luv this sermon (have heard it before)...but am left with some confusion; when he says early on that God will never come to us (Believers) in judgment ever again once we are saved he loses me. In light of I Corinth. 11: 32 ("But when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord, that...") and Matthw. 7:1 ("Judge not that ye be not judged."),i do not understand how he means that God will never come to us in judgment again. He must mean something other than my understanding. Still a good sermon, but it fails to change or affect me because of this confusion.