Priceless information! I sincerely thank God for using Paul Washer to nourish us with the right information for marriage. This information is lacked among us young people, therefore, we often misinterpret marriage. This message came to me in the very right time in my life.
Thank you lord!
Great Sermon! Excellent. I appreciate preachers who are not afraid to speak the truth in this relativist society. God is truly glorified with this sermon.
Great Sermon! I come from home that father was alky and died at 41...the last 3 years of his life i was the parent...being a dad has been very hard...thank you for some truth even though most of mine are older now i still have 1 left...God Bless...kev
Challenging message Prepare to have your beliefs and assumptions challenged. Thoroughly enjoyed this message. As a divorced Christian woman, I only wish I had heard more messages like this before I married a professed Christian. I recommend all hear this applicable word.
Wonderful Sermon! I just listened to this sermon today and found it to be extremely true to the Word and something more men need to hear these days. Many believers in the church of today have steered far away from the real interpretation of Biblical manhood. Paul Washer is right on with the unchanging Word of God. Thank you for sharing! This was such a blessing and so refreshing, especially in light of this day and age. I will be sure to share this with others. God bless your sermon ministry!
In our Lord,
Great Sermon! Dr.Washer: Are you going to give a sermon of "What a woman is not"? I want to learn more to be a godly woman and a responsible biblical woman.
Too One Sided? I believe that Washer is trying to address an audience who treat theology as head knowledge but never transfer that knowledge into the heart. This sermon is probably right in the context of the audience that Washer aims to address.
However let us not play down the importance of theology. Where theology is right, men will go into the mission field. Where theology is wrong, men who rush into the mission field would burn out. We must enter into the mission field for Bible centred reasons.
Great Sermon! If you applied 10% of this sermon to your life, things like unwanted pregnancy, abortion and divorce become practically non-existent. Pastors, hurt some feelings over clothes and practices, annoy some elders, and save a life. As a dad, I submit to this teaching in Christ.
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for such encouraging words. We were truely blessed. Now I really understand the true meaning of Justification. May God bless your ministry
God is awesome I was blessed to be able to listen to this sermon in person. It was the most amazing sermon I have ever heard, God was there for sure. Every person in the entire church was felt the weight on power of God. After listening to this message, I think less of Paul Washer and more of God