Great Sermon! Sad but true on todays church and dating. If we are to really advance the kingdom of God we must get back to the principles of God whole heartedly and completely
Great Sermon! This is a message that I think all young men when the reach Middle school should hear. I was listening to it and I being 14 was thinking, "he's only talking to college students I'm ahead of myself" then Paul says men should be thinking about this when they are 14. Get guys listening to this a soon as they are serious in being a Christian.
So Blessed All his sermons hit me like wham in the stomach.. wow.. so so blessed. The truth in these messages, how can people not be touched and changed by it!!!
Great Sermon! Paul Washer very truthfully described modern missions, which is nothing but man-centered, humanistic, social Gospel. God cannot be glorified in spreading false gospel to the world. Most of these mission trips are sort of a getaway in the name of Christ to soothe our conscience.
Great Sermon! This sermon is very needed today in a culture where everyone wants to go and spend 10 days on a so called mission trip to share Christ with others. Paul clearly lays out that if you are not clearly grounded in the scripture in such things as the attributes of god, the holiness of god, the love of god, then you are not prepared for missions.
Thanks so much my dear brother in Christ!
Great Sermon! This is a great Sermon! Very needed in today's culture. This sermon helped me in my study of the bible, because i always viewed the Song of Solomon as only for married people. But now i see that it is also a beautiful book about our relationship with God!
Very powerful I thank the lord for this mans obedience for this man to share the true gospel I can't get enough of his preaching to the glory of god
Great Sermon! Praise god for this man of god who speaks the truth I can not get enough of his sermons because it comes from the throne room of god the truth will eternally change your life
Tough teaching delivered well... Thanks, Paul...
Paul delivers areas of STRIVING for parents, particularly fathers. 1) know the Scriptures, 2) be Biblical examples, 3) Love, Teach, and Govern your children Biblilcally.
Paul's theme throughout much of his teaching is that the world's 'wisdom' and culture has poisoned much of our Christian life and the Church, and this theme is present in this teaching as well.
Well thought out.
Solidly tied to Scripture.
Delivered firmly but mercifully.
Seemingly Impossible Paul, these words of yours hurt so much more in this century... It seems impossible to raise my boy Codi among real men. He's off to Sunday school every Sunday with the ladies, and I get told to sit in church! This is painful and makes me weep. What can I do?
Great Sermon! After listening this I feel like we still have a long way to go to become christian woman and man. I also feel great respect for true man, because they have to carry such a great burden.
You do not even know how many young ladies wish that man would be the man they supposef to be - spirital leaders. I observed that many times that it is the woman in a relationship that has literarly tell the man to go to church or home bible studies.
It is killing us. Because we need you to lead us not vice verse. No beautifull dress, ring, vacation or dinner can replace our desire of having at home a spiritual leader.
Atleast that is what I feel and I am pretty sure that other women too.
Subtitulados plis por favor Paul, seria de mucha bendición que fueran vÃdeos subtitulados las platicas/enseñanzas que das. Me han sido de mucha bendición y siendo honestos no hay mucho de donde "realmente alimentarce"...claro esta la Palabra, pero es bueno bendecirnos mutuamente en ella.