Great Sermon! This spoke levels to me. On many occasions I have felt so stressed out and wondered if I really had been called. I thought about something a few days ago that happened a lifetime ago when I was a teen that gave me my answer. This msg with the knowledge of my past gives me much renewed hope and much needed forgiveness. Thank you!
Praise God for bridge builders and maintainers! So thankful for all those who built and maintained the bridge at BJU for the time I was there. May God continue to keep that University for His glory!
Great Sermon! AWESOME! And thankyou. I was looking for instruction and encouragement on loving my neighbor add myself; I know this was specifically about marriage, but the principles still apply, as I estimated that it would. Thankyou!
Timely Sermon As a lay preacher In the early 1990s once preached that the sap was the Holy Spirit. I back slid for 25 years / just fell away / unfruitful. I often questioned if I was ever called to preach. But after listening to your sermon I am convinced God was using me 25 years ago. I cried out to God and thanked him for using me. God Bless you and thank you.
Great Sermon! This is soooo relevant. Who wants to be like Unredeemed sinners, or lust after the perishable? Or have soul attachments which make demands on our flesh? May Christ be formed in the hearts if his people.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. To God be the glory.
Great Sermon! Thank you for your timely sermon as identity with something today seems to
Be the religion. This has filtered into the churches with transgender being
Accepted and other things being more important than ones relationship with the living God. Thank God for His previous son whose blood has accepted US and covered our sinful natures. May God truly bless you as you honor His Word and contend for our saviour- I truly believe Christ return is close.
Great Sermon! Thankyou.I am 62 years old and have been saved for 29 years.I sometimes feel that because I am not able to do much for Gods kingdom, am I a good Christian? Growing up I felt unloved by my stepmother, so would try to do what I could to earn love. Sometimes I struggle with my new identity in Christ, thinking I need to do something to make him pleased with me. What is more pleasing to our heavenly father is to trust and obey him and know with all my heart that he loves me because Jesus stood up for me on the cross. Praise God for this.
Great Sermon! Thank you for rightly dividing the Word of Truth. You are an encouragement to no small degree. I pray the LORD will keep you close to Himself. I pray the LORD will bless you with strength, physical and spiritual. I pray the LORD will protect you from the evil one. I pray the LORD will protect you from yourself. Brother, I pray for you! Paul Joel 2:32.