Very moving! A touching reminder that all our circumstances come direcly from the Lord's hand. God is not looking the other way when bad things happen and somehow fails us at those moments. He is carefully directing all things for our good and His glory. If God can give our Brother Bobby Mccoy the daily grace he needs, certainly God can give us all we need!
Great Sermon! Wow, same message we had at our church this morning with with reference to one Body and one mind, a serious disrupter being anger or unresolved difference of opinion. Great message Steve!
Great Sermon! Last week I made some comments about this sermon regarding pride and what made the best Christians.
I want to let you know that I have a tremendous respect for you and what you say. If I sounded harsh or negative in my comments, I beg your forgiveness. I think my thought at the time was that follower far outnumber leader's. I agree that the best leader's are those with good time management skills. The best Christians are known by their fruits and following Jesus is the best thing anyone could do. My comments are bold because of the fact that I know you are a man of God and I know you are able to see and hear within His Holy Spirit!
Helpful Sermon! This message gave me a helpful point of view of looking at my present problem. His explanation made good spiritual sense in that God is sovereign and is controlling everything happening to me. My problem will become suffering for blessing as I understand it. It does give me relief.
Insightful Sermon! Again this sermon gives us deeper
understanding about the Holy Spirit and its working. We can't ever get too much discussion on the blessing of the Holy Spirit in our life. Excellent message.
Excellent Sermon! For many years I thought I was a true
Christian because I studying the Holy Scriptures regularly. But only 2 years ago did I actually understand that I needed to be "born again" which happened to me through God's Grace and Faith in Jesus Christ. Now I have the Holy Spirit living in me and am a totally changed creature. I love my Lord and Savior with a new and deeper understanding of being a child of God.
Great Sermon! Great reminder and encouragement to trust God. Practical application for anxiety issues using 1Pet 5:7 and Phil 4:6-7. Can't wait to use this and apply in my life.
Great Sermon! We are interested in getting the Scripture Memorization method that you spoke about in the sermon Eagles and Turkeys. Would like to use it to help us and our Sunday School children at church.
Syd and Cyndy Veysey
Our address is 1100 Darling Hill Road, Vershire, VT 05079
Thank you.
Great Sermon! If you are in the middle of a battle - sickness/ persecution / financial ruin. Take a moment to listen to this message-
Very very faith building. I was mighty blessed by this message.
Comforting Sermon! This touches one's heart when facing trials and has given me strength in my own difficulty. After hearing about Dr. Vaughn's serious family difficulty, I feel God's answers going through his life and am amazed at his outlook. It is a beautiful story and I know God has blessed him and his family to feel God's presence everyday. Thank you Brother John.