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Josh Crockett | Greenville, South Carolina
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Bob Jones University 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd Greenville, SC 29614
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Dr. Greg Mazak
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Choosing to Love
Biblical Marriage Guidelines
12/6/2000 (WED)
  |  Bible: Genesis 2:18,21-24
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Dr. Greg Mazak
Choosing to Love

Biblical Marriage Guidelines
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Bob Jones University
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Dr. Greg Mazak
Choosing to Love

Biblical Marriage Guidelines
Bob Jones University
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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
Jake Nichols (6/7/2024)
from USA
“ Never gets old ”
Heard it live. Listen to it periodically. Thanks Dr. Mazak. This has helped me almost daily. Praise YAHWEH!

Charity Cox (9/6/2020)
from Watertown, WI
“ Great Sermon! ”
AWESOME! And thankyou. I was looking for instruction and encouragement on loving my neighbor add myself; I know this was specifically about marriage, but the principles still apply, as I estimated that it would. Thankyou!

Mrsb (8/19/2016)
from Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon hardly needs another comment for people to find it but it was such an excellent sermon i had to. It was straight to the point and a message any engaged person needs to hear, as well as already married, single and especially on their way to divorce. How influenced the church has been by worldly ideas of love and marriage.

Lady_VirtueContact via email (7/13/2013)
from OKC
“ Great Sermon! ”
The world focuses primarily on the "eros" aspect of love: physical, sensual, sexual, romantic, self-serving, etc. Biblical love, defined in I Corinthians 13, is nothing like that. It is primarily occupied with glorifying God by obeying Him and serving others for His sake. Moreover, those early feelings of "eros" love are quickly overtaken by adjusting within marriage to living with someone who has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (just like all of us). That is definitely not always easy. I very much dislike the expression "falling in love." It sounds like an accident in process, and indeed, as noted in this message, if you can fall in love, you can fall out of it. Eros love is fleeting and fickle, often based on lust; agape love is constant and always remains.

Donna BucciContact via email (1/22/2013)
from New York
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon but I ask -- doesn't Song of Songs make a Blblical basis for being 'in love'?

DennisContact via email (6/22/2010)
from Spanish Town, Jamaica
“ The GREATEST Sermon on Love ”
Thanks for your teaching. It is the best for all who plan to get married and those who are already married whether there exists marriage counseling or not.This will build up the Church of Christ. God bless you and your family and your work. Thanks again.

Steve CobbContact via email (8/18/2009)
from Newburgh, New York
“ Great sermon! ”
Excellent sermon on the pitfalls of relying on your emotions when deciding who the perfect spouse will be. Let God decide and go with it - you will NOT be disappointed. I wasn't! God bless you.

wendy (2/23/2009)
from usa
Did you get saved after you got married? Are you wondering how to love an "enemy of God", who is beholden to the very same sin nature that ruled your heart before you came to know the Lord? Did you think your spouse would get saved immediately after you, but they didn't, so you've been spiritually alone in your marriage for some time now? Is the distance between you and your spouse growing as you get closer to the Lord and they are still outside of Christ? This will encourage and edify you...this sermon will instruct you on the importance of honoring God through sacrificially loving your spouse in a Christ-like manner. I found this very practical in helping me understand why I must "go against the grain" in loving my husband when he is cruel or "unlovely"...(this is obviously how we take up our cross and treat others the way we were treated by Christ before we were saved, He died for us when we were yet enemies of God) yet, it is tough to live that out. This sermon helped, it made the difference in moving from KNOWING I must love my husband regardless to MOTIVATING me to love him from my heart as joyful obedience to Christ.

David Barcelo (1/28/2009)
from BARCELONA - Spain / España
“ Gracias! ”
Thanks for such a clear and powerful message about the real concept of love and marriage. May God bless you, and hope many young men and women listen to this sermon. Greetings and blessings from Spain.

Rose (10/4/2008)
from Michigan
“ Thank you Dr. Mazak for speaking about Marriage. ”
Most people have no idea what the Bible says about marriage. Thank you Dr. Mazak for addressing this issue. The pulpits have all fallen silent on this subject. People are not being told the truth. Marriage is a lifetime covenant that ends with death. Anyone who divorces their spouse to marry another are charged with adultery. “A wife is married to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes.” 1 Corinthians 7:39 “A husband must not divorce his wife.” 1 Corinthians 7:11 “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.” Luke 16:18 “The man who commits adultery is an utter fool, for he destroys his own soul.” Proverbs 6:32 “Adulterers… will not inherit the Kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9 This is a very serious issue. To find out more information check out: www.marr www.cpr-minist

ATM (9/22/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
You must love your wife even when you fall in love with someone else, Dr. Mazak says here. This sermon is like a glass of cold water thrown at your face, a sort of spiritual wakeup call for Christians. Listeners will find his bold frankness is rare and refreshing. What's more, his LOGIC cannot be refuted.

JasonContact via email (5/19/2007)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi, this message is great and true which we ought to live by....I konw I'll be thinking past being in love when i get married. Thank you very much for this....God bless, for his word and you sharing it..

JihyeContact via email (2/7/2007)
from Seoul, South Korea
“ Great Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for the great message! I never knew this! For long, i've wondered what is truely necessary before marriage I'd like to share this great truth with my friends

none (11/12/2005)
from none

Carole Abumoussa (11/11/2005)
“ I never knew ”
I just never thought about it this way. What a blessing to know that we represent Jesus when we get married. It's amazing! Thank you very much for this great sermon, God bless you

MichaelContact via email (4/11/2005)
from Kyoto, Japan
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for your message. Now after 4 years, I listened to it on the internet. Tomorrow I am participating in an "omiai" - that is, a serious arranged meeting of 2 Christians, who are seeking God's will in possibly marriage. Please pray for us this week, as the mission field leader arranges for us to meet together, to consider whether to commit to choose to love, and consider marriage. Some missionaries do get married this way in Japan, but it is not the major way by any means. It is a Japanese traditional way, and probably no better or worse than the dating-courting-mating method.

Raja (2/19/2005)
from Dallas
“ Great Sermon! ”
Really a great message.

Luiz SilvaContact via email (9/10/2004)
from Brazil
“ Great Sermon! ”
I will writing in Portuguese, because it better to me. Louvo a Deus pela mensagem pregada a tanto tempo pelo Pastor Mazak e que tem produzido em minha vida uma nova visĂŁo de casamento. Creio que verdadeiramente precisamos voltar para as verdades bĂ­blicas sobre Casamento. God Bless you Dr. Mazak

Joseph ChangContact via email (2/3/2004)
from Dallas, TX
“ Very Important Message for Every Christian Life ”
This sermon elaberate the biblical principle of a marriage - a convenant (choosing to love)

JibolaContact via email (12/10/2003)
from London
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is absolutely a great sermon required in this century,which can help erase marital conflicts especially in the U.K. The principle used in this message should be used if possible by all marriage counsellors.God bless Dr.Mazak,I thank God for The wisdom of God in your life.

richard (9/16/2003)
from my computer
“ Well-Said and Very Scriptural! ”
All I can say is, "Take out a black magic marker... " (Listen to the message, and then you'll understand!) :)

BrookContact via email (7/5/2003)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Loved this sermon - it really spoke directly to me. Thanks a bunch!!

OliveContact via email (6/10/2002)
from China
“ Refreshing but, ”
It is very enjoyable and refreshing. I think I want to make up some points: According to someone's experience. If God does predestinate two persons would have a unity, God will put love toward the other being into each one's heart, though maybe without God's help one may choose not to love the other. This love is pure, gentle, forgiving, protective, obedient, surely it may cause all kinds of struggle and transformation to the one or two of them. This love has all kinds character of love from Jesus, has freedom from lust. How blessed that if we are into such marriage. I witness it one time from someone. Another point is that people should choose one to love according to God's will, He always know what is the best for us.

Deb (3/2/2002)
from Tx.
“ Amen!! ”
Praise to the Lord for Dr. Mazak's sound Biblical teaching on this subject which has been so wrongly conveyed through the media! He's right on target! This message is desperately needed today; I highly recommend it for both singles and married people!

Alfredo BullenContact via email (12/23/2001)
from Panama, Rep. of Panama
“ Very important for christian singles ”
Great sermon for singles and married people. We christians have to go back to biblical principles on love and discard wordly ways.

Michael HubbardContact via email (11/29/2001)
from Northern Alabama
“ Great Sermon! ”
Practical, straight, essentially, the truth! ALL singles should hear this!!!

Tom (10/31/2001)
“ Outstanding, Practical Truth! ”
This is the most practical message on love and marriage a single (or long married) person can hear. This is God's truth expounded.

shannon (8/3/2001)
from Mesa, AZ
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is terrific! It is good to hear someone preach on the love taught to us by tv and movies vs. a biblical marriage. Many christian singles will find this informative.

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  Dr. Greg Mazak
Greg Mazak counts it a joy and privilege to serve as the pastor-teacher of the Trinity Bible Church family, where he and his wife Nancy have worshiped since 1986. Greg has a degree in psychology from Ohio State University, where he became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. He...

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