Great love of Jesus. The love of Jesus for us never ends. He will love us forever and nothing can separate us from His love, not even our failure to love Him. There will be a day when we will love Him without failure, in glory.
Great Sermon! Very good message, anointing flows freely! I am a missionary in Nigeria. You have encouraged and inspired me today. God bless you Pastor,
In Christ alone, Lia Leigh.
Great love of God. The precious love of God is our strength in the face of the wickedness of others and in the face of temptation. The wickedness of others may be great, but God's love is rising unto the skies.
Great love. Jesus endured all sufferings for our salvation, in His love. He owe Him thanks and we must endure hardships for Him also, from love for Him.
Great love. Great lesson of forgiveness of Peter by Jesus. We must forgive as Christ forgave us. Love and forgiveness are the sine qua non of ministering in the Kingdom of God. An unforgiving spirit cannot serve.
Great love. Jesus, choosing in Gethsemany to do His Father's will and not His own, for our salvation, is the greatest example of loving others selflessly.
Trusting God. If we have love for God and we know God's love for us, we will trust to come before Him with our prayers in great hope that He will answer and work for us. We will have hope that people we pray for can be saved, restored, sanctified, because we know that God's power can work all these in them.
Joy of forgivennes. We must not rejoice when we see others sin, so to justify ourselves, but to rejoice in the grace of God in us and in others, to rejoice when we see others forgiven. Excellent illustration from Luke 7:36-50.
Irritability. Love is not irritable. Irritation is a sign that we do not love people, we do not accept what God sends in our lives, we have no faith in Him and we do not know to come to Him to receive power to service. In contrast, we see Jesus loving and not being irritable (Mark 6:30-44).
Kindness. Love shows kindness. Demonstrated in the kindness God showed toward us in saving us, exemplified in Titus 3:4-7. God wants to work in us a kindness like His toward others.
Patience. Excellent lesson in patience, illustrated by the story of Lazarus' death. When we are impatient, we do not believe in God's control, work and final plan for us.
Great Sermon! I was greatly encouraged and inspired by this beautifully presented sermon!
What a blessing!
May God continue to bless your teaching ministry!
Eternal life. Eternal life argued from OT, from the resurrection of Christ and from NT. People believed in eternal life, received it, others were raised from the dead. Eternal life is found only in Jesus Christ.
Jesus died for us. Man has a sinful nature and does sinful acts: the wages of sin is death. Proven from many Biblical text. Jesus Christ died on the cross, but for His sins, but for the sins of His people.
Great plan of God. Wise plan of God in history! Wise in subjecting this world to futility, wise and glorious to enter, through His Son, in this world to save His people, wise and full of grace in bringing us to glory!