Great mercy of God. Sin puts a great distance between men and God, but there is hope, because God's mercy reaches where the sinner is and lifts him up in His salvation.
I appreciate. I never heard about a service like this before! I appreciate very much this kind of interest for the flock. May God bless your service!
Tests. Blessed message for my soul! The danger of not obeying to God's Word. As Adam was tested in the garden and Israel in the desert, Saul was tested now and he fell losing a dynasty. Christ was a new King with another Kingdom, but He passed the test of obedience towards God. Because of His obedience and death we are saved.
Great Savior. God's recovery plan is a Person, Jesus Christ. He will fulfill the promises of God concerning the Messiah and will lead His people in salvation and blessing.
Word and courage. Ordination service. A message for spiritual leaders. Joshua had to trust in the Lord, to base his life and ministry on the written Word and to be courageous in what God commanded him to do.
Great courage. A message about the courage of Peter and John. Convictions informed their courage, circumstances demanded it and Christ inspired it.
Only through Jesus. Peter's lasting Gospel confronts the pluralistic theories of today. There is no other way to God but through Jesus. The world loves to invent for themselves all kinds of Jesuses, but they cannot bring them to God and they cannot save.
Appreciation. I am a Reformed Baptist and I was very blessed listening to many sermons from this church. I was interested to listen to now about this subject, to know how you treat it. As a Baptist, I do not agree with infant baptism. But I appreciate very much the spiritual care of the elders for the families. I was surprised to know that there are many in your church who do not hold to infant baptism. I appreciate very much your attitude toward them, as described in this message.
God for us. What God did for us, what is doing for us and what He will do for us. We saved us, He is working in us sanctification and He will glorify us. This is the basis of our hope and the reason of Paul's calling to unity in humility.
Strait. I am amazed again to see that the great men of God, when they spoke to the people, spoke not in uncertain words or in allusions, but told the people in strait word what is asking God from them or what is the Word of God for them. I still must learn this. I am thankful for this message for reminding me that thing.
Blessed message. What a profound, healthy and glorious message preached Peter on that occasion! A message which illuminated the work of God in forgiveness and in the restoration of all things. A message always illustrated and argued on OT basis. What a clarity and beauty in a message inspired by the Holy Spirit!
Great faith in God. Not our story is essential, but God's story and plan. Our story is significant if it is united with God's story. We have to wait in patience and faith for God's working plan.
Great God. What a powerful message, what a glorious God! How dangerous to change the character of God and His ways, as revealed in Scripture, and to invent a "God" after your image and pleasure! God will not give His glory to idols! How wonderful is His jealousy for the glory of His Name!
Great hope. I have to praise God for how he treats with me, with us, His children. We fail so often, but He burns us not in His condemnation, but burns our sins and purifies us. He is not tired of our failures, but He will keep on perfecting us. What a grace!
Team work. We, God's children, are part of a story which started long ago. We must continue the story. We are a team which must propagate together the Gospel of salvation. We must be faithful to our calling.
Great liberation. The yoke of Jesus brings peace, liberty and joy. Other religious yokes are vain burdens, who bring not salvation, but crushes people's personalities.
Great Savior. The Son of God made like one of us, so to be qualified to be our High Priest and Savior. Every day of His life He lived with us, His people, in mind: He lived in submission to His Father's will and died for our sins in order to secure our salvation.