Prophecies fulfilled. I like this continual identification of OT background in Peter's preaching, as fulfillment of prophecy about the suffering Messiah, who raised from the dead and is Lord.
Great foundation. What a sweet comfort! My destiny is in the hand of the Lamb! What a powerful foundation for my life! I was very blessed and encouraged by this message, which highly exalts our Savior and His salvation!
Great vision. I like and I appreciate very much the vision of this church, as depicted in this video. It manifests a Christian community life of the church, as it honors the Lord.
Real war. Saul's was as a type of our spiritual war. We must declare war on Satan and all his works. We have a victorious King in Jesus. We must live conscious of the fact that we are involved in a real spiritual war.
Testimony. This message blessed me. We have to make a presence in the city, to his her peace and to pray for her. We must not isolate ourselves, but to be a testimony in the city, advancing the Kingdom of God where God put us.
Sovereign Lord. God is sovereign and the people cannot even choose or find the king without God. The people ask for a king as the nations have, God wants a king being under His and His Law's authority.
Restoration. Christ was in the Temple through His disciples. This healing was a pre-tasting and a promise of the restoration of all things in the last day through Christ the Lord.
Wonderful fellowship. I understood better, in a new light, the fellowship of the church in Acts 2 from this message. What a wonderful life of fellowship can create the Holy Spirit!
God can and cares. What a glorious and comforting message: God can help us and He cares about us! His eternal plan with us will not fail and He will give us the strength to persevere! What a foundation for our faith and lives!
Great is our God. The text of this sermon in Romans 11:33-36, not John 15:1-8. God is altogether deep, independent and central. God is the source of all things, He sustains everything and He is the purpose behind everything. This God is worthy to receive our worship and service.
Sovereign Lord. God's sovereignty and the Messiah's lordship highly exalted. The enemies of God cannot destroy God's plans - He will carry out His will efficaciously.
Good foundation. The believers had a common identity and a common activity. The teaching in which they persevered was apostolic, public and authentic. It is true, our faith is based on an objective Word of God in Scriptures, not in subjective experiences.
Change of mind. Peter preaches repentance: a change of mind regarding Christ whom they crucified. Jesus was really made Lord and Christ by God and they had now to confess that.