Spiritual battle. David saw that Goliath was attacking God and that God will revenge this. And he saw that God can use him to destroy this enemy. David had spiritual eyes to see, when all the people saw only with physical eyes.
Seeing or listening. We must not trust in our seeing, but we must listen to what God speaks to us. We must not decide things in our understanding, but to seek God's guidance. Even Samuel was deceived to look to the face of man. But God sees the heart.
Repentance. A message about repentance. God calls the sinner back to Himself and promises that He will accept them. What He did for mankind in Christ demonstrated God's care for people.
Sad. A man with great natural gifts, but without spiritual light. A religion of salvation by morality, which is not biblical and it is deceiving people.
Preparation for death. I read yesterday in a Romanian writer that he said that you can live with God but we all die alone. Praise God this is not the truth! He knows nothing about our God, revealed in the Bible!
Excellent. I liked very much this idea: it is dangerous for the Church to marry with the spirit or the fashion of the world, because she will be soon a widow. The fashion changes, the Church remains a one generation movement.
Biblical. The content of the Word of God must be the cause and the content of Christian music. Salvation is for the whole man, not only for man's intellect and will, but also for his sentiments.
Spiritual war. A message about vengeance, holy war, submission and repentance. As Christians, our spiritual war with sin and with the dark spirits is as serious as Israel's wars in the OT. We must realize that we are in a spiritual war. Very good the distinction between Israel's wars in the OT and our spiritual was in the NT era.
Faithful servants. Ordination service. A message for preachers especially, but relevant for all God's servants. We must do God's work after God's plan in God's power. The apostolic succession is not about the function of some people, but about the message entrusted to us.
Great faith in God. The prayer of the disciples was full of God, full of Scripture and full of faith. God's sovereign rule and control of history wonderfully depicted.
Great foolishness. The man who rejects God cannot help but to retain an obsession for little religious details, to seek to reconcile his disturbing conscience. He that rejects God rejects spiritual wisdom and acts foolishly, as Saul did.
Joy in work. We are God's representatives on the earth. God has given us the earth to subdue and to administrate for His glory. Work has not to be an unpleasant thing for us, but a pleasant thing, because it means serving God.
Great mercy of God. Sin puts a great distance between men and God, but there is hope, because God's mercy reaches where the sinner is and lifts him up in His salvation.
I appreciate. I never heard about a service like this before! I appreciate very much this kind of interest for the flock. May God bless your service!
Tests. Blessed message for my soul! The danger of not obeying to God's Word. As Adam was tested in the garden and Israel in the desert, Saul was tested now and he fell losing a dynasty. Christ was a new King with another Kingdom, but He passed the test of obedience towards God. Because of His obedience and death we are saved.