Great unity. What a blessing the the church is not an organization in which we are related extwrnally, but it is the society of those saved by the grace of God through Christ, who have the same faith.
Balance. A call to balance in the Christian life between the doctrine of election and a godly life, between authority in leading the church and the attitude of a servent, between doctrine and godliness.
Great Light. Christ is Light and makes us lights in this world, teaching us to walk worthy of our names as lights, in godness, righteousness and truth.
Great protection. Blessed naration of God's protection of David, His annointed. Very good the illustration of the parallels between David and Christ.
Great rejection. Blessed sermon of Stephen, who is presenting the Jews their history of always rejecting, persecuting and killing God's messenger to them. They did the same with Jesus and now are doing the same with Stephen. They are not recognizing the dealings of their God with them.
Watch. Good reminder that we Christians have not permission to live like those in the world, but we are to live as saints cleansed by the blood of Jesus. We are to watch to our ways for God's glory.
Great calling. God calls us not to impart life in secular and sacred aspects, but to live our whole life as a service and worship unto God, everyone in his calling being a testimony of God's renewing work in us through Christ.
Excellent. Singing in the face of the devil! Singing for the edification of the saints and for defying of the devil. Excellent message about Luther's theology of singing. A lively presentation of an aspect of Luther's life, theology and church practice.
Gnosticism and Christianity. The difference between Gnosticism and Christianity is that the first seeks a secret knowledge, the second proclaims a revealed knowledge for all. The first seeks a knowledge which can be found by man in his power, the second depends on the revelation of God. This knowledge must be believed also for salvation.
Great burden. What a serious thing: God does not want His servants to be un-sensible preachers, but He burdens Hosea, so that Hosea can know and feel the heart of God and can deliver the message to the people with broken heart. I know preachers who denounces with determination the sins of their people, but never saw them crying because the sins of their people! God wants us His servants to be preachers who have His burden for the state of the people. Only in this way we can preach to others!
Great sin. Even if the unsaved man sees many of God's miracles and deeds of love, his heart remains full with murmurings and dissatisfaction, until God gives him a new heart. He bases his life of the gratifying of his lust and not trusting in the character and the promises of God. The faith given by God enables us to trust in Him.
Upside down. A sincere testimony of a man of God troubled by the apparent absence of God's justice and judgment. But he enters the Temple and he sees things from the point of view of the eternity and everything turns upside down.
Great work of God. Blessed work of God's salvation and empowering to witness in the life of Stephen. I liked very much the idea of God's glory shining on Stephen's face, as on the face of Moses, bringing testimony to the Jews, who were not accepting the reality.
Great help. Great encouragement to see whom God uses in His Providence to save David's life: Saul's son and daughter. And when there is no one to help him, the Holy Spirit intervenes Himself to save him. We must trust in God: God will be our refuge and strength. Christ is also God's anointed, against whom the leaders of this world fight, but He is conquering always.
Great wisdom. God takes great care for the well-being of His people. The apostles manifested great wisdom and love in their counsel. The peace of the church was restored and the service of God empowered.
Testimony of God. God is testifying that David is His faithful servant and His anointed. Saul perceives that David has what he has not in his life, but resists and hates that.
Dependence on the Spirit. We must look like the Gospel we proclaim. Paul didn't use the worldly carnal methods of trying to impress the listeners or to manipulate it. He wanted not that man may respond to him, but to respond to the Holy Spirit. He believed that, if the Gospel is preached faithfully, the Holy Spirit will use the preaching to save people.