Great Sermon! Dear Bro.Cornelius
Greetings in the name of Our LORD
Jesus Christ I heard your sermon Disciples in Grace through internet in Tamil Nadu India it is very Good May God bless you & your ministry
Emmanuel India
Great Sermon! Great sermon outlining the moral characteristics of an elder and their role in defending the faith against additions and/or false teaching from coming into the church. Aaron provides a good background to the text as well as calls believers to be firm in authentic defence of the faith by living countercultural lives as demonstrated by Holy living before God as opposed to the living standards of the world.
Great Sermon! Really good sermon in defence of Pauls ministry to the Corinthians. Paul defends his ministry by declaring the Glory of Christ, which makes his ministry glorious. Aaron challenges us, do we see Christ and His ministry as glorious.
Great Sermon! All your messages on speaking the truth in love are so beneficial. I am active in a discipling church which puts me in the very situations you are speaking of. I however have not handled them all in the way you speak. You so touched my heart in this area. I came from a home that did not communicate, but just had a dictorial attitude, this has left me with the heart to mentor, but not always the skills. We also have a teenage son that we adopted that has many difficulties because of severe abuse. These teachings are so beneficial. Some of my difficulties are, I know what I should do, but many times my emotions take over. It's like I do not remember anything in the heat of the moment. Just this past week, because of my perception of being "rejected" I told this sister, "I do not want to disciple her" I wanted loyalty and then turned around and did the same thing to her that I did not want done to me. It sounds like a mess, but God and our woman's ministry leader has helped me so much........and your teachings. Do you have any books out or a web sight with more of your audio messages available. I thank God for your wisdom and insight, it must be wonderful to sit under you.
Timely! Pithy pointed summary.. Good commentary on the news: (these WOW commentaries are a good listen: check out the previous ones) Makes me think that if they're gonna take old stories,they should take this report from Papias:
Papias' take would be labelled
"Judas the fat stinking rotten stench..."
according to Papias...
Judas walked about in this world a sad example of impiety; for his body having swollen to such an extent that he could not pass where a chariot could pass easily, he was crushed by the chariot, so that his bowels gushed out.
Theophylact, after quoting this passage, adds other particulars, as if they were derived from Papias. He says that Judas's eyes were so swollen that they could not be seen, even by the optical instruments of physicians; and that the rest of his body was covered with runnings and worms. He further states, that he died in a solitary spot, which was left desolate until his time; and no one could pass the place without stopping up his nose with his hands.
Best point? that
people that say that Judas was really the victim, and not the villain follow a lie that comes straight from the very same Satan who entered Judas on the night that he
betrayed Jesus Christ. John 13:27
Great Sermon! I appreciate the speaker's commitment to the WCF. I think that a lot of problems in the theon/recon movement had a lot to do with a neglect of the first table of the law. Many in that camp jumped right into social activism without a commitment to WCF standards. And many folks have become disillusioned with theon since many of its adherents who they trusted have fallen into heresies such as Romanism, neo-orthodoxy, the Auburn Ave Theology, full preterism and white supremacy. And that has to do with many of these theonomists leaving church authority and going off on their own. People see these things and are not only turned off to a biblical nomology, but often the gospel in general. I am sad that many people who used to adhere to theon principles have been burned and have now reverted to pietism in the reformed camp or have even gone off the deep end into postmodern thought within evangelicalism. And we've seen heresies that have sprung from the non theonomic wing of reformdom as well. We are being challenged as reformed people to live for Christ and fight for the faith instead of merely enjoying the faith as an intellectual ivory tower. Heresies are not the Arminians' problem. They are the Church's and we need to get our hands dirty with the work of the gospel!