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News Item3/18/15 5:12 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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The religion of pagan Romanism would not be classified Christian except in some ecumenical unregenerated folk who plague this site with their rubbish.
1. Rome has a different Jesus Christ, who is still hanging on a 'crucifix ' and has to be sacrificed daily on roman altars by pagan priests.
2. A different gospel, which is no gospel.
3. A different afterlife, resulting in a personal fear of death and torture in a fictitious place called 'purgatory'.

Could go on and on, but most people understand it is an apostate works mongering religion spawned in hell.

News Item3/16/15 8:38 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Frank wrote:
Thanks ladybug, SC and Dorcas for your faithfulness and for your kind comments regarding my posts. Although I must admit that mine weren't nearly as logical and effective as yours, all of you who are standing against the John and Mike duo. Just don't let them get to you. They are ignoring truth and digging in because of pride and arrogance. It is very hard for most brothers to take false positions and then admit they are false. I think the sisters are much more able to do that sort of thing; why I don't know. I think men normally are affected more by pride?
Yeah Frank that's what I tell my husband. but he wisely reminds me that the Lord said I am to reverence my husband.
Anyhoo, all that can and has been said about the Graham's has been pretty much covered.
It's just turning into another long winded thread and I don't want to be part of it when the Lord is not being glorified..
Besides I am worn out with refuting John Y on Romanism.
Gonna take a break from here for awhile...will be remembering you and all my dear sisters and others in prayer.
Peace and Grace dear brother.

News Item3/16/15 6:12 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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News Item3/16/15 5:41 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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John UK wrote:
Do you know of any local churches that are sold out.......
Sure do. And the pastors are zealous for Gods glory and honour.
Street preachers, all of them.
Very humble and have no million dollar salary, private jet, or have their faces plastered all over Fox news.
And..they speak out vehemently against ecumenical teachers and the old harlot Rome.

News Item3/16/15 3:16 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Michael H,
I have no problem in corresponding with you as long as we can be civil one to another.
I really did not have you in mind when I posted my comment.
Did you know that it is one of the principle objectives of the second Vatican council to promote ecumenism?
Restoration of unity among Christian churches of every kind.
First and foremost was that all understood that Christ established the RCC and gave it the Eucharist , the Holy Spirit, and the bishops with the pope as their head to rule, so that all the "church" might be unified.
To promote understanding and cooperation,competent experts were to engage in dialogue.
The council stated that the goal of the RCC ecumenical strategy was the unity of all Christian churches through common communion with the RCC.
I quote from the second Vatican council:
"The results will be that little by little, as the obstacles to perfect ecclesiastical communion are overcome, ALL CHRISTIANS will be gathered in a common celebration (adoration) of the Eucharist......

This is what the BGEA is in league with and why so many of us are 'zealous' to expose this ecumenical compromise.
There is no room in biblical Christianity for unity or cooperation with Rome and its false gospel, continuing sacrifice of its 'mass' or idolatrous devotio

News Item3/16/15 2:15 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Frank, ladybug, sc, MS....
A quote from J.C. Ryle
"Zeal in religion is a burning desire to please God, to do His will, and to advance His glory in the world in every possible way.
It is a desire which no man feels by nature-
which the Spirit puts in the heart of every believer when he/she is converted.-but which some believers feel so much more strongly than others that they alone deserve to be called "zealous" people".
I only see from some on this thread a zealous desire to promote the glory of their celebrity preacher, who has been proven to be a rank ecumenist.

News Item3/16/15 11:24 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Good comment Pennnned.
It breaks my heart to see all the false ecumenical lies that are propagated in these last days.
My own parents are deceived by the SBC in their hometown who come over to the RCC and pray, preach and have 'sing-alongs'.
No gospel is preached, just feel good humanism works-based religion.
So all who defend these ecumenists, there are some of us who are living with this grief of heart concerning our loved ones and neighbors who believe they are Christians and don't understand why we will not join them in their deception of Romanism being a Christian denomination.

News Item3/15/15 6:45 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Well some of us are worn out by your constant posting of roman catholicism being a Christian denomination.
So stop with that nonsense, and then we can move right along.

News Item3/14/15 9:36 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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To all my dear brothers ad sisters in Christ,
Just wanted to say how much you all are in my heart, thoughts, and prayers.
Even though we may grumble and fault-find with one another on our differing views of theology, politics, social causes..etc. those of us who are in Christ Jesus are family and will be together forever.
Beloved of God, have a good evening and a blessed Lords Day.
"O love the Lord, all ye His saints".

News Item3/14/15 6:29 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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So glad that the Lord is blessing you in a mighty way by the singing of His Psalms.
My husband and myself often remark how we are retaining the Word so much more and how it is brought to our remembrance in the most trying of times.
Hope all is going well with sister Liz, she is still remembered in my prayers.
Have a blessed Lord's Day.

News Item3/14/15 5:47 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Yes John some of us are very concerned and support The TBS Bible Society Foreign Bible Fund.
I would suggest that to others here on the board as a most worthy cause.

News Item3/7/15 2:27 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Thanks to Obama care and our ever rising health care costs, we will be fortunate if we can even eat once a day

News Item3/7/15 2:07 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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pennnned wrote:
I'm unconcerned with your emotions toward me, as my pet project, being the youth around me, hundreds of faces of young people come to mind, are my greater concern. sure I would like to have peace with you, a sister in Christ.

I am willing to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

News Item3/7/15 1:38 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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You have gone down a rabbit trail.
You stated in your post yesterday that everyone on SA minus a few brave souls were ok with abortion.
How have you reached that conclusion?
Are you omniscient?
Are you God?
Just because folks don't comment concerning these matters doesn't mean that they are not concerned, praying, out at abortion mills trying to persuade mothers not to murder their baby.
You made a very broad and sweeping condemnation of people who post here on SA and that was the reason for my post in the first place.
If you go through my posts in the past , my stand on the 'silent holocaust' is crystal clear.

News Item3/7/15 1:01 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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pennnned wrote:
Frank and Dorcas, the floor is yours to state your opinion on this. Your testimony will speak to what you are about.
"your testimony will speak to what you are about"??

Who are you to start deciding that matter, concerning who leaves comments or does not leave comments on ones 'pet' issue?
You have gone beyond your boundaries, pennned.
Good day.

News Item3/7/15 10:12 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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John UK, Michael H.... Amen!

News Item3/7/15 9:06 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Excuse me pennned, what are you talking about?
Your post is nothing but a tirade....
Feel better?

News Item3/6/15 11:20 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Pennned wrote:
"including EVERYONE on SA minus a few brave souls....
You cannot read hearts pennned, please stop bearing false witness against brothers and sisters in Christ just because they do not post concerning these matters, you do not know any of us and what we are speaking out for or against, and praying about.

News Item3/6/15 10:16 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Nothing like hearing it straight from the horses
Yes, quite sad indeed.

News Item3/6/15 7:28 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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The lack of Bible understanding among Catholics leaves them wide open to spiritual deception.
If one is not saved and in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit the Scriptures are a closed book to their understanding.
They engage in practices that have more in common with the occult than with Christianity.
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