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News Item3/6/15 2:54 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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S. Dalvere..

News Item3/6/15 2:35 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Frank wrote:
I have also experienced some of my posts not showing up, but I don't remember the subject matter and it doesn't happen very often, so I just ignore it. I remember when moderator beta was on a tear and was deleting so many things it was obvious to me that he had a personal agenda. One thing is for sure, if satan's church cannot be exposed on this forum, then I will truly leave it once and forever.
Me too.

News Item3/6/15 2:27 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Frank wrote:
Amen sister, amen. You would think that if only a couple agree with him that would alert him as to the errors of his thinking, but it doesn't.
Now you and I already know what that means, so I will just leave it there; for now at least.
Thanks brother.
Something for you to ponder...I have had some posts concerning Romanism not show up on the board...there were no personal attacks, or names mentioned, just some of my own personal experiences and quotes from their own sources.
Strange huh?
Maybe someone's toes are being stepped on....

News Item3/6/15 2:11 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Well John would be hard pressed to find any on this site who would agree with you concerning your beloved RC organization, except of course SteveR.

And yes it is a pagan anti-Christ religion..

News Item3/5/15 4:12 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Frank wrote:
Sister, I agree with your thoughts. Many of us came out of that abominable manmade religion. If someone chooses to remain in the RCC, they are either newly saved and will leave sooner than later or they were never saved in the first place. I also understood your thoughts regarding a building versus those that worship in that building. A building cannot be spiritual or unspiritual and that is all you meant. Hang in there sister and just think, one day this will all be over with and we will be in eternity with our Lord and Savior.
Thank-you Frank,
I appreciate your comments and encouragement, you are a real benefit to this forum.

News Item3/5/15 3:24 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Here we go again.
Sermon Audio Mod please delete SteveR vile and vicious attack on Shane from socal.
Why is this continually allowed????
He should be banned!!!

News Item3/5/15 3:03 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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When a person is truly saved and indwelt by the Holy Spirit he /she will be convicted of remaining in an apostate religion.
I know that for a fact as that was mine and my husbands experience...many other true Christians that we know, it was their experience also.
My posts are strictly to negate his comments that RC is a Christian denomination.

News Item3/4/15 6:59 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Hey sister how are you?
Your comment about stickers on cars concerning children..

News Item3/4/15 5:13 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Just to be clear concerning my posts to is not my intent to get him to stop going to a RC building, I challenge his posts when he comments about RC being Christian and scriptural .
Where he goes or doesn't go is between him and God.

News Item3/4/15 2:53 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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John Y,
What you and the organization that you attend fail to realize that true faith is " the faith" that was once and for all delivered to the saints in the first century and does not include the blasphemous dogmas of indulgences for the dead, purgatory, and the bloodless ritual of the Mass, and calling Mary the 'mother of God'.
By your attendance there and your devotion to it and your constant defense of it speaks is not a Christian denomination as it preaches a salvation by mans works which is accursed by God.
One of the clever strategies of the devil is to appeal to man's senses by mixing error with truth(Genesis 3:1-7)
I am afraid he has outwitted you because you are unaware of his schemes.

News Item3/4/15 2:12 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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John Y,
The biblical Lord Jesus Christ is revealed in the pages of scripture from Genesis to Revelation.
He is my living Lord, Master, Prophet, King,and intercessor to God the Father.
Not some emancipated corpse hanging from a 6' 'crucifix'above a pagan roman altar, where some man in a dress pretends to sacrifice him to his father.
You can fool yourself all you want , that's your business, my issue with you is the constant blatant lies you parrot day in and day out concerning this satanic cult on the board.
May God in His Mercy grant you repentance unto life.
I did not see your comment as gossip.
I saw it as an encouragement.

News Item3/4/15 8:58 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Matt wrote:
I think he was enforcing your position John UK. This was taken from Deuteronomy and not Revelation, but it's still the Word of God. In reality there is nothing wrong with letting God's word do the talking. Next time try and be a little more Discerning about what you are reading.
If you have spent any time on this site you would be a little more discerning in reference to the poster SteveR.
He is an ecumenist who particularly defends romanism and anathematises any and all who disagree with his beloved papacy.
John UK was spot on in his post.

News Item3/4/15 8:30 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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John Yurich USA wrote:
What is with you anyway? Are you totally incapable of comprehension abilities or what? The Apostles and Nicene Creeds which are the Statement of Faith of the Catholic Church states "We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God"(That is the biblical and historical Jesus the Catholic Church worships as God and not another 'jesus'). Luther even believed the Catholic Church worships the biblical and historical Jesus as God. Do you also believe the Lutheran Church worships a false jesus and not the biblical and historical Jesus?
You are not fighting against my thoughts or opionions but your organizations own doctrine taken from their official RC catechism.
Which is their rule of faith and PRACTICE.

News Item3/3/15 11:37 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
Thank you sister, I'm presently listening to the sermon!
Hi sister,
Was glad to see your post.
Have been remembering you in prayer.
Pastor Silversides was really spot on with his sermon...may we all take heed.
~Peace and Grace in the Lord Jesus Christ~
U S,
Thanks for your post...yes may we all remember that our communication which proceeds out of our mouths be used for edifying and ministering grace to the readers.
God Bless.

News Item3/3/15 8:38 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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More teachings about the RC 'Jesus' from their own catechism.
Christ's body and blood exist wholly and entirely in every fragment of consecrated bread and wine in every Roman Catholic 'church' around the world. [1374, 1377]
The consecrated bread and wine are heavenly food which help one to attain eternal life. [1392, 1405, 1419]
The 'church' is to continue the sacrifice of Christ for the salvation if the world.
[1323, 1382, 1405, 1407].

Will continue to post from their own books as long as rubbish concerning them being a Christian denomination is posted up on this site. TLW.

News Item3/3/15 5:54 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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John UK wrote:
IMHO, the fact that some Christians use Facebook on a daily basis reveals either that they are or are becoming backslidden, not discerning the evils thereof; or, similarly, that they succumb to peer pressure, and do not have the spiritual fortitude to resist that temptation.
IMHO, the internet in general is the main focus of many criminal minds, who use it for their diverse activities. It would not surprise me one whit if suddenly overnight, the bank accounts of over half the population of the world got reduced to zilch.
What does one do?
So true John, my husband and myself will not do any Internet financial transactions, much to our banks chagrin, they are constantly wanting us to go on-line and keep reassuring us how safe their firewalls are..ha!
FB is not for us...not interested in seeing your vacations, what little Jimmy ate for his after school snack, what new tricks Fido can perform....

News Item3/3/15 1:59 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Thanks brethren for your encouragement.
I learned from my own family to always quote from their organizations handbook as to what that satanic abomination teaches.
Then continue to show them scriptures that completely negate what their handbook teaches.

News Item3/3/15 12:25 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Btw: this organization is where the BGEA sends their RC 'converts' that they make Christians, back into.

News Item3/3/15 12:19 PM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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It is continually being posted by JohnY. that the RC organization worships a biblical and historical Jesus.
From their (RC) own catechism I will post a few of the statements about the 'Jesus' of the RC organization:
The mass makes present Christ in His death and VICTIMHOOD[1353, 1362, 1364]
The mass is an unbloody sacrifice which atones for the sins of the living and the dead.[1367, 1371,1414]
Each sacrifice of the mass appeases God's wrath against sin.[1371, 1414]
God desires that consecrated bread and wine be worshiped as divine. [1378-1381]
Christ has ordained certain men to a ministerial priesthood to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross. [ 1142, 1547,

News Item3/3/15 10:28 AM
Dorcas  Find all comments by Dorcas
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Pastor David Silversides has a most alarming talk about social networks.
called: 'Social Networking Sites'.
Date: 9/25/11
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