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News Item11/21/06 8:11 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Michael of Endicott
I think the reason you have asked the question Michael, is because you are suggesting that the Calvinist way of viewing Christian life, as predestinated by God, is a "terrible or even nasty" view of God whom we know IS Love.

I appreciate why you have looked at it this way. However if you look at Christs remarks eg: Matt 7:21-23, and eg: Revs 3:14-20 we can see that He makes some powerful statements about salvation.
The Lord is stating that many may try to get in to salvation but simply won't make it. Look at Jesus words; - "Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? AND HE SAID unto them,
Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for MANY, I say unto you, WILL SEEK to enter in, and SHALL NOT be able."(Luk 13:23/24)

Jesus has slammed the door on seekers.
We may ask; "What did they do wrong.?" And I'm sure we can all arrive at various theological ways of disqualifying them.
But the essential point is that Christ Himself states that "seeking" by itself is simply not enough unto salvation.

Therefore the world as it is, full of sin and evil, is certainly a place of trial and tribs, which are a painful experience, - BUT that which God has ordained to test the Church.


News Item11/19/06 10:06 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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"Sultan, who identifies herself as a secular ex-Muslim, told WND she would urge Bush to take a closer look at Islamic culture and its general embrace of violence as a means of establishment and expansion."

Now thats a point I can share with this lady.
I have always wondered how Britain, even in it's liberal PC blindness, can't look at the state of Muslim countries, - and ask itself the question "Do we really want to import that philosophy here."???

I guess the PC answer is yes.???

Which is a stupid answer.
But thats liberalism for you today, the worst form of terrrorism in the world.

News Item11/19/06 9:32 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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"Scientology teaches that mankind is an immortal being (called a Thetan) not originally from this planet that is trapped by matter, energy, space, and time (MEST). Salvation for a Scientologist comes through a process called 'auditing,' whereby 'engrams' (basically, memories of past pain and unconsciousness that create energy blockage) are removed. Auditing is a very lengthy process and can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. When all engrams are finally removed, the Thetan can once again control MEST instead of being controlled by it. Until salvation, each Thetan is constantly reincarnated.

Scientology is a very expensive religion to associate with. Every aspect of Scientology has some sort of fee associated with it. This is why Scientology's "pews" are filled only with the wealthy. It is also a very strict religion, and very punitive against those who would try to leave behind its teachings and membership. Its "scriptures" are limited solely to the writings and teachings of L. Ron Hubbard."

Hey this is similar to arminianism and Popery - They use human endeavour too.?

News Item11/18/06 8:19 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Desperate measures emanating from the "Abominations"

At least this item shows the hypocrisy in society, where the fertilized egg of a penguin has better rights than the fertilized egg of the human, which is murdered by abortion on a daily basis.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,"

News Item11/17/06 10:31 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Protestant from UK
I'm a Free Presbyterian.

The Free Church of Scotland I find is going in a direction that I don't want to follow. One of the reasons the group called "F.C.O.S.(Continuing)" left them.

News Item11/17/06 10:26 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Mike from New York
You asked
"How do humanist liberals manage to destroy the true church?"

Oh Dear, I don't know if I should reveal the answer to this Mike.
Hhhmmm should I shouldn't I.???

Oh allright. I'll Tell you.


News Item11/17/06 7:21 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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"If you want to save the Union and have a devolved democratic Government, then the changes which the DUP fought for and obtained in this new Agreement, to safeguard your British and democratic rights, must be made."

In the long run the devolution of Ulster, Scotland and Wales will make the term and title, "British" to be of little real significance.
Indeed perhaps we are already there.

The English people and politicians are already asking questions about Scottish MP's being involved with English/Westminster decisions.

And this may become a controversial element in who the next Prime Minister will be. Gordon Brown whom so many see as the front runner - is a Scot.
Some English folks must be thinking, "Why a Scot when they have their own parliament.?"

We already know that Tony Blair isn't convinced that Brown should replace him. Is that a nationalistic conviction.???

News Item11/16/06 5:35 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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This won't work in this U.K. of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Liberal Church is noted by it's absence from the plea. They are the church of the establishment. The same humanistic liberal persuasions which destroys them, destroys all authority in our anti-Christian society.

News Item11/16/06 4:12 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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I agree.
However it was a "contoversy" in the 5th century between Augustine and Pelagius (within the then Church). In that respect it started there. But was condemned as heresy at Carthage and Numidia councils.

"In the meantime, while the Pelagian controversy was at its height, John Cassian, of Syrian extraction and educated in the Eastern Church, having removed to Marseilles, in France, for the purpose of advancing the interests of monkery in that region, began to give publicity to a scheme of doctrine occupying a middle position between the systems of Augustine and Pelagius. This system, whose advocates were called Massilians from the residence of their chief, and afterward Semipelagians by the Schoolmen, is in its essential principles one with that system which is now denominated Arminianism"

Survey11/16/06 2:53 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Hi Cheryl, Yes I'm afraid the decline in numbers over at this side of the pond, is very acute and desturbing.
The "Kirk" as an example has about 600,000 members today and in the 1930's it was three times that number.

But sad to say the Kirk is a predominantly Liberal church today. I was brought up in the Kirk, later when I came to Christ I returned for about 5 years, and found it sadly lacking in serious Bible Doctrine. At that time I didn't know much Doctrine myself, but I could still see errors of judgement in their decisions and direction.
The Lord brought me through that experience and blessed my understanding to embrace the Doctrines of Grace.

This really is the point at which I find the demise starting. Bible knowledge both in the Pulpit and the pew is at an all time low. The history of the various splits from the Kirk, like the Free Church and the Free Presbyterian Church have underlined their direction over the last two centuries.
Beginning with the seed of Arminianism this has lead to the "bloom" of Liberalism. Thats one of the reasons why I come down hard on arminianism, because the real evil of it, is what it does to the future church.

Scotland once strong in Christian teaching and ethics is now a barren desert of true Faith.

Survey11/16/06 12:08 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Mike, New York
These days we seem to be getting strange winter weather patterns. Like snow in the new year and none in Nov/Dec. Many put it down to so called global warming.

I was reading a history book about the MidLands area of England, and the author was reminiscing about the beginning of the 20th century, when he could wind-sail on a type of ski-boat, on the fields of his county over frozen ice. This however stopped during the 1930/40's and hasn't been seen since.

In my own town our local river used to get frozen over, in the early part of last century, enough to skate on. I've never seen it that frozen in my lifetime, (50 Years), so I guess something is happening over here.

News Item11/16/06 11:55 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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"Early Christians" like eg, Augustine spoke in terms of what is called Calvinist doctrines today.

But the Roman Church chose Pelagian later; and later still chose anti-Pelagian, which is what we call Arminian today; - you call it Molinist.!! Like your Jesuit Brothers doctrine.

News Item11/16/06 11:49 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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plaster Mike
Don't worry Mike you can be assured that KFC isn't religious.

As to the faculties of Christians, they are completely different to the Reprobate on his way to hell.
Faith, the gift of God, only provided by grace to His Own disciples enable the True believer to "hear" and obey the Word of God, the Holy Spirit and the Truth.

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Survey11/16/06 11:41 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Mike NY

Genesis 3:7 "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons."

= Thus The sin done and it's consequences.

It's later (V14) that God curses them and kicks them out of Eden and all direct contact with the Lord.

Hi Mike
Highlands are beginning to get a wee bit chilly, but no snow yet.
NY got any snow yet.?

Survey11/16/06 11:14 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Mike New York
Believe me Mike if God wants you to hear His voice - You'll hear it.

Always remember whose in charge.

Survey11/16/06 11:11 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Sam from Cincinnati
John Calvin at Eph 1:4...Cont....

"We were all lost in Adam; and therefore, had not God, through his own election, rescued us from perishing, there was nothing to be foreseen.

The same argument is used in the Epistle to the Romans, where, speaking of Jacob and Esau, he says,

"For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth." (Romans 9:11.)

But though they had not yet acted, might a sophist of the Sorbonne reply, God foresaw that they would act. This objection has no force when applied to the depraved natures of men, in whom nothing can be seen but materials for destruction."

We can see in these comments that the Arminian/Pelagian errors are addressed by Calvin, as indeed they had been since the 5th century.

It's such a great pity that many in the churches today are beguiled by these arminian/freewill fallacies.
What a pity too that the Arminians/Pelagians on the board here, like JD and Yamil et al can't receive the simple and Biblical Truth of a Sovereign God, with merits only and uniquely in a Crucified Christ.

Survey11/16/06 11:02 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Sam from Cincinnati
On Eph 1:4 Here is an interesting take on it from John Calvin.

"According as he hath chosen us. The foundation and first cause, both of our calling and of all the benefits which we receive from God, is here declared to be his eternal election.

If the reason is asked, why God has called us to enjoy the gospel, why he daily bestows upon us so many blessings, why he opens to us the gate of heaven,

- the answer will be constantly found in this principle, that he hath chosen us before the foundation of the world.

The very time when the election took place proves it to be free; for what could we have deserved, or what merit did we possess, before the world was made?

How childish is the attempt to meet this argument by the following sophism! "We were chosen because we were worthy, and because God foresaw that we would be worthy."

We were all lost in Adam; and therefore, had not God, through his own election, rescued us from perishing, there was nothing to be foreseen."


News Item11/15/06 5:21 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Chris M
Allowing for your spelling error.
(You only got 6 out of 10 for that last post)

I'm going to send the new Scottish Parliament down there to invade Australia.

ps. Chris if they do get down there do us a big favour and keep them - Don't send them back. Please.

Survey11/14/06 5:27 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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The arminian prays to try to "move" God to comply with their powerful "free will"

The True Christian pleads on his knees with God, in Grace, in obedience to the commands of Christ their "only" hope.

As for "altering your destiny" That is and always is only in the hands of our Sovereign God.

Psalm 4:1 "Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer."

Psalm 5:2 "Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray."

Psalm 141:5 " Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities."

Psalm 143:1 "Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness."

We pray for every kind of person to know the providence and the Love of God, and His Son in their life, in the constant and earnest hope, that they too might bear the True fruit of witness in their lives.

We pray for all who are constrained within iniquity of whatever kind, - even heresy, - that they shall be released from the bondage of sin.

Survey11/14/06 4:39 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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You use a lot of words and humanistic ideologies.
But you "say" nothing.

Empty vessels make most noise.

The curse of being an Arminian and trying to achieve salvation by human effort I guess.

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