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News Item10/25/2020 3:44 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Tough call, Brother Carl. On the one hand, there is an unholy alliance between liberals and Muslims. There has been an anti-Israel move the last few years. But there are a great number of liberal Jews, like my close cousins, who might be alienated. It's like Cuomo and De Blaiso in NY. They wound up biting the hand that feeds them. But once this voting block is either thoroughly corrupted by Progressive social-justice education or marginalized thru that education's impacts on general society, would suspect that the Democratic Party would ignore it's Reform Jewish support and anything it desired.

News Item10/25/2020 3:22 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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You are essentially correct about that notable poster, Nick. It apparently is OK to force us to buy into Critical Race Theory and socialism as a solution to problems Americans are facing. But to base law on anything other than the never stable sense of the crowd today is unChristian, he argues.

It is a false flag attempt to derail some for standing up to do and against sin. All law is based on an ethical standard. Either we are the sheep of the Lord's pasture having been made by Him, or we make Him a liar by stating we made ourselves (Psalm 100). And if He made us and sustains us, He has the right and authority to rule over us. By denying this, that poster is saying that we have the right to do what we choose as we choose, but our decisions about right and wrong have no validity beyond ourselves. It is a subtle twisting of the word of God that only comes from Satan.

News Item10/25/2020 3:15 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I have my theories about how Trump came to be the candidate last time, which backfired horribly because he has been very effective in opposing the Progressive agenda and forwarding his own, which has pandered, for the most part, to me.

That he has left the Presbyterian Church is not a huge surprise. I've always held that he is a mainliner, and going non-denominational is in some ways a step in the right direction.

I too left the PCUSA seeking peace with God. I found that peace thru the Gospel which a pastor in the PCA offered me. It has changed my life. Forever grateful.

News Item10/25/2020 3:05 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I read this article. It would seem that that MBC is trying to get a handle on heretics (including liberals) at Southwestern. Have seen this with other church bodies and seminaries. It's a messy and ongoing process. But someone has to police what is being taught. While the MBC hasn't done this perfectly, I applaud the effort.

News Item10/25/2020 3:01 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Heard a preacher this morning discussing, as a rabbit trail in his sermon, about the Council of Trent which was a counter-Reformation effort within the RCC. Only a small minority of attendees felt that Scripture was a supreme authority. Most felt it was co-equal with "tradition," and some stating that "tradition" was supreme.

It would seem that the "tradition is supreme" crowd has power, and with that power comes the right to define those traditions.

And because today's traditions are all crowd-sourced abominations, of which the current Pope has wrapped himself.

News Item10/25/2020 2:52 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Difficult circumstances these days. At some point, it comes down to principle. No one should be cavalier in suggesting the Lord's protection over their earthly lives. No one should be cavalier regarding commandments such as gathering together.

I'm not convinced that the virus is as serious for the vast majority as the teary eyed pleas on TV make it out to be, esp at this point. I'm also not convinced it's not a danger to some either.

MacArthur's biggest beef is that other activities are permitted but not worship. That a measly 3 cases have arisen over all this time with all those people is evidence in his favor.

News Item10/22/2020 10:24 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Your's as well, Brother Frank. We are clearly responsible for our actions as individuals, not so much the actions of other people (unless we encourage wrongdoing) and definitely not those actions of our parents unless we continue in them.

You are right too that justice has a model that we as a society can use.

In the meantime, all these crowd source lies spouted by the media and politicians are becoming deafening. But the still, small voice of the Lord thru His word is the one to follow.

Thanks for praying for us! No solution yet but our child has improved somewhat.

News Item10/22/2020 10:24 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Your's as well, Brother Frank. We are clearly responsible for our actions as individuals, not so much the actions of other people (unless we encourage wrongdoing) and definitely not those actions of our parents unless we continue in them.

You are right too that justice has a model that we as a society can use.

In the meantime, all these crowd source lies spouted by the media and politicians are becoming deafening. But the still, small voice of the Lord thru His word is the one to follow.

Thanks for praying for us! No solution yet but our child has improved somewhat.

News Item10/21/2020 9:46 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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How many of these events have happened, Jim? Your stats sound do but the numbers are actually small. Meanwhile, death in the inner-city that has nothing to do with white supremacists has run rampit, vastly overshadowing this "boogy man" of the Left's invention. While anyone who commits crimes needs to be prosecuted and incarcerated, your continual effort to muddy the waters is a crime in itself. Killing Truth and replacing reality with the CRT/Socialist meta-narrative is also wrong and you really ought to repent.

News Item10/21/2020 2:18 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I'm sorry you have experienced that, Bruhman. But I think you have attributed Trump as the source. Critical Race Theory is really at the root of this all.

None of us want our brothers and sisters of color or our neighbors of color to struggle more than anyone else might. We want everyone to do well. But the outcome is beyond our power to produce...that belongs to God. What is in our power is to reach out with a helping hand and the right hand of fellowship, just like anyone would want. Meanwhile, the Lord still blesses hard work with its fruit, fatherhood, and marriage of one man to one woman for life. These are where we all, without respect to skin color, can place our emphasis.

News Item10/21/2020 2:12 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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You know what's even funnier, Neil? Classical education is experiencing a resurgence, especially in homeschooling by Christian parents, including those same classics you cited.

News Item10/21/2020 10:18 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Jim's support for Critical Race Theory and the general socialist narritive is completely unmasked.

Thank you, Brother Carl, for your excellent and telling comments. Frankly, I'm frightened by this story. Duke is the best hospital in North Carolina. If my family & I were to move to NC, we would want to be within reach. If something similar happens to Chapel Hill, every citizen of North Carolina will be left with medical care that's no worth paying for. Those doctors at Duke fought for my mother's life. If human power could have saved her, she would have lived. This is the thanks they get.

News Item10/20/2020 11:02 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Frank wrote:
Any church that has to ponder this issue is probably not a legitimate church of our Lord. To me it would be the same as pondering whether Jesus was God in the flesh; it is that clear. Opening church doors to someone is different that saying you and your sin are welcome here. Any time we formally welcome a particular sin, we are always going to be wrong. Why not say; “pedophiles are welcome here”? Political correction has no place in our churches.
Amen, Brother Frank! I don't have any problem with a sinner seeking grace via the Lord Jesus. But I do have a problem with accepting the sin and claiming that it isn't sin anymore or even going so far as to publicly label people by their favorite sins, the aka "Gay-Christian."

We come to Jesus to be saved from our sins, not to be encouraged to do them more. Your use of Romans 3:8 is dead on, Brother.

News Item10/20/2020 10:46 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Frank wrote:
...People must comprehend what takes place in a society that is communist/socialist. In communist Romania baptizing children was illegal. Witnessing outside of a church was illegal. And all sermons had to be approved by local officials.
And yes, the PRC is a perfect example of what we can easily become. If someone becomes a nuisance to the government, they could easily find themselves in a work camp.
Socialism/communism promises prosperity and equality when in reality they deliver bondage.
Absolutely right, Brother Frank! How little people who espouse the Marxist agenda understand that they will not be the ones in charge nor will they obtain what they seek through that political, societal system. They will be delivered into bondage.

How quickly those reminders of life in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe are erased from the memories of our society.

It reminds me of when Israel asked for a king from Samuel. Unhappy with the Lord as their king individually as well as corporately, the people longed to be like those around them. While the Lord obviously worked through this arrangement to bring the King of Kings, the request was formed in sin.

News Item10/19/2020 3:18 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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None of us are interested in what other people think, Jim. We're more interested in what God has to say. Socialism in whatever form is inconsistent with a Biblical worldview. --Scott

News Item10/19/2020 1:47 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Amen, Brothers Carl, Frank & Wayfarer.

If.any good came from this, it further exposed how too much learning, from the wrong source, causes madness. And it offered up a flock for Jim to flit about with. Seem like birds of a feather...

The demand that the state take on the role of the church has been around for a while. The PRC is a good example of what that looks like when it has come to fruition.

News Item10/19/2020 1:17 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Brother Wayfarer, as one myself who is Presbyterian and Reformed, I echo your concerns. At the root of it was the pride of being smarter than the previous, finding things in Scripture that weren't there. Progressive pushes have been going on for a long time - Tim Keller's legacy will be beyond what apparently even he supports. He was not alone, unfortunately, and now that mindset has many followers.

Calvin College, now University I guess, has had a problem distinguishing the world's theories from Biblical truth. They had a guy who wrote a book denouncing the Noahic flood who smashed anyone who "didn't follow the science" to use today's terms. These more modern sins are the fruit of the same tree. Someone saif that homosexuality is normal and ethical. They didn't fact check that source against the Source of all truth and from Whom Wisdom proceeds.

News Item10/19/2020 1:50 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Just another Claverhouse.

News Item10/19/2020 1:49 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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This is the second story about this issue that SA posted, on which I almost commented. The second time...

Wikipedia is one of the originators of crowd sourced info. As such, truth is sometimes achieved but not always. For instance, when a passenger flight was downed over Ukraine, Russia made sure that its side was touted largely. Medical information is also notoriously wrong.

So if there were no restrictions before on anything, it's quite interesting that any posters who declare themselves in agreement to Biblical marriage are cancelled.

The Wikipedia team apparently doesn't respect those who don't run in the same riot as they do. Those people will give an account.

News Item10/18/2020 11:02 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Thanks, Brother Frank. Great piece of info. Because Wikipedia can be manipulated, found the same info on and something negative from the Christian Research Institute.
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