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News Item10/7/2020 9:31 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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At some point, this man's mask is going to fall off and we'll all see him for who he really is. But he's doing such a great job of revealing those attitudes and beliefs that he doesn't need the mask or fancy duds.

News Item10/7/2020 9:29 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Amen and amen.

News Item10/7/2020 9:28 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I believe our Brother Wayfarer has addressed the "wokeness" of the SBC even most recently Jim, exposing its departure from the Gospel to chase after the world's doctrine.

"Jesus is justice"? I don't know how Mrs. Clinton came to that mistaken conclusion or what her definition of "justice" might entail. It appears to be just another twisting of Scripture to support Marxist causes and otherwise confuse some who might be led away by false preaching.

News Item10/6/2020 6:05 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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James VI (James I to England) was a scoundrel whom the Lord used to prepare an eloquent version of His word in the English tongue. Considered John Howie's biography of the Scots' Worthies, particularly Andrew Melville and his run-in with James VI.

News Item10/6/2020 6:00 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Cultural Revolution 2.0 impacts.

Anyone who dare spread another "gospel" except Mao's promise of "liberation" must be silenced, run off, or killed. Jesus offers real liberty from a real death sentence, contrasted with this despotic bondage to the state.

Beware of similar promises here. Socialism, communism, and Progressive agendas will bring something like what Mao delivered to the beleaguered citizens of the PRC.

News Item10/4/2020 11:43 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Absolutely agree, Brother John. In reality, if we operate from the Biblical supposition that the Lord made all things and does not make mistakes, we then have to conclude that the Lord created them for a particular and special purpose. They may not have a typical role in the world, and it may not be what they achieve or even contribute. We may not even know the specific purpose. But I believe and trust the Lord to do all things well.

Our child is mildly autistic, so while not Down's, we still have struggles. I understand the concerns and the joys that parents of non-typical children have. Ours is a joy. I only have one arrow in my quiver and wouldn't trade this one for a dozen typical. That coming meeting in the gate with our enemies will be something to behold.

News Item10/4/2020 10:16 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Perhaps, Uncle Sam. Perhaps.

News Item10/4/2020 4:35 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Just read that the President could be released from the hospital tomorrow if his condition improves. That's an answer to prayer, both private and corporate.

News Item10/4/2020 4:32 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Brother John, on children is where my ministry currently is focused. Someone is needed everywhere, and this is where the Lord has me at the present moment. He is a good and gracious Lord. It is a joy to be a part of His work no matter where that is. I know you feel the same, Brother, and pray your ministry continues well.

Amen, Brother Chrisgp and Brother Michael. There is so much opposition and so much paganism. But the Lord sits above it all. Is it His footstool yet?

News Item10/4/2020 10:09 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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There was a recall effort in Virginia more recently, maybe a year ago, but it apparently lacked enough backing, Brother Carl. That Cooper needs to run out of Raleigh as well, IMHO.

Northam, I believe, advocated infactracide for babies born with disabilities...a "post-birth abortion" as it were, not just failed ones.

So if children survive their mothers' wombs and then the initial natal care, they are to be sexualized and turned into the way of destruction. They couldn't destroy them before, but it's not too late. If they won't be dead physically, they can be lead astray morally to a different kind of destruction. Not that law keeping in any form can save, but putting stumbling blocks in someone's way is a dirty trick...and in this case, there's something about a millstone

News Item10/4/2020 10:02 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Cultural Revolution 2.0 continues.

Sadly, I don't think we are that far from such deprevations of the First Amendment here in the US: an ethnic group is declared to be Muslim, Hindu, Secular Humanist or long as it is controlled by the central government. Christianity with our Bible that tells right from wrong and declares the Lord above all of His creation cannot be tolerated.

News Item10/3/2020 1:48 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Brother John, we're already there. Most of us don't pay attention.

News Item10/3/2020 12:13 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I denounce radical proposals to terminate pregnancies of unborn children with Down syndrome, too.

News Item10/2/2020 8:34 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Amen, Brother Wayfarer. Well said.

News Item10/1/2020 2:28 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Interesting. I wonder if Google/YouTube is limiting other livestreamed broadcasts or if it's just small churches.

We have known churches to record a service at a different time, then either stream those services at the time they decided or posted the service at some point before the start time.

Dare I suggest that this platform, SA, could solve this problem?

News Item9/30/2020 4:59 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Scotland has a long back-and-forth history of the ride and fall if evil rulers, Godly ministers, and attempts at national Biblical leadership. There is always another Mary or Claverhouse in the wings. But the Lord preserves to Himself other Knoxes. May the Lord continue to preserve His people in such a despotic land, and may they flourish in the face of their adversaries.

News Item9/30/2020 4:53 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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But it's OK for the Progressives and others of their ilk to force their agenda on others, Jim?

That's what I figured - another false-flag "dominionism" cry which has no validity. No, it is just a way to tell Christians to not use the moral guidelines of the Lord to view the world and those in it but the world's own pagan worldview. Perhaps the best response to that kind of suggestion is "Get thee beind me, Satan!"

News Item9/30/2020 9:40 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Great question, Brother John. Wish I knew. It seems like they are being used as a tool to try to either explain what most people are thinking or try to get most people to think a particular way.

Jim, can you define what a "Gospel misson" is? I breezed your post, more than my usual, and came away confused. It seems like you believe that the laws of our land should be based on a different set of morals than the Lord presents thru His word. Legal code is always based on some concept of right and wrong, whether that's defining an action as criminal or directing an agency to take a particular action. When this nation was founded, most laws had some basis in the Bible. You seem to have a problem with Biblical morality as if goodness just springs up from the ground for all to find and agree upon. Post-Fall, there are a lot of thorns and thistles rather than pure goodness. So what does that term really mean?

News Item9/29/2020 7:07 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Ah, Brother John, I have the picture exactly now! Here in the US, apparently our version of footballers are permitted to have some sort of in-person fan presence. Being followers of baseball, what you described is exactly how things are with that sport. In fact, some TV broadcasts include computer generated fans in the seats. Bizzare.

But there is a whole lot less about which to complain if all activities are treated equally. It looks much less like persecution if everyone is treated equally. What we are experiencing here in the US is unequal treatment under the law in some places. Some activities are permitted. Some activities are not. It depends on the politicans making the decisons.

News Item9/29/2020 2:46 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Actually, Brother Frank, the fact that those of African descent have a higher rate of death has been an issue in our area. Read that the sickle cell trait may be a factor. There was great concern that this was some sort of "justice" disparity in that less capable medical care, worse food sources, etc were the underlying cause. The reality is that it's likely a genetic difference that's no one's fault.

It's like the whole global warming debate. If there is global warming, is it from human activity? Those who say it must be ignore certain variables. Same with our darker skinned relatives, friends, and neighbors and COVID-19.

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