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News Item10/11/2020 10:36 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Couldn't agree more, Brother Watcher. I think we're doing the best we can in our own fallenness to sort this all out. The reality is that it will be Christ's finished work that is our salvation. And our opinions, right or wrong, will not weigh in on the matter if we are in Christ.

News Item10/11/2020 10:14 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Truth is absolute, Brother Watcher, but we and our opinions regarding Truth are not. Not a defense of relativism, but a declaration of the impact of total depravity.

If we all agreed on everything, Paul wouldn't have had to write 1 Corinthians 12 and 13.

News Item10/11/2020 7:51 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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The other thing school teachers of any generation will tell you is that they have to teach to the "middle" of the class. Some may be bored and check out. Some may be lost and not get the personal help they need. But that's the cost of doing business.

Here's a for instance. My dear wife is a piano teacher. About a year ago, she agreed to take on a new student from a different teacher. The boy wasn't doing well & needed a different approach, his parents thought. It took her half a lesson to figure out the boy couldn't see the notes, and it was quickly revealed that this boy was also struggling in school with reading. My wife recommended an eye doctor who works with special needs children. It turned out that he needed glasses and vision therapy. When the parents confronted the reading teacher, she was suddenly on board with seeing this doctor and was so concerned about the boy's reading level. What if the parents didn't figure out their son's problem? Why didn't they to begin with? Both are difficult questions to answer.

News Item10/11/2020 7:43 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I seem to recall another "angry nut" who got himself into hot water with His society for presenting the word of the God. I believe his name was Jeremiah. He was routinely told to shut up and sit down. He could not keep back from prophesying so he would not be silent. His was a rough road.

Now Kristie Huggs is not a prophet, certainly not saying she is. But her role and our role is akin to Jeremiah's or maybe Ezekiel's. If we see someone busy killing themselves - quickly, slowly, or eternally - we're on the hook to say something or that person's blood is on our hands.

Whether or not the words are received graciously has no bearing on our responsibility. Otherwise, we find ourselves trying to be God and work out the outcome we feel is appropriate..,but only the Lord is sovereign. It could be that our words will be further evidence at that White Throne judgment for those who did not turn.

The bigger problem here is that there is a blurring of the boundary between public and private speech. A semi-private expression is now evidence to "cancel" an employee. Thought Police.

News Item10/11/2020 7:30 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I researched this situation more deeply. It appears that the CCP is attempting to silence opposition, even from American soil. There are reportedly federal investigations into Fu's antagonist Guo, which hopefully result in that man's arrest and deportment. Three people "protesting" were arrested in from of the Wu home,

My prayer is that the US will remain the safe haven for freedom seeking people, and that attacks of this kind will be thwarted and exposed for what they are.

News Item10/11/2020 9:42 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Indeed, Brother John. Fishing is a relaxing outing that focuses one's mind on the Lord's creation, taking us out of our man made castles where we hide the Lord's handiwork but loudly proclaim our own skill and knowledge.

I should think there could be a counter-protest. This is a picture of the CCP's version of the Cancel Culture. Funny thing, it's not too unlike the BLM or Antifa versions.

News Item10/11/2020 9:38 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I believe there are two sources of the problem -- increasingly liberal preachers who proclaim the whole counsel of God and the multitude of sources of unbiblical perspectives that confuse what understanding Christians may have.

After I came to saving faith within a Bible teaching and preaching church, it wasn't too many months later when the annual remembrance of the Roe v Wade decision was mourned. How many church goers still hear the truth?

As Jim Lincoln ha demonstrated below, there are a multitude of liberal voices that confuse on this topic.

News Item10/11/2020 9:31 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Certainly engaged parents are a solution. But an elitist teachers Union with the educators themselves play a key part, especially when they insist that only they know best as professional educators. With this rise has come different approaches to reading skills that have clearly failed.

In NC, it has become the liberal Pedimont region at the center. Every school teacher is a state employee. Other states have their own issues.

But more children are homeschooled in the Old North State than are in private schools. And so many parents opted to homeschool this year, the state's online registration system crashed. So a growing number of parents are taking back their delegated responsibility. One has to imagine that literacy rates can only improve.

News Item10/10/2020 1:13 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Many fine and profitable comments here. Amen!

I think a big part of the agenda is redefining terms and practices to something in line with the "social justice movement." This has been happening in education and academia for quite some time, perhaps unbeknownst to those of us without children "in the system." Ken Ham co-wrote a book about the impact of teaching evolution as established fact rather than one worldview to which other worldviews are in disagreement. This statement from the Clintons is essentially, IMO, just fruit from a different branch of the poisonous tree. Children have been taught that "any love is good love, so I took what I could get" since the early 1970s, following on the "free love" concept from the 1960s. That has morphed today into the LGBT+ movement, and those like Mrs. Clinton argue that Biblical sexual mores be abandoned (her husband also argued for this, but in a different way) as they have been arguing for 50+ years. To do otherwise than what they demand is "judgmental." It is also essentially the argument of a notable dare we suggest our morals be universally applied as if the Lord is only the Lord of the church and not the whole earth and universe?

Whomever wins this definitions contest will likely win the argument/culture war. We

News Item10/10/2020 8:37 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Brother John, I think you just asked the right questions we all ought to ask regarding science and its theories. There have always been a variety of opinions. This set opposes another set of scientists. The prevailing opinions are constantly changing.

Do we as a global population feel like we have the answers to much of anything? Clearly we know something or our consumer technology wouldn't be so available. But are we as smart as we think we are? I don't think so. Yet we are told that science knows best.

As Christians, we need to look for sources of absolute truth, which are becoming few and far between right now in a world that only forwards relative truth.

My conclusion is that only the Lord is always right. As for these scientists, who knows but the Lord and maybe themselves. The harder part, though, may be believing them if they are correct in a sea of varying answers.

News Item10/9/2020 10:02 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Not that I believe the Vatican was trying to do this...high risk investments are meant to large amounts of return quickly and that was likely the goal...but is there a place for individual Christians or Christian churches to help keep a business afloat in order to prevent further suffering? One could argue that by participating in Hertz's bankruptcy, the Vatican prevented additional poverty. Certainly not the primary mission of the church and would have to be connected with the Gospel.

News Item10/9/2020 9:59 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
There is an article on the lefts unhealthy view of Judge Barrett children is more troubling. The left has judged Judge Barrett because she and her family sought to adopt children from a Haitian orphanage. Over 200,000 people were killed in an earthquake in 200,000 in 2010. Let that number sink in. The left and pseudo progressive evangelicals have a problem with adoption because they believe that no unwanted child should ever leave a womb , alive.
Amen, Brother Wayfarer. These folks making such comments have apparently never been to Haiti or dealt with those who live there. I have been there, although my experience is very small. It is a desperately depressed society lacking financial, physical, and moral resources. Young boys and girls cannot be let out of a guardian's grasp. Yet people live there, and many seek to escape to the U.S. Certainly can't blame them. For the Left to attack Barrett for adopting children from there simply shows their absurdity.

News Item10/9/2020 11:48 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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This story reminds me of a bumper sticker: "I'm not Fonda Hanoi Jane."

COVID has been a boon to the Left in helping to create class and racial tension as well as tighter government control. So she's right about that at least.

Regarding the President, one notable poster here will be quoting her for months now as if she were a credible source of anything except manure.

News Item10/9/2020 12:08 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Really sad to see this. Anyone with any supposed connection to Christ is lambasted in the press.

News Item10/8/2020 7:04 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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But if he did, Jim, you would say he is trying to force his views on other and call him a Dominionist.

The Trump Administration has highlight these kinds of increasing persecutions in India already.

News Item10/8/2020 10:28 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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O Lord, please hear our cry for those truly persecuted for claiming You. Be with our brothers & sisters in KN. Change the hearts of those who weld power there, we beg of you. We beseech You to bring the Kims back to the God of their forefathers. In Jesus' name. Amen.

News Item10/8/2020 10:24 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I'm afraid Dr. MacArthur is correct. This is a watershed moment. Either the First Amendment will be upheld permitting chruches to follow the Lord or the law will be forever changed in how it is applied.

At some point after every crisis, there is a reckoning for those decisions made in the "heat of the moment" (term used loosely as it's hard to say some weren't premeditated). Already in Michigan, the decrees of the governor are being struck down. Similar has happened in other states.

But beyond the legalities and politics is the question of whom does the church follow. It we follow the state at the expense of Christ, we offend our First Love. If we follow Christ at the expense of the state, we become like the Scots who hid from and battled Claverhouse. Already, some are still meeting outside with winter approaching. This is the watershed moment...whom will we serve?

News Item10/8/2020 10:16 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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Wait a minute!!! I thought 501(c)(3) organizations were not permitted to intrude on political issues! Dominionism!

News Item10/8/2020 9:19 AM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I didn't read the article. The debate over whether churches should have or should not have closed has raged on, even here on SA.

What I want to point to is the concept that "we benefit from our communities of faith during these challenging times." That is not the primary reason we gather to worship - what we get out of it, even if those things we take away are good things as God defines good.

We gather together to worship because we are commanded to do so (Psalm 95 is only one small instance) to give the Lord the public allegiance, public praise, and a public statement of dependency among other aspects which I'm not smart enough to list. It's not that the Lord needs these things but we need to give them to Him. Is that the "benefit" that the author of the article alluded? Can't say. But somehow I doubt it.

News Item10/7/2020 6:30 PM
The Quiet Christian  Find all comments by The Quiet Christian
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I would consider Dr. MacArthur's latest on government as how the Christian faith, church, and politics intersect, Jim.

Who is more moral, Hillary or the President, is based more on your standards of what is or isn't moral might be. It's all in the definition. Knowing what I know about them both, I disagree with your assertion but am coming from more of a Christian/Biblical worldview. From the secular humanist worldview that you tend to forward, couldn't say. But I also disagree with the tenents of that worldview.

People like Hillary or former President Carter or anyone else who try to twist the Bible to meet their worldview and to justify their prejudices are like those who come to the Stone that the builders rejected and wind up crushed by it. The Bible should inform our worldview, and through the work of the Holy Spirit, change that worldview to bring it into alignment, not the other way around. Folks without faith can fish thru the Bible and find practically any justification for any sin they want if they hunt and bend it far enough it seems.

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