Jehovah God, I bless His name, Whose love forever is the same; The mercies of His gracious care Open, and crown, and close each year.
We midst ten thousand dangers stand, Upheld by His Almighty hand, And see, when we review our ways, Ten thousand monuments of praise.
By day, by night, at home, abroad, Still are we guarded by our Lord, By His sufficient bounty fed, By His unerring counsel led.
Our grateful souls, on Jordan's shore, Shall raise one sacred pillar more; Then bear in His bright courts above Inscriptions of immortal love.
Tune: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” pg. 118
There are some things I know that are certain and sure. One is that all gifts and blessings God has for any sinner He has purposed to give to them in Christ (Eph. 1:3).
Secondly, I know these blessings are spiritual. Consider this, that spiritual is all there is…the spiritual is all that will last. Everything we see, everything we touch, every material possession, every relationship – these will all someday cease. The spiritual will last forever! The earth, as we know it, will cease. There will be a new heaven, a new earth, only righteousness will dwell there. Only those who were made new creatures in Christ will be there – only those who are spiritual, and mind the things of the Spirit – those who delight in spiritual blessings, only those who have been made spiritual by being united to Christ by the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 12:13). Which do you mind, the spirit or the flesh? (Rm. 8:5). – Pastor
I recently conversed with a faithful brother with whom I have been friends for many years. We discussed the recent departure to glory of another longtime brother and faithful disciple. This led to a discussion of others whom we knew long ago, and who we then considered to be faithful disciples, but later had departed from the truth.
Old people see things they thought they would never see, and things they wish they had never seen.
Brothers and sisters, let our departure be to Christ, never from Christ. – Daniel Parks
Don’t let me put confidence in my preaching, or office, or position, or dress.If being an apostle did not make Judas a saint, neither will preaching, or position, or dress make me one. In fact, unless I first have inward holiness, and have sought it from God alone, it may be that my religious office and dress, etc. will only render my damnation greater.
Don’t let me love money! It will disable both my eyes and ears, and make me worse to deal with than a wild beast. It will cause me to harden my conscience, betray friendships, forsake fellowship, and neglect the salvation of my precious soul. Oh, give me grace to be content with such things as are needful for this life, knowing that I must soon leave all and go to my long home.
Don’t let me betray my Savior. Don’t let me say with Judas, “What will you give me, and I will deliver him unto you?” What will you give me for the time I spend in private prayer to Him? My time of seeking Him in His Word? What will you give me for my love to Him; my time of fellowship with His people; what will you give me and I will deliver HIM TO YOU?” Oh Lord, I am such a wretch, I will prove like Judas at last, if you do not love me, and pray for me, and keep me, and not let me be a Judas IN MY HEART. – Bruce Crabtree
When Abraham returned from delivering his brother Lot, the king of Sodom offered Abraham the spoils. But Abraham would take nothing lest the king should say, “I have made Abram rich.” Abraham had the Shield and Reward of faith. “After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward” (Gen 15: 1). – Clay Curtis
Sunday, February 6, 2022 HYMN OF THE DAY Whosoever "All flesh is grass", the Gospel says. There are none that doeth good! Yet, many lie to them these days, "You could change this if you would." All men are dead because of sin. Just what could a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday, January 30, 2022HYMN OF THE DAY Jesus, since I with Thee am one, confirm my soul in Thee, And still continue to tread down, the man of sin in me. Let not the enemy prevail, in this my feeble hour, 0 frustrate all the hopes of hell; redeem...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday, January 16, 2022HYMN OF THE DAY Compared with Christ, in all beside No comeliness I see; The one thing needful, dearest Lord, Is to be one with thee. The sense of thy redeeming love Into my soul convey; Thyself bestow, for Thee alone, My...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday, January 9, 2022 HYMN OF THE DAYAncient Hymn Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding!Ransomed souls, the tidings swell,Tis a deep that knows no sounding,Who its breadth or length, can tell? What from Christ that soul can sever, Bound by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday, January 2, 2022 HYMN OF THE DAY O give thanks unto the Lord; Praise His name with one accord; Tell the wonders of His power; Praise His goodness every hour. Let the ransomed church begin, Whom He has redeemed from sin, Gathered from the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday, December 26, 2021 HYMN OF THE DAY Mercy is welcome news indeed To those that guilty stand Wretches that feel what help they need, Will bless the helping hand. Who rightly would his alms dispose, Must give them to the poor; None but the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
December 19, 2021 HYMN OF THE DAY Who Knew Few were told that He would come, In the fullness of God's time.God in flesh revealed to some; Prince of peace, the Lord Divine.Angels sang He's David's Son; Find Him wrapped in swaddling...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
HYMN OF THE DAY I Am With Him The Lord Jesus Christ died for me; Paid all the sin debt I owed. Now I am condemnation free. The Lord placed in His fold. When I stand at the judgment throne, I will have only one plea. I’ll say (with no merit...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
HYMN OF THE DAY Not all the blood of beastsOn Jewish altars slainCan give the guilty conscience peaceNor wash away the stain. But Christ, the heav'nly Lamb.Takes all our sins away,A sacrifice of nobler nameAnd richer blood than they. My faith...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
HYMN OF THE DAY My soul doth magnify the Lord; And my spirit hath rejoiced In the Lord, my Savior and God. My estate He regarded. He that's Mighty hath done to me Great things. His name is Holy. In Christ His great mercy is free. Those who fear...[ abbreviated | read entire ]