I Am With Him
The Lord Jesus Christ died for me;
Paid all the sin debt I owed.
Now I am condemnation free.
The Lord placed in His fold.
When I stand at the judgment throne,
I will have only one plea.
I’ll say (with no merit my own),
“I’m with Him and He loved me.”
God accepts me in His Be-loved.
By His blood I’ve been redeemed.
His Spirit called me by His love
I am God’s son, elected.
My hope is only in the Lord.
The Lord alone is my plea.
This will forever be my word,
“I’m with Him and He loves me.”
Now all the riches of His grace
That are promised in His Word
Are mine forever in Heav’ns place.
I’ll see my eternal Lord,
There in glory I’ll be like Him.
I’ll praise Christ who made me new.
The Lord God will say, “Enter in.
You’re with Him and I love you!”
Tune: "Come Thou Fount" Pg. #17
By: Gary Spreacker
The Lord Jesus did not come to show us what to do for salvation or to do something that if we will only respond to, we will be saved. Christ came to do what we never could or shall do, that is, please God on behalf of and pay for the sin of His people. When He is preached, God gives faith to those for whom He died, to lay hold of Him as their Substitute. The Savior redeemed them by His precious blood and made them worthy by His perfect righteousness as a man. Is this good enough for you?
Rain dance religion will employ fleshly means in order to get the results that men are after. "Let's get him saved," they say. Can you? What is needed is mercy, and when will God show mercy? When sinners are convinced to do something, or when His Son is exalted? "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me," John 12:32. – Chris Cunningham
“Jesus wept” at Lazarus’ tomb, not because he was weak, unbelieving, or discontent with divine providence, but because he was and is a real man touched with the feeling of our infirmities, moved by that which moves us. He wept with his weeping friends because he felt and shared their grief and sorrow. - Don Fortner
The first link between my soul and Christ is not my goodness, but my badness; not my merit, but my misery; not my standing, but my falling; not my riches, but my need. He comes to visit His people, yet not to admire their beauties, but to remove their deformities; not to reward their virtues, but to forgive their sins. - C. H. Spurgeon
When Jesus Christ healed blind Bartimaeus by restoring his sight to him, He told him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” We then read that in response “immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus” (Mark 10:46-52).
The way of those whom Jesus saves is Jesus the Way (John 14:6). They immediately and forever thereafter follow Him in every way they go, whether to their home, their workplace, the store, the worship service, and every other.
Is Jesus your Way? Are you following Him everywhere you go? - Daniel Parks
Which of us has not over-indulged at a good meal and thought we would never have to eat again? Of course, we know that our bodies will quickly absorb and deplete the energy of that food so that in a little while we will be hungry again. So it is with the gospel. When the Lord is pleased to feed our souls on Christ, we may be tempted to think that will carry us all the way to glory. But, as in physical food, our flesh will soon deplete that grace and leave us in want of more of Christ. Manna, however sweet and filling, spoils the next day. How blessed it is that our Lord causes His people to continually hunger and thirst after Righteousness, that they may be filled. Lord, give us this day our daily bread. - Greg Elmquist
Fear God for His power, trust Him for His wisdom, love Him for His goodness, praise Him for His greatness, believe Him for His faithfulness, adore Him for His holiness. - Scott Richardson