THANKS O LORD TUNE TO COME THOU FOUNT WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. Thanks O Lord, to Thee we bring Grateful praise for everything; Thanks O Lord for daily bread, By Thy hand we are all fed. Thanks for blessings day by day, For protection on...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PROPHET, PRIEST AND KING The offices which Christ sustains toward us are such as have been in the highest repute among men. Prophets, priests, and kings have always been accounted worthy of honor. We should give the highest honor to Christ, Who,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
REJOICE IN THE LORD Tune to "O WORSHIP THE KING" Words by JIM BYRD 1. Rejoice in the Lord, be glad every heart, Our God rules on high His grace to impart; Jehovah is Lord, O how sacred His Name, Bow down at His footstool His glories...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PRAISE OUR EVERLASTING LORD Tune to "‘TIS SO SWEET TO TRUST IN JESUS" with Refrain Words by JIM BYRD 1. God in wisdom chose to save us, Praise Him for His sovereign grace; Gave us to the blessed Savior, Son of God, our Hiding-Place....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Daily Readings - November 2-8 Sunday - John 1-3 Monday - John 4-5 Tuesday - John 6-8 Wednesday- John 9-10 Thursday - John 11-12 Friday - John 13-16 Saturday - John 17-18 ***** “BUT WE SEE JESUS” (HEBREWS 2:9) How do we “see Jesus?”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pastor Wayne Boyd will be with us Saturday night at 6 p.m. and then in all of our worship services on Sunday: 9:45 a.m. Bible Class, 10:30 a.m. Worship Service, and 6 p.m. Sunday evening Worship Service. We will live-stream all of our services...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
CHRIST’S BLOOD AND RIGHTEOUSNESS Tune to "AM I A SOLDIER OF THE CROSS?" CM Word by JIM BYRD 1. No labor of a sinful man, Can ever save a soul; No work but that of Christ alone, Can make the guilty whole. 2. A holy God demands that we Be free...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
SAVED BY CHRIST ALONE Tune PRAISE THE SAVIOR Words By JIM BYRD 1. By the Lord’s determination, We were chosen to salvation; What a wondrous ordination, Saved by sovereign grace. 2. Christ accomplished our redemption By His death and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
ALL GLORY TO CHRIST Tune “AMAZING GRACE” CM Words by JIM BYRD 1. The Son of Man came to this earth To seek and save the lost; For all His people Jesus died, And paid our ransom cost. 2. ‘Twas in this way the holy law Of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
BLESSED JESUS, OUR REDEEMER TUNE TO "COME THOU FOUNT" WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. Bless-ed Jesus, our Redeemer, Saved us from eternal loss; For He bore our sins and sorrows, When He died upon the cross. Glad the tidings of salvation, All our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]