“O God, Thou art terrible out of Thy holy places: the God of Israel is He that giveth strength and power unto His people. Blessed be God.†(Psalm 68:35) ***** Sing His Worthy Praise Tune to “MAJESTIC SWEETNESS†CM Words by JIM BYRD 1. ...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
JESUS DIED FOR SINNERS Tune "I SING THE MIGHTY POWER OF GOD" CM/DOUBLE Words by JIM BYRD 1. Consider this amazing truth, For sinners Jesus died. To save them from unending woe, The Son was crucified. Their cause the Savior undertook, From old...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
BEHOLD THE GRACE OF GOD Tune to "THIS IS MY FATHER’S WORLD" SM/DOUBLE Words by JIM BYRD 1. How could a holy God, Whose glory we extol; In justice ever save the lost, Forgive and make us whole? For sins against His law, Cannot unpunished go; But...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
RENDER PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING Tune to "LOVE DIVINE" double Words by JIM BYRD 1. God of grace and matchless glory, Grant that we would worship Thee; Thou hast gathered us together, Now reveal Thy majesty. Send to us Thy sovereign...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
CHRIST GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ME TUNE TO COMPLETE IN THEE LM/CHORUS WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. I once was lost and dead in sin, With only wretchedness within; But then the Spirit to me came, Brought me to love the Savior’s Name. CHORUS: ‘Twas by His blood...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
BLESS THE SAVIOR’S NAME Tune "PRAISE THE SAVIOR" Words by JIM BYRD 1. Magnify the Mediator, Jesus Christ our mighty Savior, He restored us to God’s favor; Bless the Savior’s Name. 2. Jesus saves from sin forever, He abideth faithful...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation." (Hebrews 9:27-28) *****...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
CHRIST MAGNIFIED THE LAW Tune to "HOW SWEET THE NAME" CM Words by JIM BYRD 1. The Son of God, in cov’nant love, The law to satisfy; Descended from His throne above, To suffer, bleed and die. 2. ‘Twas by His death God’s justice was Completely...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WAITING ON THE LORD Tune to MAJESTIC SWEETNESS CM Words by JIM BYRD 1. O sovereign Lord to Thee we come, Before Thy throne we fall; Reveal to us Thy precious Son, As on Thy Name we call, As on Thy Name we call. 2. Though wicked, full of sin...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
REJOICE IN THE LORD Tune to "O WORSHIP THE KING" Words by JIM BYRD 1. Rejoice in the Lord, be glad every heart, Our God rules on high His grace to impart; Jehovah is Lord, O how sacred His Name, Bow down at His footstool His glories...[ abbreviated | read entire ]