CHRIST CRUCIFIED TUNE “MAJESTIC SWEETNESS” CM WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. The blood which Jesus shed for me, When hanging on the tree; Shall never lose its saving pow’r, Through all eternity, Through all eternity. ...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Exalt the King TUNE TO “O GOD OUR HELP” CM WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. Let ev’ry kindred, tribe and tongue, Proclaim Jehovah’s praise; For our Creator is the Lord, The God of ancient days. 2. By Him were...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Come and Trust Christ TUNE TO “ONLY TRUST HIM” CM with Chorus WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. Come guilty sinner to the Lord, May God now make you wise; For none can save but Christ alone, Do not the Son despise. CHORUS: Come and trust...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THE LORD WITH US TUNE TO “My Faith Has Found...” CM/DOUBLE Words by Jim Byrd 1. O wondrous story, joyful sound. The Lord from heaven came; Lift up His praise forevermore, Exalt His precious Name. Eternal Word, the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Cleansed From Sinfulness TUNE “Jesus Thy Blood and Righteousness” LM WORDS BY Jim Byrd 1. Lord who can save, but You alone? Look down with pity from Your throne; O help this vile and helpless one, Just speak the word and it is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“I will praise the LORD according to His righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.” (Psalm 7:17) ***** HE DIED TO BRING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS TUNE “AMAZING GRACE” CM WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. Upon the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
HAVE AN ADVOCATE Tune to FROM EVERY STORMY WIND LM Words by Jim Byrd 1. Ye saints look up with cheerful eye, Behold your King who reigns on high; See Jesus ruling from His throne, The Advocate for all His own. 2. Be never filled with dark...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah Tune to “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” Words by Jim Byrd 1. Hallelujah, praise Jehovah, Author of redeeming grace; He ordained to save a people, Gave His Son to take our place. ...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THE KING OF GLORY TUNE TO "My Faith Has Found a Resting Place" CM/DOUBLE Words by Jim Byrd 1. O hear the ransomed army sing, "Salvation to our God." All glory to our mighty King, Who on the earth once trod. The Lamb of God came down to earth,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sing the Honors of Jehovah TUNE TO “Brethren, We Have Met to Worship” 8.7. WORDS BY Jim Byrd 1. Brethren, join your hearts for worship, Let us now our Lord adore; Sing the honors of Jehovah, Praise His Name...[ abbreviated | read entire ]