PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS Tune to "AT CALVARY" W/CHORUS Words by JIM BYRD 1. Son of God, one of the trinity, Joined to man, O what a mystery; Came to earth by covenant decree. O praise His Name! Chorus: Jesus died for all His family,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THANKFULNESS FOR GRACE Tune: "Am I a Soldier of the Cross?" CM Words by JIM BYRD 1. To Thee Almighty Lord of all, This joyous song I raise; âTis with a truly thankful heart, I sing Thy worthy praise. 2. Creation, what a wondrous work, Reveals...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I FIND MY REST IN CHRIST TUNE: "SALVATION BY GRACE" SM/DOUBLE WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. O what a mystery, Descending from His throne; The Son of God comes down to earth, To seek and save His own. âTwas not for righteous souls, That He a Man became;...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
BEHOLD THE GRACE OF GOD Tune to "THIS IS MY FATHERâS WORLD" SM/DOUBLE Words by JIM BYRD 1. How could a holy God, Whose glory we extol; Forgive and justify the lost, Rescue and make us whole? For sins against His law, Cannot unpunished go; But...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PRAISE THE GOD OF GRACE Tune to: "DOXOLOGY" LM Words by: JIM BYRD 1. Praise ye the God of sovereign grace, Who chose a people from our race; Gave us to Christ our Surety, Way back in old eternity. 2. Prostrate yourself before the Lord, May He...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PRAISE THE GREAT SAVIOR Tune to: "MORE ABOUT JESUS" Words by JIM BYRD 1. Praise the great Savior, praise His name, Jesus Who down from heaven came; God in His mercy sent His Son, Christ on this earth the Holy One. CHORUS: Praise, praise the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WE BEGIN ANOTHER YEAR TUNE TO: FROM EVERY STORMY WIND LM WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. With humble hearts we gather here, And so begin another year; Another year, to us obscure, Lord, by Thy grace we shall endure. 2. To us the future is unknown, But...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I AM NOT... I am not what I might be, I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I wish to be, I am not what I hope to be; but thank God I am not what I once was, and I can say with the great apostle, âBy the grace of God I am what I amâ (John...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
HOW DEAR AND PRECIOUS IS THE NAME TUNE "I HEARD THE BELLS" LM WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1. How dear and precious is the Name Of Him Who down from heaven came; His Name above all names shall be, Now and through all eternity. 2. O lift your voices to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WORSHIP CHRIST THE LORD Tune to "O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM" Words by JIM BYRD 1. Sing praises to the Son of God, Who down from heaven came; To save His people from their guilt, From misery and shame. Down from His heavânly glory The Savior came...[ abbreviated | read entire ]