Redemption by Price and Power Words By: Isaac Watts Tune to: Amazing Grace 1. Jesus, with all thy saints above My tongue would bear her part, Would sound aloud Thy saving love,. And sing Thy bleeding heart. 2. ...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Christ Our Life Tune: Just As I Am Words By: Isaac Watts 1) Jesus, our Kinsman and our God, Arrayed in majesty and blood, Thou art our life; our souls in Thee, Possess a full felicity. 2) All our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 ***** FRIEND OF SINNERS Tune to “COME THOU FOUNT” double Words by JIM BYRD 1. How can God so just...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Call to Worship: By: Philip Doddridge (1702-1751) Tune: Amazing Grace 1. My God, the covenant of Thy love Abides forever sure And in its matchless grace I feel My happiness secure. 2. What though my house be not with Thee, As nature could desire...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS TUNE "IT IS WELL" WORDS BY JIM BYRD 1) O how shall a soul that is sinful and vile, O how shall that soul be made pure; When works of the flesh are but unrighteous deeds, And the heart is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
JEHOVAH REIGNS Tune to “DOXOLOGY” LM Words by JIM BYRD 1) Jehovah reigns, forever great, The King of kings and Potentate; This world created by His hand, Is governed by His own command. 2) Jehovah reigns with matchless...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hallelujah Praise Jehovah Tune to "GUIDE ME, O THOU GREAT JEHOVAH" Words by JIM BYRD 1) Hallelujah praise Jehovah, Author of redeeming grace; He ordained to save a people, Purposed Christ to take our place. Chosen in the blest...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Rejoice, Believer, in the Lord 1) Rejoice, believer, in the Lord, Who makes your cause His own; The hope that's built upon His Word Can ne'er be overthrown. 2) Though many foes beset your road, And feeble is your arm; Your life is hid with Christ...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A Prayer for Worship 1. Oh Lord, Our hearts and souls aspire, To lift up from this earthly mire; Oh may we think of heav’nly things, And know the joy Thy presence brings. 2. Lord, let us see the Savior’s face’ And let us taste...[ abbreviated | read entire ]