WHY ARE YOU HERE? Why have you come to the house of the Lord this morning? Is it to be seen of men so people will know how pious you are? Have you come to fulfil a social need to see friends? Have you come because you feel better going through...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
NO REASON TO FEAR “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Rom. 8:1) There is no fear of condemnation for the believer’s sin since Christ was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our annual Bible conference will be held May 13-15. Our speakers will be Don Bell, David Eddmenson, and Todd Nibert. ***** TWO IMPORTANT EVIDENCES “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH The phrase the just shall live by faith is in the scriptures four times (Hab. 2:4, Rom. 1:17, Gal. 3:11, Heb. 10:38) The just shall live by faith must be important since it is in scripture four times, but what does...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A BELIEVER WOULDN’T DO THAT Let us never again be guilty of saying, “A believer wouldn’t do that.” Oh yes they will! When we say such a thing we are trying to take some credit for our righteousness. A believer will commit...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
IT PLEASED THE LORD TO BRUISE HIM – ISAIAH 53:10 There are several reasons the Father took pleasure in bruising His Son by sacrificing Him upon the tree. It pleased the holy justice of the Father to slaughter His Son as the substitute for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
FAITH IN CHRIST ALONE Saving faith is in Christ alone, based upon the Word of God alone. To add any other requirement such as what a person does or does not do, what a person wears or does not wear, or where a person goes or does not go is as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
SALVATION THROUGH THE LAW There can be no doubt that the scriptures declare that salvation is by grace. That means that salvation is by grace without any works of the law done by the sinner. As boldly and as clearly as I possibly can, I tell...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PERILOUS TIMES “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” (II Timothy 3:1) I imagine most people would say that we are living in perilous times right now. These are not perilous days because of the pandemic...[ abbreviated | read entire ]