TRUTH AND EMOTION The gospel of salvation in Christ is the truth of God. The gospel declares the truth about how God saves sinners by His grace not our merit; by His work not ours; by His choice not ours. We can never compromise that truth because...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Vacation Bible School will be held Monday through Wednesday from9:30 a.m. to noon each day.Our midweek service is moved to Thursday evening this week. ***** DEPENDENT ON THE LORD Believers live by faith, dependent on the Lord for everything. We...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our Vacation Bible School will be held on June 13-15. Please be inprayer about this important time teaching our children. ***** ALL THINGS BECOME NEW “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old thingsare passed away;...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
HE SAVED US – Titus 3:5 This is a three word summary of the gospel we preach: He saved us. He: God. God did all of the saving. God the Father elected a people unto salvation. God the Son redeemed those people by the blood of His sacrifice...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THERE IS NO BETTER GOSPEL Charles Spurgeon’s grandfather, who was also a pastor, said of his grandson, “He may preach the gospel better than I can, but he cannot preach a better gospel.” Spurgeon denied that he could preach...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
PREACHING vs DEBATING No spiritual good will ever come from debating doctrinal points of view. God never has and never will save or feed His people by debating. God saves His people through the preaching of Christ alone. (I Cor. 1:21) Rather...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHY ARE YOU HERE? Why have you come to the house of the Lord this morning? Is it to be seen of men so people will know how pious you are? Have you come to fulfil a social need to see friends? Have you come because you feel better going through...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
NO REASON TO FEAR “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Rom. 8:1) There is no fear of condemnation for the believer’s sin since Christ was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]