“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Rom. 8:1)
There is no fear of condemnation for the believer’s sin since Christ was made sin for us. The Lord Jesus Christ took all of the sin of His people away from them and put that sin away by the blood of His sacrifice. Christ has died for the sin of His people so justice is satisfied. God’s holy justice can never condemn anyone for whom Christ died.
What blessed peace there is for everyone who trusts Christ the Savior! What blessed peace to live life never having to fear punishment from God. What peace of heart to not only not dread, but actually look forward to, the death of the body and going to see God without any fear of condemnation because of the sacrifice of Christ!
“And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.” (I John 2:25)
Eternal life is a promise of God for His people. This promise, like every promise of God, is in Christ. Eternal life is a blessing that the Father promised His people in grace, Christ earned for His people in grace, and the Holy Spirit applies to God’s people in grace. Eternal life, like every blessing of God, is never earned by our works. It is always a free gift of God’s grace to His people through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The End is Greater than the Means
The ultimate end or goal of redemption is not the happiness, well-being, or even conversion of sinners, BUT THE GLORY OF GOD (Eph. 1:6, 12, 14). Man’s comfort and safety is not the supreme goal of God’s glorious gospel. The supreme goal of our gospel is the glory of God, the establishment of His rule and reign over a kingdom of peace and righteousness, the exaltation and manifestation of His character, and the preeminence of His beloved Son. Our salvation will serve that purpose (Phil. 2:6-11).
Everything in covenant mercies, in salvation, and in God’s purpose for the sons of men (past, present, and future) turns upon the will of God in Christ. This makes CHRIST THE PRINCIPAL FIGURE in our gospel, our goals, and our glory. But, if you have salvation and God’s purpose waiting upon the freewill of the creature, then MAN is the principal figure in your landscape and will lead you to compromise divine truth in order to win man’s approval.
The attitude that we must get men converted at any cost and compromise usually winds up costing the very character and truth of God, which is a price too high to pay. Conversions are never more important than truth. Truth is always more important than results. “Let God be true and every man a liar!”
Henry Mahan
Works, Dead or Good
Dead works are those things men do and look to for the hope of their salvation. Good works are those things believers do when they are looking to Christ alone for all the hope of their salvation. Dead works are things men glory in. Good works are never acknowledged by those who do them. Dead works are performed out of obligation and for reward. Good works are willing acts of service done out of love for Christ. Lord, purge our conscience of dead works to serve Thee, the true and living God. Heb. 9:14. Make us a peculiar people unto Thyself, zealous of Good works, Titus 2:14 which Thou hast ordained that we should walk in. Eph. 2:10.
Pastor Greg Elmquist