Let us never again be guilty of saying, “A believer wouldn’t do that.” Oh yes they will! When we say such a thing we are trying to take some credit for our righteousness. A believer will commit any sin an unbeliever will commit with the exception of apostacy (and only because God keeps them from it). David, the man after God’s own heart, committed adultery and murder and didn’t even feel guilty about it for a time. “Just Lot” (II Peter 2:7) chose to separate from Abraham and live in the well watered plain of Sodom and Gomorrah. Peter who confessed all of his hope was in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, also denied he even knew the Lord Jesus and later, by his actions, denied salvation by grace without works when he quit eating and fellowshipping with the Gentiles when some Jews arrived at the dinner. Yes, the strongest of believers will commit any kind of sin. So rather than say, “A believer wouldn’t do that”, let’s say “I am nothing but sin but Christ is my righteousness and He will never fail me.”
Pastor Frank Tate
Where Does Grace Lead?
Some people would have us believe that if we preach pure grace it will lead people to licentious living. They say if we remove the law as a guide or motivation for Christian living, people will have nothing to keep them faithful. They say to tell a person to just follow Christ doesn’t provide enough structure and will lead people to careless living. Is that where the gospel of God’s free grace in Christ Jesus leads? Grace preachers have always been, and always will be, falsely accused of this devilish lie. The apostle Paul spent much of his time defending the gospel of grace against this lawmongers view of self- righteousness. “What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.” Rom 6:15. Grace does not lead to sin. Grace leads to Christ. “For the love of Christ constaineth us…” 2 Cor.5:4 Truth is “The strength of sin is the law.” 1 Cor.15:56. Show me a man preaching the law, and I’ll show you a people with no hope for their sin; its penalty, power, and ultimately its presence.
Pastor Greg Elmquist
The Cause Was from The Lord
The reason Rehoboam rejected the wise counsel of the elders and followed the foolish counsel of the young men was this… “The cause was from the Lord” (I Kings 12:15). God is completely sovereign over all of the free and un-coerced actions of men. How thankful we are for that!
Pastor Todd Nibert
God has revealed unto the true believer the true nature of sin and his wound grows deeper with the passing of time, as God gives him more light. Consequently, his need, his hungering and thirsting for Christ also increases with time. The deeper his wound, the deeper his repentance, and the more he loves to hear of the all-sufficient Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Those who profess faith in Christ and do not, with the passing of time, have a deeper sense of their sinfulness, and thus live in a deeper state of repentance, have never likely experienced anything but a superficial religious scratch, not Holy Spirit conviction and repentance. This condition is nearly always manifest in their lack of an increasing hunger and thirst for Christ, and the indifferent manner in which they hear that precious gospel of God’s glory and grace. They would just as soon, or would rather hear other things than the things of Christ.
Contrariwise, the true believer can never hear too much of that glorious message of “Jesus Christ and him crucified.” The true believer is described in Philippians 3:1-14. May we, you and I, be found in that blessed number.
Mr. Spurgeon once said, “After some years of experience, the Christian comes to know, better than he did at first, how much the gospel suits him. He finds that its simplicity suits his bewilderment; its grace suits his sinfulness; its power is suitable to his weakness; its comfort is suitable to his despondence; and the more he grows, the more he loves the gospel of the grace of God.”
Maurice Montgomery
I’ve heard it said, “If you wish to be disappointed, look at others; if you wish to be disheartened, look at yourself; if you wish to be encouraged, look to the Lord Jesus Christ.” We’re all frail creatures of the dust and in need to be reminded of these things. As we, “run with patience the race that is set before us,” may the Lord direct our hearts to be, “Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.” (Heb.12:2).
Pastor Marvin Stalnaker