As soon as one gives up on all those meaningless sentiments and believes that anything else will rescue the soul, the mystery ends and simplicity begins.
Great Sermon! Having Christ My Friend, My Righteousness, My Shepherd ,My Commander- I have enough and I have it ALL!
Thank you for this message from Gods Heart
Great Sermon! Thank you Dear Lord for reminding me
That Christ is My Inheritance
And He Will Not leave me comfortless or an orphan EVER! Christ is my Friend and Substitute that stickerh closer than a brother!
A Gospel Sermon! All my hope is in my Representative and Substitute; He who is my hope of glory; He who is all. And because we are kept by the power of God we shall not be moved away from the hope of the Gospel; Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil ... Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope.
A Gospel Sermon! "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people" ... a testimony that the sheep never become weary of hearing or loose interest in because He has given us a love of the truth and He who is the Truth.
Prepare to be enchanted as your thoughts take an out-of-this-world adventure of metamorphosis. In the coming moments, you will see a remarkable transformation that will absolutely captivate you.
Arm yourself with the necessary tools and mindset to conquer any obstacle that crosses your path. Unleash your full potential and conquer any obstacle that comes your way. Embrace the thrill of pushing yourself to the limits and become a master at overcoming challenges. Get ready to face whatever life throws at you with unwavering determination and resilience.
The Armour of God Here is Orlando, we heard a message: "what Have You Proved", which had Ephesians 6:10-17 as the main point of the message. What a faithful Good Shepherd.
Great Gospel Sermon! This sermon was an encouragement to this sheep & was the experience of a sinner saved in shoe leather. It was refreshing that our brother Job was not set-up as an example of someone living below the grace of God. The council Zophar, Bildad and Elipaz had for Job misrepresented the testimony of God concerning His Gospel & His own declaration concerning His servant Job. What would they have counseled our Lord Jesus Christ at His ignominious crucifixion & death? Now, while our Precious Lord Jesus (who became us)is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners nevertheless, He was made sin. Yet, we have this testimony (Rom 5:8) &(1Peter3:18). The gospel of these (3) could not answer brother Frank's sermon title question. Blessed God, His Gospel declares & reveals it to His sheep by His Spirt.
Excellent Sermon! GOD, in Christ, has done a work for and in His people as revealed in HIS testimony to us. As up until the days of Isaiah, so it was in the days when Jesus Christ our LORD walked the earth, Luke wrote Acts and Paul wrote Romans, as it is in 2023 until HE comes again, as many as are ordained unto eternal like shall be saved. There are “gleaning grapes' that shall be saved in every age and time out of every kindred, tribe and tongue people and nation, and though their sins are as scarlet they shall be as while as snow (Is 1:18) for their is no difference between between Syrian, Samaritan, Gentile, Greek or Jew for all are sin and have sinned (in Adam) for God decreed and purposed the inheritance to Abraham by promise (Gal 4:23). GOD saves HIS gleaning grapes-the entire house of the true Israel (who fell in a representative-the 1st Adam) by a representative-Jesus Christ the RIGHTEOUS the 2nd Adam, as brother Frank often reminds us. There is no promise given for self-representation and acceptance before GOD only a curse.