Happy 50th Anniversary! May the Lord bless you. my and
husband Geneand I will celebrate our 50th on September 14th. But, we nearly lost Gene to a stroke and quadruple by-pass in June. We praise the Lord for His intervention and grace thatl he is doing well. we have endured many trials too. But, we cherish the treasure of one another and praise God for the victory that is always through Christ.
C.S. Lewis. Not a Fellow Christian Thank you for revealing the truth of Lewis' occultist practices. None dare call it witchcraft in almost every church naming themselves Reformed and evangelical. This is the work of the romanist Jesuit order of the the theost wicked kind. It's the work of the Counter-Reformation.
Great Sermon! “And he saith unto them, Are ye also without understanding? Do ye not perceive that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him.” Mark 7:18, 1611 Authorized Version (KJV).
Yours Truly
If we’re talking about working for a government bureaucracy, then I would agree, but it is possible to stem the tide of evil by electing Christians to serve in the judicial, executive, or legislative branches of government.
Appalachian Hillbilly Popery It appears that there is a particular variety of popery in Appalachian America, which is common place among American hillbillies. This is because popery rapidly expanded in the West Virginia area shortly after the end of the American Revolution in 1783. Because of this, popery holds sway over most of the hillbilly population in Appalachian America.
Appalachian Hillbilly Popery It appears that there is a particular variety of popery in Appalachian America, which is common place among American hillbillies. This is because popery rapidly expanded in the West Virginia area shortly after the end of the American Revolution in 1783. Because of this, popery holds sway over most of the hillbilly population in Appalachian America.
Hillbilly Freemasonry and Popery It should be noted that hillbilly country, namely Appalachian America (Ameriga), is rooted in Freemasonry and popery. This is also evident in that liberal church denominations like the popish Cumberland Presbyterian Church have members who are associated with Masonic organisations like the Hillbilly Shriners. A podcast like this is a response to any form of popery and Freemasonry, including hillbilly Freemasonry and hillbilly popery.
Common grace is the Lord giving rain to both the just and the unjust and making the sun to shine on both the righteous and the unrighteous. Though I agree with the rejection of what is called common grace in this teaching, I would not use the term common grace. I would prefer the term unlimited atonement.
Infant baptism and baptismal regeneration ARE NOT one and the same. Infant baptism IS NOT a denial of Romans 9:13. Baptismal regeneration IS a denial of Romans 9:13. To equate the two is an error all too common among those who seek to deny the covenant sign to covenant children.
Did Jefferson really deny the resurrection and ascension of Christ, call Paul a liar, and create a false Bible, or are those all lies invented by the cultural elites to defame and discredit a Christian statesman? And what if the wall of separation was intended to protect the church from the state, not vice versa?
Liberalism's War on Christian Monarchy It should be noted that the Enlightenment with its Masonic revolutions like the American Revolution turned America into a safe haven for liberalism. As the Masonic American revolutionaries sought to overthrow Christian Monarchy during the 18th Century, so today's liberals are seeking to do the same. One of the ways in which liberals are seeking to undo Christian Monarchy is by attacking The Biblical Tenet of Families being The Principle Building Block of Society, especially since Christian Monarchy is based on This Tenet. We also realize that Satan and the antichrist are seeking to undo The Biblical Tenet of Families being The Building Blocks of Society by promoting the liberal idea of the state as the building block of society. Of course, The Book of Revelation revealed the fate of the liberals, which is eternal torment in The Lake of Fire.
Hypotassō Vs. Antitassō In Romans 13, the word 'subject', as in being a subject to The King, is translated from the Greek word hypotassō (ὑποτάσσω). The antonym word 'resisteth' is translated from the Greek word antitassō (ἀντιτάσσω). This podcast is a plea to be subject to The King of Kings and all Godly Kings, who are a terror to the evil Satanically-inspired rebels, including those Satanically-inspired Masonic revolutionaries called the American revolutionaries.
Satan: The First Revolutionary As we know, Satan was the first revolutionary as denoted in Isaiah 14, particularly Isaiah 14:12-15. Of course, the price for his revolution is eternal torment in The Lake of Fire like noted in Revelation 20, particularly Revelation 20:10. It is tragic how Satan used the Enlightenment and its major revolutions like the American Revolution and the French Revolution to spread Freemasonry. Yet, as stated earlier, The Lake of Fire will be the final place of eternal torment for Satan, all the fallen angels, the Beast, the False Prophet, and all lost sinners, including the Freemasons and their association of Masonic revolutionaries. As Satan and his fallen angels rebelled against The King of Kings, so the Masonic revolutionaries during the Enlightenment rebelled against Godly Christian Monarchs. A podcast like this is also a plea to return to The Old Ways of Biblical Monarchism and to renounce the revolutionary ideals of Masonic "liberty".
Appalachian Masonic Hillbillies As we know about Appalachia, and the American South as a whole, it should be noted that Appalachian hillbilly culture is really Freemasonry. This is not a surprise since various varieties of Freemasonry originated in the American South as well as hillbilly country. This podcast is much needed in response to hillbilly pride, which is really Freemasonry.