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Pineville Sovereign Grace Fellowship
Larry Phillips  |  Pineville, Missouri
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"Great Sermon!"
Definitely Reformation Day
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Sermon8/20/2020 11:54 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Rebellious Revolutionaries: Murderers at Heart ”
It should be noted that rebellious revolutionaries, with their ideals of "liberty" and "liberation", are really murderers at heart. In a letter written to William Short by Thomas Jefferson on 1793, Thomas Jefferson wrote regarding the French Revolution that, "My own affections have been deeply wounded by some of the martyrs to this cause, but rather than it should have failed, I would have seen half the earth desolated. Were there but an Adam and an Eve left in every country, and left free, it would be better than as it now is." This statement by Thomas Jefferson states that mass murder is needed to accomplish the cause of alleged "liberty". The French Revolution was really an act of mass murder committed by the French revolutionaries. We also realize that the statement made by Thomas Jefferson regarding the French Revolution would influence future mass murderers like Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. It is no surprise that Stalin and Hitler saw the French Revolution as an inspiration for atrocities committed by them. This sermon clearly shows that The Lord regards revolution as both the sin of rebellion and the sin of murder. Then again, the sin of rebellion always stirs the sin of murder since Cain was a rebel against The Lord who murdered righteous Abel.

Sermon8/10/2020 12:29 AM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Thomas Paine: Unbelieving American Founder ”
It should be noted that Thomas Paine (February 09, 1737 - 08 June, 1809), among the American Founding Fathers, was an unbeliever who rejected The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thomas Paine openly attacked Biblical Christianity in his writings, including the Age of Reason. As a result of Thomas Paine's unbelief in The Bible, especially The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the majority of American people are unbelievers. Thomas Paine created a legacy of unbelief in The Gospel of Jesus Christ in America. That legacy of unbelief in The Gospel of Jesus still continues in America to this very day. The unregenerate American Founding Father Thomas Paine even coined the term United States of America on 04 July, 1776. This sermon is a call to renounce the sin of unbelief in The Gospel of Jesus, which is what built America (USA) through the writings of Thomas Paine.

Sermon8/6/2020 2:09 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ A Rebuttal of Man-Centered Americanism ”
With so many man-centered sermons in churches in America and around the world, a sermon like this is most needed in response to man-centered Americanism as well as man-centered nationalism. Sadly, most churches in America are man-centered, and the founding documents of America like the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence reflect that man-centered Americanism. When the people of America fight for America, they are really fighting for the wrong prize, particularly that to temporal worldly "liberty." We know that America is not proclaiming The Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the nation of the world. The only thing that America is teaching all the other nations of the world is man-centered Americanism. This sermon shows that American patriotism towards American ideals is not only idolatry, but is treasonous against The Lord and His Kingdom.

Sermon7/30/2020 11:02 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ The Social Gospel of America ”
This sermon clearly shows that America (United States of America) is built on a worldly social gospel, particularly a social gospel of American "liberty". Sadly, conservative churches are allowing themselves to be engulfed by the social gospel of American patriotism. This is why a lot of American churches teach about American patriotism, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the American flag, and other symbols of America. It is worth noting The Great Commission in verses like Matthew 28:16–20, Mark 16:14–18, Luke 24:44–49, John 20:19-23, and Acts 1:4–8 in response to this craze of national patriotism, including American patriotism. The Apostles in The Book of Acts did not get involved in "liberty" activism, especially since they lived in the time of the tyranny of the Roman Empire. This sermon is a helpful response to the false gospel called the social gospel of America.

Sermon7/13/2020 1:06 AM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Revolutions: Rebellion Against The King of Kings ”
It should be noted that the many historical revolutions like the American Revolution are rebellion against The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is worth noting Proverbs 21:1, Proverbs 24:21, Proverbs 25:6, Proverbs 29:14, and Ecclesiastes 10:20 in times where revolutions are promoted. It is also worth noting Psalm 26:9, Psalm 59:2, and Psalm 139:19 as well.

Sermon7/11/2020 11:22 AM
Female Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by Female Saved by Grace
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Feminist are also what is called Cafeteria Christians. They pick and choose what they believe or what they will accept as truth, refute what they don’t like and throw out the rest of the Word of God. I am female and love it. I am female-not feminist and will never attend any church that has women preachers.

Sermon7/5/2020 2:19 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Secret American Catholic Ochlocracy ”
This sermon clearly shows how there were Catholic ochlocrats, or possibly even Catholic anarchists, which were involved in the American Revolution against Great Britain. While there are Catholic churches in democratic nations like America, we know that the Catholic church really favors a religious ochlocracy of government by a mob. While not all Catholics are insurrectionists, it does not change the revolutionary roots of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has been stirring revolutions in the many nations of the world with the intent on overthrowing legitimate authorities like The Protestant Monarchs. This is because the principle objective of the Catholic Church is to unite the world under the leadership of the Antichrist in rebellion against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. As we know, Catholic figures in history like the Borgia family were driven by Satanic rebellion. A sermon like this is needed in response to sinful rebellion of the Catholic type.

Sermon7/3/2020 2:12 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Remembering New England ”
It is important to remember New England since it was built on Puritan righteousness. Interestingly, New England is known as XÄ«n YÄ«nggĂ©lán ć–°č‹±ć Ľč­ in Chinese. The Chinese name for Puritans is QÄ«ngjiĂ otĂş 清教徒. This shows that even The Godly Heritage of the Puritans is commemorated even in Chinese.

Sermon6/22/2020 1:38 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Rulers: Designed To Suppress Rebellion ”
As this sermon demonstrates, the rulers spoken of in Romans 13 are designed to suppress rebellion. We also realize that Romans 13:1-7 is contrary to the American and global view of human rights espoused by both the United States of America and the United Nations. There is genuine liberty when one submits to rightly ordained rulers even though this view of liberty as submission to rightly ordained rulers is contrary to the philosophies of the American Founding Fathers and the United Nations. Verses like 1 Peter 2:13-16, 1 Samuel 15:23, Matthew 22:15-21, 2 Peter 2:9-10, 1 Timothy 3:1-2, and Hebrews 13:17 are all verses which require obedience and submission to rightly ordained authorities. Even though not stated by this sermon, the founders of the United Nations were rebels against The Lord and those rightful rulers ordained by Him. This also means that the American Founding Fathers were rebels against such rightful rulers ordained by The Lord as well. This sermon is an indictment against the idea of humans rights.

Sermon6/11/2020 1:18 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Romans 13: A Death Sentence To American Rebellion ”
It should be noted that Romans 13, especially Romans 13:1-7, really puts American rebellion to death, especially if that American rebellion is inspired by rebellious Freemasonry or rebellious Catholicism. We know that the American rebels who cite the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to justify revolution are really inspired by both Satan and the Antichrist. The American rebels who violate Romans 13 will be used by Satan and the Antichrist to stir rebellion not only in America, but around the world. There was American rebellion on 04 July, 1776, now there is global rebellion started by the United Nations (UN) on 24 October, 1945. This sermon shows that both the American rebels of the USA and the global rebels of the UN are both in violation of Romans 13. Our Puritan forefathers understood that Romans 13 favors righteousness and obedience and condemns all evil acts of rebellion, including that evil act of rebellion known as the American Revolution. This sermon is a death sentence to both the American rebellion of the United States of America (USA) and the global rebellion of the United Nations (UN).

Sermon6/9/2020 5:46 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ World Council of Rebel Churches ”
This sermon is an indictment against the World Council of Churches, which is the World Council of Rebel Churches.

Sermon5/30/2020 1:50 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ American Revolution: Violation of Romans 13:1-7 ”
It should be noted that the American Revolution from 1765 A.D. to 1783 A.D was a violation of Romans 13:1-7 since it was an act of rebellion. What the American Founding Fathers called "liberty" is really the sin of rebellion. America (USA) is now imploding from within because of its principle of government of the people found in the U.S. Constitution. As we know, government of the people is rebellion against The Lord and His Kingdom because it is people professing that no ruler rules over them. We also realize that The Lord ordains rulers to rule over the people, which is why He ordained King George III to rule over the American people. This sermon is a call for America to repent not only of the U.S. Constitution and the other rebellious American founding documents inspired by rebellious Freemasonry, but also of its act of rebellion against The Lord and those rulers anointed by Him called the American Revolution. If America intends on fulfilling 2 Chronicles 7:14, then it must abolish the constitutional government of the people and establish The Lord's Monarchy on Earth.

Sermon5/27/2020 1:11 AM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Fourth Amendment: Making Goverment Spying Possible ”
According to the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, it reads that "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Organizations like the Tenth Amendment Center claim that government spying goes against the Fourth Amendment, but in reality, the Fourth Amendment only makes government spying possible. This is because it gives "probable cause" for such government spying. It should also be noted that there was no "Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution" when Phinehas executed both Zimri (an Israelite) and Cozbi (a Midianite woman) in their tent after both Zimri and Cozbi fornicated with each other as noted in Numbers 25:6-8. Also, on Judgment Day, there will be no "Fourth Amendment" for American souls who died in their sins when they are judged at The Great White Throne. All of this means that the Fourth Amendment and the entire U.S. Constitution will be burned up on Judgment Day.

Sermon5/21/2020 8:31 AM
Ivor Thomas from England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ivor Thomas
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“ Love to bretheren ”
Any one who does not love his brother is a liar And the truth is not in him.

Sermon5/9/2020 11:10 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Remembering Romans 13:1-7 ”
It is worth remembering Romans 13:1-7 in times like these.

Sermon5/9/2020 11:05 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Founding Fathers: Antichrist Freemasons ”
As this sermon shows, the American Founding Fathers were into Freemasonry, which is of the antichrist. The real grand architects of Freemasonry are Satan and the Antichrist. The Freemasonry of the American Founding Fathers caused the dispersal of other major antichrist religions like popery, especially since the Carroll family, who were American Founding Fathers, were antichrist Roman Catholics. This sermon shows that the American Founding Fathers were not only inspired by Satanic Freemasonry, but also by Satanic popery.

Sermon4/27/2020 9:13 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Kingdom Gospel vs. Social Gospel ”
This sermon shows that the social gospel is a false gospel of human rights activism which damns souls to Hell and The Lake of Fire. The True Biblical Gospel of Eternal Salvation is The Kingdom Gospel. Also worth noting Matthew 4:23 and Matthew 24:14. It should also be noted that the social gospel is the gospel of America. The social gospel is rebellion against The Lord and His Kingdom.

Sermon4/18/2020 10:21 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Thomas Jefferson Tampered With The Bible ”
It should be noted that Founding Father Thomas Jefferson (13 April, 1743 – 04 July, 1826) tampered with The Bible by rewriting it as "the Jefferson Bible" in 1804, which was during his presidential tenure ranging from 04 March, 1801 to 04 March, 1809. It should also be noted that Our Lord strictly forbids altering His Word in Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 12:32, Proverbs 30:6 and Revelation 22:18-19. Because of the actions of Thomas Jefferson altering The Bible, who was a Founding Father, the third president of America, and the author of the Declaration of "Independence", it appears that America is now tampering with The Bible despite Our Lord's prohibition against such an action.

Sermon4/10/2020 12:57 AM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ George Washington: Freemason ”
It should be noted that George Washington (22 February, 1732 - 14 December, 1799) was a Freemason, who served as the First American president from April 30, 1789 to March 4, 1797. During his tenure as president, George Washington wrote a “Letter to the Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church of North America,” October 1789, vol. 12, p. 167. which stated that the American “government protects all in their religious rights.” If George Washington meant what he said about the American government defending all religious rights, then that means that, for example, Hawaiian people have a "right" to worship Satanic volcano gods like Pele. George Washington built the American presidency on his belief in Freemasonry, which is why subsequent American presidents have only continued his bequest of occultism and bizarre mystery religions. Because George Washington was a Freemason, he denied that Jesus is The Only Way to Eternal Salvation. Freemasonry has a "grand architect", but the "grand architect" of Freemasonry is really Satan. Freemasons, like George Washington, will spend eternity in Hell and The Lake of Fire. It is worth noting Revelation 20:11-15 in times like these.

Sermon3/18/2020 10:50 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ American Manifest Destiny: Wars of Aggression ”
It should be noted that the Manifest Destiny of the 19th Century explains why America is so accustomed to waging wars of aggression. Then again, America came into existence through a war of aggression against Britain called the American Revolution. After America "won" against Britain in the American Revolution, America committed atrocious aggression against the Indian population. As long as America is built on the sin of rebellion, it will continue to push for wars of aggression in all nations worldwide. The Manifest Destiny shows that America seeks to spread its sin of rebellion against righteous authority to all nations of the world.

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