American Manifest Destiny: Wars of Aggression It should be noted that the Manifest Destiny of the 19th Century explains why America is so accustomed to waging wars of aggression. Then again, America came into existence through a war of aggression against Britain called the American Revolution. After America "won" against Britain in the American Revolution, America committed atrocious aggression against the Indian population. As long as America is built on the sin of rebellion, it will continue to push for wars of aggression in all nations worldwide. The Manifest Destiny shows that America seeks to spread its sin of rebellion against righteous authority to all nations of the world.
America: Historic Rebel Alliance In the imaginary Star Wars universe, the "heroes" are referred to as the "Rebel Alliance." However, we know that Satan and his fallen angels founded the original rebel alliance. Many generations later, America formed a rebel alliance in 04 July, 1776. We know that Satan, the Antichrist, and false prophet will form a rebel alliance that we are warned about in The Book of Revelation. It is apparent that Satan and the Antichrist influenced the Founding Fathers of America to revolt against King George III. Thanks be to Our Lord that He shall destroy every form of rebellion against Him. Worth noting Revelation 19:1-21 in times like these.
America: Built on Bizarre Symbolism It is clear that the Founding Fathers built America on the bizarre symbolism of Freemasonry since many of the Founding Fathers were Freemasons themselves. That includes the first five presidents named George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. It also means that the Congress, Presidency, and Supreme Court is also built on the bizarre symbolism of Freemasonry. America's earliest Congressional legislators, presidents, and supreme court judges were connected with bizarre secret societies, which is still occurring today. As this sermon notes, any bizarre symbolism is of Satan. It also means that the American Congress, Presidency, and Supreme Court was unrighteous from the very beginning.
Great Sermon! Thank you, dear brother Larry, that was such a blessing to me today, as I laid on my bed listening to your wonderful message. That Word of God was so very precious. Thank you for your time. With love in our Saviour, English Rose
U.S. Bill of Rights: Rights For The Unrighteous The United States Bill of Rights has been bestowing the unrighteous with rights since 15 December, 1791. It should be noted that the entire American Bill of Rights is rebellion against The Lord and His Kingdom of Righteousness.
America: A House Divided Against Itself We know that a house divided against itself shall not stand as noted in Matthew 12:22-32, Mark 3:22-29, and Luke 11:14-23. This sermon shows that America since its beginning on 04 July, 1776 was truly a house divided against itself. The division in America from 04 July, 1776 to the present is a result of America's insistence on "liberty" as an absolute. The U.S. Constitution ratified after the end of the American Revolution only amplified the division in America. The reality of this sermon is that a society rooted in the sin of rebellion while only collapse under its own weight.
King George III: Great Protestant Monarch Despite the Founding Fathers' complaints in the Declaration of Independence that King George III (04 June, 1738-29 January, 1820) was a "tyrant", we know as a fact that King George III was a great Protestant Monarch influenced by the Protestant Reformation. It should also be noted that the Protestant British Monarchy were influenced by Israel of both The Old Testament and The New Testament. Britain's greatness was because of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. While America views King George III as a "villain" and a "tyrant", the reality is that King George III was a hero who sought to proclaim The Righteousness of The Lord. This sermon shows that the Founding Fathers of America were really rebels under the influence of Satan and the Antichrist.
Government Spying: Work of Wickedness In 2013, Mary Margaret McCord, Miss Alabama USA said in response to NSA surveillance that, "I think the society that we live in today it’s sad that, if we go to the movies or to the airport or even to the mall, that we have to worry about our safety. So I would rather someone track my telephone messages and feel safe wherever I go than feel they’re encroaching on my privacy." The simple fact is that it is wishful thinking to think that wicked people in government, especially the NSA, will ensure you with 100% "security" if they survey you 24/7. Government surveillance, even in the name of "security", is wicked. The only way that people can know True Security is through submission to Righteous Authority. Also worth noting Isaiah 48:22 in times like these.
Eighth Amendment: Rebellion Against The Lord It should be noted that the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is really rebellion against The Lord. The Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reads that, "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." We know that stoning was a common method of execution back in The Old Testament. The Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is really erroneous since Our Lord mandated stoning as a method of execution back in The Old Testament. Humanity's rebellion against The Lord is the reason why The Lord mandated punishment, even cruel and unusual punishments like stoning. This sermon shows why liberty rejecting righteousness is really the sin of rebellion against The Righteous Authority of The Lord. This also means that the U.S. Constitution with its Preamble, Articles, and Amendments, is rooted in that same sin of rebellion.
Founding Fathers: Rebels Against The Lord This sermon really shows that America's Founding Fathers were really rebels against The Lord. Even the End Time Prophecy Report had an article on Flags of Rebellion in a Land of Rebellion. The Founding Fathers were not only rebelling against King George III. They were really rebelling against The Lord. What a tragedy that America (also known as the United States of America) is a country born of the sin of rebellion. The sin of rebellion is the very same sin that got Satan cast out of Heaven. It is also this same sin of rebellion that is preparing the world for the coming of the Antichrist. No wonder our Puritan Forefathers opposed "government of the people." They knew that it would justify the sin of rebellion, even in the high echelons of politics.
American Liberty: Hindrance To Salvation Because America's Founding Fathers regarded "liberty" as the highest absolute, they created a nation where most souls do not want eternal salvation. The fact is that most Americans do not want to get saved because of their desire for "liberty." A person could be living in unfree nations like Communist China and still be a born again believer while most people living in America can be "free" and be lost sinners on their way to Hell at the same time. It ought to be noted that worldly "liberty", including American "liberty", is a major hindrance to eternal salvation only found in Jesus Christ.
Pray and Repent The Ten Commandments were written by the Finger of GOD to show man he is a DEPRAVED sinner...and without CHRIST. Man is NOT happy...he is miserable...It is The Law of GOD to be written on our hearts. Without the shedding of BLOOD... there is no remission... True Liberty is in Christ Jesus.The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights are documents written by man for the USA...The Ten Commandments were written for the world...Jesus Christ through GOD created the the world! "We the people"... is Humanism...The worship of man, not GOD! THE LORD has put each person in his habitation...and believe you me, not all is created equal!!! All you have to do is look around...sin and misery everywhere! Those who are happy trust in THE LORD!!! And still they are not equal by man's standards. Christians are being led astray at every turn...some by their on lusts; some by their own thinking; and some by Jesuit trained attorneys...and any so called Christian who calls another so called Christian a devil, among other names, is not in The Fear Of The LORD...and put despite on the Name of Christ. The Believers life is not a tit for tat game at one's pleasure. We are to be salt and light and avenging each other with hateful words is neither,but wood and stubble to be burned.
Remembering 2 Peter 1:11 It is important to remember 2 Peter 1:11 in times where the American Republic is highly exalted, even in churches today. It is also worth noting Psalm 145:13, Daniel 4:3, Daniel 4:34, Daniel 7:14, and Daniel 7:27. The American Republic and its Constitution and Declaration of Independence are temporal and will vanish away. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is eternal and will last forever.
Bible Law Vs. The United States Constitution One helpful resource in response to the United States Constitution is Bible Law Vs. The United States Constitution. This website and book is run by Ted Weiland. It shows why the United States Constitution is incompatible with Biblical Law.
Idolatry of the American Military We live in a society where the U.S. Military and American "freedom" is treated as an idol. It is an idol, but an idol of the heart. These U.S. soldiers are really fighting for "freedom", but it is a "freedom" which seeks to liberate people from The Righteous Rule of Yehovah. The reality is that whenever people fight for their "freedom", which is temporal, they are really fighting for the wrong prize. The desire to liberate humanity is more associated with Satan than it is with Jesus. It is hypocritical how "free" countries like America can accuse "non-free" nations like Iraq of "crimes against humanity" while advocating warmongering at the same time. This sermon shows that warmongering is wickedness in The Sight of Yehovah. It is also worth noting Psalm 11:5-7 in times where American militarism is highly exalted in America. Righteousness is what truly exalts a nation, and warmongering is wickedness because warmongering is the love of violence. Also worth noting Proverbs 14:34. We must remember that Yehovah only uses violence for the sake of punishing the wicked.