The Spirit of The LORD Departing From America We ought to remember the example of Saul from 1 Samuel 9 to 1 Samuel 31 since Saul was an unbeliever, especially the passage noted 1 Samuel 16:14. The Spirit of The LORD departed from Saul because he was an unbeliever. As The Spirit of The LORD departed from Saul in 1 Samuel 16, so His Spirit did, does, and shall depart from all unbelievers. This also means that The Spirit of The LORD departed from the American Founding Fathers like Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson because they, like Saul, were also unbelievers. Since the American Founding Fathers established America as a nation of unbelievers on 04 July, 1776, it means that the vast majority of Americans today are unbelievers. This sermon is a call to repent from the sin of unbelief, which brought the United States of America into existence in the first place.
United States of Unbelievers This sermon reveals that the United States of America was founded by unbelievers called the American Founding Fathers. Since America (the United States of America) was founded by unbelievers, it is not surprise that the majority of Americans are unbelievers. Worth noting Matthew 7:13-14 in response to this sin of unbelief, including the American sin of unbelief.
Government of the People: Government of Infidels This sermon shows why government of, by, and for the people is really a government of, by, and for infidels. In Ancient Greece, their government of people was known as dēmokratia (δημοκρατία). In Ancient Rome, it was known as res publica. Both systems of government were run by unbelievers since both governments were about power to the people. This humanistic sovereignty of the people has continued to this day since Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Both humanistic governments are about the majority's choice of their leaders even though we know that the majority is always wrong like in Matthew 7:13-14. Yet governments of the people gradually become ochlocracies were the mob runs the government. In The Last Days, there will be a mob of rebels lead by Satan the dragon, the antichrist beast, and the false prophet in rebellion against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Throughout Biblical History, there has been a war between The Monarchistic Will of The King of Kings and the humanistic will of the people. One example is the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. This sermon also shows why The Lord's Kingdom will prevail over the humanistic infidel governments in rebellion against The King of Kings.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Unbelieving Infidel One other infidel was Dietrich Bonhoeffer (04 February, 1906–09 April, 1945), who believed a secular humanistic social gospel of liberationism and human rights activism. As we know, Dietrich Bonhoeffer lived during the tyranny of Nazi Germany. We know that the social gospel is a false gospel because Jesus did not "liberate" Israel from the tyranny of the Roman Empire as the Jewish zealots had hoped. Also, when the people of Israel rebelled, they were put under the tyranny of the Babylonian Kingdom. Any gospel that promotes universal human rights is a false social gospel of humanistic "liberty." We must resist the temptation to join forces with unbelieving "freedom fighters" and their social gospel lest we be unequally yoked with these "liberty"-minded unbelieving infidels. The social gospel of human "liberation" is spiritual infidelity, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, like Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, was an unbelieving infidel.
World Council of Infidel Churches This sermon shows that the World Council of Churches is really the World Council of Infidel Churches, especially because of its association with another infidel church called the Vatican. We ought to remember 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 lest we become unequally yoked with the idolatrous infidels who run the Vatican and the infidels who run the World Council of Infidel Churches.
1830: Liberty Murdering People by Eugène Delacroix One example of how sinful murder is committed in the name of "liberty" is a painting by Eugène Delacroix called Liberty Leading the People in 1830. This painting should be called Liberty Murdering People since Lady Liberty is murdering people and leading people into murdering other people in the name of "liberty." This sermon shows that any "liberty" devoid of righteousness, as espoused by the Enlightenment thinkers, is really the evils of rebellion.
Marking and Avoiding the World Council of Churches We ought to remember Romans 16:17, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, 1 Thessalonians 3:6, 1 Timothy 6:3-5, 2 Timothy 3:5, Titus 3:10-11, 2 John 10-11, and Revelation 18:4, which requires us to separate from apostate church organizations like the World Council of Churches and the Vatican.
Founding Fathers: American Unbelievers This sermon really explains why the Founding Fathers of the USA were high ranking unbelievers, especially American unbelievers. We ought to remember 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 lest we be unequally yoked with unbelievers, including American unbelievers who are patriotic to the United States of America. The reality is that the United States of America was founded as a secular unbelieving nations on 04 July, 1776 and it has established a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, which is really a government of unbelievers, by unbelievers, and for unbelievers. Then again, any secular government, including the American government established by the Framers of the US Constitution, is really a government of, by, and for unbelievers. Very needed sermon in response to the sin of unbelief which America has propagated to every major corner of the globe.
Common Sense has rung out the bell Common sense has rung out the bell! “...We all agree on the obligation of the moral precepts of Jesus Christ”. Thomas Jefferson to James Fishback. The 21st century church demiurge!
Great Sermon! Larry, I pray that many of GOD'S CHILDREN will listen to this message and those who have been fed "the bill of goods LIE of universal atonement" will see the real heresy. DEFINITE ATONEMENT IS THE REAL GOSPEL and there's only one! Particular Love is on every page of the bible! -- Thanks my dear brother In Christ, Jon
Great Sermon! King James Bible
But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Psalm 22:3Psalm 50:23
Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.King James Bible
He is thy praise, and he is thy God, that hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen.Deuteronomy 10:21
Thomas Paine: Infidel Founding Father It is commonly known that Thomas Paine that American Founding Father Thomas Paine (29 January, 1737 - 08 June, 1809) coined the term 'United States of America' on 29 June, 1776 as a public declaration. It is also known that Thomas Paine was an antichrist infidel. This means that the United States of America is really the United States of Infidelity, particularly infidelity against The Faith of Jesus Christ. As we know The Faith of Jesus Christ was The Puritan Faith of Puritan America. Many of the statements made by Thomas Paine in The Age of Reason (1794) are blasphemous against The Bible, Abba Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. We ought to remember 2 Corinthians 6:1-18, particularly 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 in response to the spiritual infidelity of America, especially since America's Founding Fathers like Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson reconstructed America upon their own spiritual infidelity against The Biblical Faith of Jesus Christ.
Serpent: Symbol of American (USA) Rebellion Many of the early American flags were pictured with serpents on them since the American revolutionaries saw serpents as symbols of "liberty." The reality is that America (USA) chose a symbol of rebellion called the serpent as the national mascot. We also realize that the serpent symbolizes rebellion because in Genesis 3:1-24, Satan was that very serpent. How tragic that America (USA) chose the very symbol of rebellion called the serpent as its very national symbol.
Revelation 18: Death of the One World Church It ought to be noted that Revelation 18:1-24 is really a death sentence to the one world church, especially the Vatican and World Council of Churches. Just as Elijah slew the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves from Jezebel's table in 1 Kings 18:1-46, so The Lord shall slay the apostate one world church and her rebellious followers and rebellious leaders. This sermon shows that apostate churches like the World Council of Churches and the Vatican are antichrist and will bring death upon their followers, both the first physical death and the second spiritual death of being cast into The Lake of Fire. Also worth noting Revelation 19:1-21 and Revelation 20:1-15 in response to these rebellious apostate churches called the Vatican and the World Council of Churches.
Puritan America vs. United States of America This sermon shows how the Puritan America and the United States of America are different. The Puritan America honored The King of Kings, but the United States of America rejected The King of Kings and His Righteous Monarchy. This sermon shows that the United States of America (more like United States of Antichrist) was built on the spirit of antichrist on 04 July, 1776. Because the United States of Antichrist was born of the spirit of antichrist, it means that patriotic national symbols associated with the United States of America like the stars and stripes, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, states' rights, and so forth are also antichrist.
Founding Fathers of USA: Antichrist Champions It is worth noting 1 Samuel 17:1-58 in response to this craze over championship, especially these antichrist champions, which are worldly "heroes". One such example of worldly "heroes" are the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. This is because the Founding Fathers of the United States of America came as champions of "liberty", even though their ideals of "liberty" were rooted in antichrist Freemasonry. The whole idea of being a champion of the people is antichrist. We realize that in both The Old Testament and The New Testament of The Bible, Jehovah's People and The Messiah came as shepherds, not champions of the people. Very helpful sermon in response to this antichrist craze of championship, especially these antichrist Masonic Enlightenment champions known as the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.
Popes: Rebel Leaders It is worth noting the story of Korah in Numbers 16:1-50. Just as Korah led and organized a rebellion against Moses and against The Lord, so the Catholic popes led and organize a rebellion against The Lord. It is also worth noting the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. Just as The Lord stopped the construction of the Tower of Babel, so shall The Lord bring desolation upon this Tower of Babel called the Vatican. Babylon is fallen indeed.
Remembering The Imprecatory Psalms It is worth remembering Psalms 5, Psalms 10, Psalms 17, Psalms 35, Psalms 58, Psalms 59, Psalms 69, Psalms 70, Psalms 79, Psalms 83, Psalms 109, Psalms 129, Psalms 137, and Psalms 140. This is because these Psalms are Imprecatory Psalms and are relevant today as an indictment against the rebellious apostate World Council of Churches.
Great Sermon! No hope for many of us. Sad and scary. No remedy for the rest of so many helpless, hopeless 😩 people who were not chosen to salvation.
Great Sermon! Worrisome. Sad. Heartbreaking. No way to escape hell. Destined to spend eternity in hell with no chance of having had an opportunity to get saved