SCHEDULE OF SERVICES February 19, 2023
Sunday Worship
Bible Study 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service 10:45 A.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Saturday Radio Broadcast WEMM Radio 107.9 FM 8:30 A.M.
Our messages can be heard on
It is requested that all children four and under stay in our nursery so there will be no distractions during the preaching of the Gospel.
Precious Saviour, friend of sinners
We, as such, to Thee draw near
Let Thy Spirit dwell within us
With that love that casts out fear.
Matchless Saviour, let us know Thee
As the Lord our Righteousness.
Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee
Come, and with Thy presence bless.
Open now Thy precious treasure
Let Thy Word here freely flow.
Give to us a gracious measure
‘Tis Thyself we long to know.
Come and claim us as Thy portion
Let us all find rest in Thee
Leave us not to empty notions
We would find our hope in Thee!
(Tune: “Jesus Calls Us” p. 374 )
23rd Rick Dillon 28th Danny Holschuh
28th Peggy Wooten
Nursery Schedule
Sunday School: Heather Spence, Maddie Cook
Sunday Worship Service: Julie and Emmy Thornbury
Wednesday Service: Sandy and Lilah Thornbury
Next Week: Michelle Simpson, Clarah Floyd, Lindy Herrell, Sydney Kinnel, Abby Floyd
Bob and Carla Boyd will be in Cleveland for five more weeks. If you would like to send them a card, their mailing address is 5455 N. Marginal Road, Apt. 206, Cleveland, OH 44114.
“Trust in him at all times; ye people” (Psalm 62:8)
Paul instructs God’s preachers to preach the Word in every season. (II Tim. 4:2) At all times, in every situation, no matter how we may feel, we are to preach the Word. The same thing holds true about believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. In all times, in every situation, no matter how you may feel, keep trusting Christ alone. If you are happy or if you are sad, trust Christ. If you are healthy or if you are ill, trust Christ. If you are young or if you are old, trust Christ. If you are full or if you are empty, trust Christ. If you have plenty or if you have little, trust Christ. If you are on the mountain top or if you are in the valley, trust Christ. If you are loved, or if you are hated, trust Christ. We will never be disappointed because we trusted in Christ, so “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)” (Hebrews 10:23)
I have heard much about milk versus meat preaching... Have you ever tried to eat a big piece of meat without something to drink? You will choke! You cannot have meat without “the milk”.
Pastor Kevin Thacker
If salvation depends upon our being or doing anything, we shall inevitably be lost. Thank God, it does not; for the great fundamental principle of the gospel is that Christ is all: man is nothing. It is not a mixture of Christ and man---it is all of Christ. The peace of the gospel does not rest in part on Christ’s work and in part on man’s work; it rests wholly on Christ’s work, because that work is perfect, perfect forever; and it renders all who put their trust in Him as perfect as Himself! Christ must either be a whole Savior or no Savior at all. The moment a man says, “Except you be this or that, you cannot be saved,” he totally subverts the gospel; for in the gospel I find Christ coming down to me, just as I am--a lost, guilty, self-destroyed sinner; and coming, moreover, with a full remission of all my sins, and a full salvation from my lost estate, all perfectly wrought by Himself on the cross.
C. H. Mackintosh
“He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” Psalm 40:2
By doing this for us God created in us a new spirit of compassion toward sinners yet in the pit. It would be absurd to disdainfully look down upon them from above the pit as if we are better or made ourselves to differ. Knowing we could not bring our own selves up out of the pit, it would be mockery to speak down to them or to remotely give them the impression that they have ability to deliver themselves. Instead, Christ’s love constrains us to give God our Father and his Son all the glory. We beseech them to repent toward God but we do so by telling them the good news of how God alone delivered us, through the righteousness of his Son alone and the power of the Holy Spirit alone. We beseech them to believe on Christ, but we do so begging God to send the Spirit, bring them out and set their feet on Christ and establish their goings.
Pastor Clay Curtis
If God will be gracious to you, he will make Christ more than the Savior of sinners to your understanding. He will make Christ the Savior of you the sinner.
Pastor Eric Lutter