Our sincere sympathy is extended to Sandy Holbrook and her family in the recent death of her mother Susan. Our young adult classes for ages 18-29 will be held July 16-18.
Is it important for a believer to confess Christ in believer’s baptism? Absolutely. The Savior commanded it. Believer’s baptism is the way we confess salvation through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16)
Confessing Christ does not end with baptism. A child of God continually confesses Christ by being in the public worship service to hear of Him, by following His Word as our rule of life, and by showing love for His people.
I wouldn’t give a plugged nickel for a profession of faith that did not include believer’s baptism. I also wouldn’t give a plugged nickel for a profession of faith that didn’t affect the life with love and faith.
Symptoms of a Fatal Disease
MOST fatal diseases do not show up immediately, nor do they kill someone overnight. They generally begin with little unsuspicious symptoms, such as a sniffle, a sore, a small lump or a brief pain. Most times the person ignores these little symptoms until they become much worse; so much so that others notice something wrong with them. So it is most times with the fatal disease called Apostasy.
Apostasy means departing from the living God, forsaking Christ and His people, departing from the faith, leaving the gospel and leaving the church. It most times begins with little symptoms, such as . . . no real desire to attend the worship services (but only do so to maintain appearances), no real fellowship with believers (quick to get in and out of services), avoidable absences from the worship service, little distractions at home, little temptations to work late, ‘little sins’ indulged (even enjoyed), the pull and call of the world, which, at one time was resisted, now quickly and easily answered.
The symptoms are many and varied, and if ignored, they eventually break out into glaring problems. The person begins to be unsociable with God’s people, unreachable, not easily entreated. They begin to resent and avoid the calls and concerns of their (supposed) brethren. They begin to find fault with their ‘brethren’ and especially the preacher. Rather than defend the preacher and their brethren, they take sides with others against them. Until finally they see no need to gather with ‘those people’ anymore, or listen to ‘that fellow’ anymore. Little do these apostates realize (nor do they care), but THEY HAVE MISSED CHRIST, . . . they“went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt would have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be manifest (revealed, exposed to all) that they are not all of us. (I John 2:19). Fact is, one who leaves never had life to begin with, never was born from above, never was quickened but was and is dead in trespasses and sins.
It is not too late if these words convict one’s conscience and prick one’s heart. If the symptoms are recognized early, it does not have to be fatal . . . hurtful and injurious, yes . . . but not fatal! If you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself and are concerned, perhaps the Great Physician is dealing with you. The Lord will heal the backslidden in heart; He readily receives every returning, repentant prodigal. If left to our sinful selves we all would fall away. It can happen to anyone. Many have left and many more will do so, according to scripture (Luke 18:8). But, by the grace of God, all who call on Him, all who come to Him, all broken and contrite sinners, no matter how sinful, how fallen (or how many times), how wandering, how downcast and dirty . . . He mercifully receives and quickly and freely forgives (and so do the brethren).
Pastor Paul Mahan