Excellent Sermon! GOD, in Christ, has done a work for and in His people as revealed in HIS testimony to us. As up until the days of Isaiah, so it was in the days when Jesus Christ our LORD walked the earth, Luke wrote Acts and Paul wrote Romans, as it is in 2023 until HE comes again, as many as are ordained unto eternal like shall be saved. There are “gleaning grapes' that shall be saved in every age and time out of every kindred, tribe and tongue people and nation, and though their sins are as scarlet they shall be as while as snow (Is 1:18) for their is no difference between between Syrian, Samaritan, Gentile, Greek or Jew for all are sin and have sinned (in Adam) for God decreed and purposed the inheritance to Abraham by promise (Gal 4:23). GOD saves HIS gleaning grapes-the entire house of the true Israel (who fell in a representative-the 1st Adam) by a representative-Jesus Christ the RIGHTEOUS the 2nd Adam, as brother Frank often reminds us. There is no promise given for self-representation and acceptance before GOD only a curse.
Great Sermon! Great sermon! Concerning the subject, brother Marvin preached two (2) messages from Romans 14 "The Kingdom of God" and "Follow After Peace", which are worthy of the hearer, and compliment the preaching done here by brother Frank. We are grateful for all three messages. Bless our GOD, and we are thankful for these two men.
'A Find' of a sermon on Christian Liberty A truly great message on the topic of the believers attitude, which the brethren @ HRBC has been blessed by brother Frank's message. We have not heard a message preached on the topic since Scott Richardson (1981) and Henry Mahan (1982). That's 27 long years ago! Add to this three (3) sermons: "Treatment of A Weak Brother" brother Marvin, and "Precepts to Strong and Weak" and " Acceptable to God, Approved of Men" brother Clay. A bountiful feast, and some strong exhortations and call to cherish the relationship we have with brethren and count it as precious as the PRECIOUS BLOOD of CHRIST.
Great Sermon! This message by brother Frank is such an encouragement to the church as well as the believer because he makes clear what the Gospel or the testimony of God is in simple terms. Minutes 34:25-36:05 ummoned in my mind this word: “And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father” which immediately brought this word:”even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God”, When Christ comes and makes His abode in the sinner there are certain things that He makes known (obvious) to His beloved; when He comes to the sinner He makes manifest-that is, He reveals HIMSELF and the Gospel or as brother Frank stated He convinces us whereby we agree and confess that we now have been made to “see” it's obvious that righteousness is His obedience not ours; that putting sin away is by His Precious Blood; and true rest is found in Him not in a special day or a special work or a special pray or anything else to do with the sinner concerning their salvation. As brother Don would say … God calls that faith and repentance toward God. Amen”
Great Sermon! WOW! I commend a message preached by brother Clay Curtis titled "Free Servants of Christ". What a powerful compliment to brother Frank's message. May God give us the power and the grace to follow their faith as declared in these two (2) messages.
Great Sermon! Appreciate the labor of brother Frank in bringing this message, which compliments his other message "Be an Imitator of God". The LORD teaches HIS children that they are free and have liberty in actually striving to please their Father not for acceptance but because we love HIM. Can you imagine waking, working, eating, vacationing, making money, sleeping or relaxing (all efforts and decisions we make; you could say works of the flesh in that sense). When we make a purchase or take a vacation do we ever state that it's "done in Christ" hence, no need to travel to the mall, or airport because HE has "done" that for us? Yet, when the preacher declares that we ought to consider our "walk" in reading or loving our brother then, that is construed as taboo or preaching works? We are free and have liberty to please our Father in everything (reading, breathing and glorying in the liberty HE has secured for us) - Ecc 9:7
Great Sermon! This message by brother Frank is needful and encouraging. The relationship between a child and Father is not an obligation or a duty. Faith worketh by love hence, we strive to walk before our God and Father as HIS children not for acceptance; our Representative and King is our acceptance before HIS Father however, as we walk in this world, we are not mahicans or statues; we are made free to please our Father even though it is mixed with sin. A message by brother Curtis on 2-26-2009 compliments the same exhortations made in this message. God's men declare or speak the same things for our comfort and growth in grace.
Great Sermon! Of all the sovereign grace preachers on SA, brother Tate is the only preacher that has preached "specifically" on the 2nd or new covenant in detail, which is a better antidote against the false gospel of works than crying from every roof-top of every assembly building, preaching against the works gospel, until the cows come home. If His sheep hear his voice and follow Him then glorify God with His truth as brother Frank herein declares, and not gatlin-gun rapid-fire preaching against the false gospel. Such preaching does not comfort this sheep. How about you?
Great Sermon! brother Frank,
brother Don would say that the Gospel; the testimony of God concerning His Blessed Son is a singular message that is as simple; sufficient enough for even a child to understand. Compared to HE who is WISDOM, God grant that as a babes-in-Christ, all His children will hear and see the OBJECT of your message, who is our Lord Jesus Christ. Your preaching is experient-rooted. It is impossible for doctrinal preaching to produce real comfort because its lifeless.
Great Sermon! Isaiah 40
What better comfort for a child of God than to be preached "LOOK TO CHRIST!" Having predestinated all His children purposed from eternity past to conformity to His Beloved Son, He has in providence and grace made us "new" a new heart equipped with faith possessing ears to hear & eyes to see whereby with the heart we believe and with the mouth confess He is the Christ, and we hear Him declare: Look unto ME and be saved! OH what God; OH what a Savior.