Beautiful Sermon! Beautiful! Wonderful! Fills my heart with joy! And with longing for the new earth when, as Pastor Borgman says, we will have ever-increasing joy in God. Yes, hasten the day, Lord!
Great Sermon! Wow! What an excellent sermon and a wake up call for me. A lot of excellent content in this sermon. Brothers and sisters, we are at war. We need to cloth ourselves in Christ and be vigilant against the devils schemes.
Great Sermon! For about 15 years, I’ve struggled with seamingly uncontrollable anxiety. It waxes and wanes. My desire of late is to destroy this fear bug. This sermon is an excellent exposition of the root of fears and how they are to be mortified. For those of you who struggle with the sin of fear and worry, add this sermon to your arsenal. AND DONT LISTEN TO THE WORLD, that fear and anxiety are simply chemical problems. What a lie!! Immerse yourself in God’s truth and cling to Christ, His church and the means of grace.
Great Sermon! All praises to our God who made me to hear this sermon just at the right time as i go through some tough times. I was convicted of my thankless heart and convinced a little more of His tender, kind compassionate heart.Psa 145:8Â The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.Thank you very much Pastor. I pray that God may continue to strenghthen you both physically and spiritually to serve this awesome God.
Brilliant exposition of Mt 16:17-19 This was the most brilliant exposition of Matthew 16:17-19 that I've ever heard. I'm going to have to listen to it again and write notes.
Great Sermon! There are so many things in this portion of scripture that have puzzled me over the years, such as verse 17. Now I understand so much that was a mystery before. Thank you.
Very convicting I hang my head in shame. Forgive me, Lord, for not wanting to live according to this portion of scripture. Help me to fear You, not people.
So exciting! Thank you so much for this sermon. I recently became disabled and this was such a wonderful reminder that having my sins forgiven through Christ is infinitely more important than being able to walk. I was so encouraged by this!
Really like your down-to-earth style and the way you bring out the drama of these events.
Great Sermon! The most energetic, vigorous, powerful exposition of this portion of scripture that I've ever heard! Really made the scenes come alive!
Great Sermon! Wow there is so much in this sermon. I had to keep pausing it to write notes. Parallels between Jesus and Moses, Jesus and Israel. Reading further in Jeremiah 31 to see what comes after the tears - the new covenant. Herod is crushed. The baby wins. God preserves the seed of the woman so that the redemption of the world would be accomplished. Wonderful truths.
Great Sermon! Wonderful sermon! Grateful for all the study that went into it. Yes, even genealogies can be exciting if we look at the details and see the bigger message God is giving us.
Great Sermon The most clear Biblical exposition of the source causes of obedience and disobedience to God’s commands and what it indicates about our commitment to trust that God is word is true.
Great Sermon! I have been very slowly going through Isaiah and following these sermons. Jumped ahead to this one because of Isaiah 42:8 jumping into my head.
Thank you I needed this encouragement because of discouragement with modern gospel.