Speaker: Brian Borgman
3,465 sermons
The Theology of Obedience
>What We Are All About - 11/21/1993 An Empty Tomb - So What? - 4/3/1994 Motherhood in the 90's - 5/8/1994 Fatherhood in the '90's - 6/12/1994 Battling Bitterness - 8/28/1994 Communion Service - 1/9/1995 The Word of the Cross - 4/9/1995 Semper Reformanda: Children - 9/1/1996 Faith Working Through Love - 12/7/1997 So Near, But So Far - 5/24/1998 Prayer Communion Service - 7/5/1998 Nature of the Lord's Supper - 9/13/1998 Comfort for the Saints - 7/11/1999 Keeping a Good Conscience - 1/2/2000 Installation Service, Scheffer - 1/9/2000 The Old Redemption Story - 2/6/2000 For a Swallow of that Red Stuf - 2/13/2000 Fighting Unbelieving Hearts - 4/2/2000 Biblical Marriage - 7/30/2000 The Dangers of Drifting - 8/13/2000 Look and Live! - 9/3/2000 The Good Shepherd - 10/1/2000 The Priority of the Word - 10/15/2000 Zechariah's Song of Praise - 12/24/2000 Conduct of God's House - 9/16/2001 The God of Judaism and Islam - 9/19/2001 God's Trials or Ours? - 10/14/2001 Priorities for Perilous Times - 10/21/2001 Coming in on Bended Knee - 11/18/2001 Come and Worship Christ - 12/26/2001 Pakistan Missionary Report - 1/20/2002 Matthew Dalton, Missionary - 1/20/2002 Bishop Report - 1/27/2002 Corporate and Public Prayer - 2/3/2002 Enoch - 3/10/2002 John L. Girardeau - 3/20/2002 Jesus Satisfies the Soul - 4/14/2002 Little Exercise for Theologian - 5/12/2002 Loving Truth & Loving People - 5/26/2002 Loving Truth & Loving People - 5/26/2002 A Message From Amos - 6/2/2002 Seasons, Spiritual Prosperity - 7/7/2002 History, Baptists in Scotland - 7/21/2002 Samuel Rutherford Remembered - 7/24/2002 Ye Are the Salt of the Earth - 9/4/2002 Marveling At Jesus - 9/8/2002 New Covenant Life in Christ - 9/8/2002 Ye Are the Light of the World - 9/11/2002 Out of the Depth I Cried - 10/16/2002 John Calvin: Reformation - 10/30/2002 The Fruit of Regeneration - 11/3/2002 Some Spiritual Nourishment - 11/24/2002 The Lord is a Strong Tower - 12/1/2002 How to Read The Book: Thoughts - 1/19/2003 Hypostatic Union - 1/26/2003 NOW is The Day of Fulfillment - 1/26/2003 Cuba Missionary Report - 3/2/2003 Denominations & Unity - 3/9/2003 The Bible & Hatred - 3/19/2003 Christian Education - 3/23/2003 A Biblical Perspective on War - 3/23/2003 Missions to the Glory of God - 3/30/2003 Our Gospel Responsibilities - 5/4/2003 Joseph the Husband of Mary - 5/11/2003 Martha's Confession - 5/11/2003 Necessity of Governing Tongue - 5/28/2003 The Sluggard - 6/26/2003 Little Foxes - 6/29/2003 Brethren Pray for Us! Appeal - 8/3/2003 Affliction as Discipline - 8/17/2003 The Rise & Fall of King Uzziah - 8/20/2003 Homosexuality - 8/24/2003 The Blood Which Speaks - 9/7/2003 How to Speak to the Different - 9/21/2003 Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged - 10/8/2003 Redeemed with Precious Blood - 11/2/2003 The Marks of A Healthy Church - 12/7/2003 An Apocalyptic Christmas Story - 12/21/2003 Christ Came, Fullness of Time - 12/24/2003 Righteous Lot, Remembered - 12/28/2003 Trembling at the Word - 1/14/2004 Brotherly Love - 1/25/2004 The Restoration of Peter - 4/11/2004 Martyr's Rule! - 5/2/2004 Jesus Turned Water into Wine - 7/4/2004 The Christian Role in Society - 8/25/2004 Give Him No Rest - 8/29/2004 Offensive Grace - 9/12/2004 Encouragement in Ministry - 8/17/2005 The Grace of God, Part 1 - 5/30/2007 The Glory of God, Part 2 - 6/6/2007 My Eyes Seen Your Salvation - 12/24/2008 Sovereignty of God, President - 1/25/2009 For Kings and All Authority - 1/25/2009 Where Else Will We Go? - 3/15/2009 The Value of the Soul - 3/22/2009 The Resurrection and the Life - 4/12/2009 Caananite Woman of Great Faith - 6/14/2009 The Savior of Great Sinners - 6/21/2009 You Must Be Born Again - 7/12/2009 Living Water - 7/12/2009 If I Might Touch His Garment - 7/19/2009 Passionate Praise - 7/19/2009 Not Worthy - 7/26/2009 The Throne Room - 7/26/2009 He Remains Faithful - 9/27/2009 One Thing You Lack - 11/8/2009 Suffer Hardship - 11/8/2009 Grace in the Place of Grace - 11/15/2009 A Word to the Next Generation - 11/15/2009 The Nine - Where Are They? - 11/22/2009 Don't Waste Your Suffering - 11/22/2009 Giving Thanks to the Father - 11/29/2009 Jesus Rescues Us from the Wrat - 12/6/2009 Jesus Reserves an Inheritance - 12/13/2009 The Godly Man from A to Z - 12/13/2009 Let Word of Christ Dwell In Us - 1/3/2010 For This Purpose I Labor - 1/3/2010 Rehoboam: Foolish & Faithless - 1/6/2010 The Word At Work In Us - 1/10/2010 Christ and the Bruised Reed - 1/10/2010 Chosen By God - 3/3/2010 One Who Trembles At My Word - 3/7/2010 To Rescue Us From the Present - 4/2/2010 God Did Not Spare His Own Son - 4/4/2010 To Destroy The Works of The De - 5/2/2010 Strive to Enter Narrow Door - 5/28/2010 The Precious Blood - 6/9/2010 Four Proper Responses to Trial - 6/13/2010 Worldly Shepherds and the One - 6/13/2010 A Friend of Sinners - 6/20/2010 Neither Dancing Nor Mourning - 6/20/2010 But You, O Lord - How Long? - 7/25/2010 Love One Another - 7/25/2010 Our Deliverer and Our Delight - 8/1/2010 Wherefore Do The Nations Rage - 8/1/2010 A Farewell Message - 8/8/2010 John, Fulfill Your Ministry - 8/8/2010 Christ Bears Our Reproach - 9/8/2010 Hungering for Righteousness - 9/15/2010 Love So Amazing - 9/19/2010 Wisdom: Many splendored gift - 9/19/2010 Encouragement in Suffering - 10/3/2010 My Brother's Keeper - 10/10/2010 Do Not Judge - 10/31/2010 The Knowledge that Results in - 12/22/2010 The New Commandment - 1/5/2011 How to Read the Bible - 1/29/2011 Adoption by the Father - 2/2/2011 How to Hack Off Right Hand, 1 - 3/26/2011 Christ Crucified - 4/17/2011 Guard Yourselves from Idols - 4/20/2011 Good Friday - 4/22/2011 How to Hack Off Right Hand, 2 - 4/30/2011 The Unknown Day and Our Duty - 5/18/2011 The Practice of Holiness - 5/22/2011 A Life Worthy of The Lord - 5/22/2011 How to Hack Off Right Hand, 3 - 5/28/2011 Know Your Doctrine - 6/1/2011 Truth & Experience of Gospel - 6/5/2011 Prayer and Possessing Christ - 6/8/2011 Praying for Strength & More - 6/19/2011 Jesus Christ is Living Water - 6/26/2011 The Father's Love - 6/26/2011 Reconciliation, a Double Grace - 7/27/2011 Baptized in Christ... - 7/31/2011 Putting on the New Self - 10/5/2011 What I Wish Someone Told Me - 11/4/2011 You Have Not Obeyed My Voice - 11/6/2011 Listening to the Son - 11/6/2011 Harvest Blessing Meditation - 11/11/2011 Two Kingdoms - 11/16/2011 The Transforming Power of Scri - 11/23/2011 Lion of Zambia Missions - 12/4/2011 Our Sin Nailed to the Cross - 12/4/2011 Cleansing for Uncleanness - 12/18/2011 Desire The Word So You Can Gro - 1/1/2012 Eager to Preach The Gospel - 1/8/2012 Revelation of Righteousness - 1/8/2012 Jesus Is God's Yes - 1/25/2012 Battling Pride & Putting on Hu - 1/28/2012 Grumbling, Gratitude, & Gospel - 1/29/2012 Prayer and Advance of Gospel - 1/29/2012 Of Predestination & Providence - 2/5/2012 In Remembrance of Me - 2/5/2012 How to Work for Your Salvation - 2/26/2012 No Turning Back - 3/4/2012 The One Who Loves Much - 3/4/2012 Conduit or Cul-De-Sac? - 3/11/2012 Priorities, Treacherous World - 3/18/2012 It Is Finished - 3/25/2012 Jesus' Final Hours - 4/6/2012 Sanctification, Suffering - 4/25/2012 You Never Stop Being a Parent - 5/6/2012 Thirsting for God - 5/6/2012 Extravagant Worship - 5/6/2012 The Gospel for Moms - 5/13/2012 God's Testimony about Jesus - 5/23/2012 Giving Thanks for God's Love - 5/30/2012 A Long Great Work Done - 6/3/2012 Fearing God - 6/6/2012 Always of Good Courage - 7/11/2012 The Acceptable Time - 7/18/2012 Do Not Be Unequally Yoked - 7/25/2012 The King Sings - 8/1/2012 God Our Savior - 8/5/2012 The Rescue of the Beast - 8/8/2012 Ministry of the Holy Spirit - 8/15/2012 Conduct in Step with Gospel - 8/22/2012 Jesus Annihilates Old Life - 9/2/2012 The Prosperity Gospel - 9/2/2012 Redemptive Covenant Love - 9/9/2012 Divine Providence - 9/9/2012 When a Leader Falls - 9/30/2012 Do Not Rejoice Over Me, Enemy - 10/7/2012 Communion with God & John Owen - 1/2/2013 Put on a Heart of Compassion - 1/6/2013 How Long Will You Love Simple? - 1/13/2013 Who Will Be Your Woman? - 1/13/2013 Jewish and Church History - 1/20/2013 Church Heart for Jewish People - 1/20/2013 Salvation of Saul of Tarsus - 1/20/2013 Guarding Against Sexual Idols - 1/27/2013 Trust in the Lord - 1/27/2013 The Fear of the Lord - 1/27/2013 God Meant It for Good, Part 1 - 2/3/2013 God Meant It for Good, Part 2 - 2/3/2013 Thoughts on Revelation 5 - 2/10/2013 Christ Died for Our Sins - 3/3/2013 God's Multi-Ethnic Family Plan - 3/10/2013 God's Mercy to All Peoples - 3/10/2013 Stand Firm in the Lord - 3/13/2013 Union with Christ, Part 1 - 3/17/2013 Trust in the Lord - 3/17/2013 Happiness - 3/24/2013 Words for the Next Generation - 3/24/2013 The Lamb of God - 3/29/2013 The Risen Lord and Christ - 3/31/2013 Times of Refreshing - 3/31/2013 A Good Tree Bears Good Fruit - 6/9/2013 The God Who Rescues Sinners - 6/16/2013 Finishing Well - 6/16/2013 Gay Marriage? - 6/30/2013 He Makes Us Zealous - 6/30/2013 Know God's Will - Spirit-Led 1 - 7/14/2013 Setting Your Mind on Christ - 7/18/2013 Know God's Will - Spirit-Led 2 - 7/21/2013 Failing the Next Generation - 9/22/2013 Regret vs Repentance - 9/29/2013 Questions - Christian Liberty - 10/9/2013 God's Remnant Preserved - 11/3/2013 Work & Endurance for the Lord - 11/3/2013 The Compassionate Savior - 11/10/2013 God Only - 11/17/2013 I Am More Stupid than Any Man - 11/24/2013 Bad Prophet & Faithful Pagans - 12/15/2013 Servants of Christ - 1/12/2014 Installation - Jason Ching - 1/12/2014 God's Providence in Our Lives - 1/25/2014 Repentance Unto Salvation - 2/2/2014 God's Providence - 3/12/2014 The Perseverance of a Saint - 3/23/2014 The Testing of Our Faith - 3/23/2014 Those Who Love His Appearing - 3/30/2014 Boasting of Our Weakness - 4/6/2014 Great Commission and Internet - 6/11/2014 This One Thing I Do - 6/18/2014 Reasons for Service Project - 7/16/2014 Courage in Christ - 7/20/2014 Introduction - Sanctification - 7/27/2014 The Battle for Sanctification - 7/27/2014 Rescuing the Wandering - 8/24/2014 Now Why This Fear and Unbelief - 9/21/2014 Embracing Work of the Spirit - 10/25/2014 Zambia Trip 2015 Report - 2/8/2015 Where Are Your Feet? - 2/8/2015 The Suffering Servant - 4/3/2015 The Day Death Died - 4/5/2015 Raised to New Life - 4/5/2015 Review-Peacemaking Principles - 4/8/2015 What Jesus Does for Criminals - 6/17/2015 Exiles in Land of Gay Marriage - 6/28/2015 Reflections - SCOTUS Decisions - 7/5/2015 Momentary & Light - 7/19/2015 Mission to Argentina - 7/26/2015 Stop Worrying, Start Seeking - 7/26/2015 Coming Alongside Each Other - 8/16/2015 I Give Eternal Life to Them - 8/23/2015 Sola Gratia, Again - 8/30/2015 Sufficient Grace, Again - 9/6/2015 Sin - 11/29/2015 Living & Holy Sacrifices, Pt 1 - 1/17/2016 Living & Holy Sacrifices, Pt 2 - 1/17/2016 Behold the Kindness & Severity - 3/2/2016 Hosanna in the Highest - 3/20/2016 Draw Near to God - 4/27/2016 Draw Near to God, Part 2 - 5/4/2016 Justification & Suffering - 5/11/2016 Paul's Teaching to Philippi - 6/22/2016 With Thanksgiving - 6/29/2016 Preaching and the Trinity - 9/11/2016 Mature and Complete - 9/18/2016 Common Grace, Part 1 - 1/1/2017 Common Grace, Part 2 - 1/8/2017 The Case for Making Peace - 1/22/2017 The Proverbs Fool - 3/15/2017 Gift of Love & Righteousness 1 - 3/19/2017 Grace & Peace - God Our Father - 3/22/2017 Gift of Love & Righteousness 2 - 3/26/2017 God's Mission in Christ - 3/29/2017 Followup & Prep for Lord's Day - 6/14/2017 Looking Back & Looking Forward - 6/21/2017 Adoption: Serpent Slave to Son - 7/2/2017 Faith, Righteousness, and.. - 7/16/2017 The God Who Delivers - 7/23/2017 Recap Luke 18; Preview of Jude - 7/26/2017 Pleasing Our God and Father - 8/13/2017 Death, Resurrection, Judgment - 10/18/2017 Cultivate Gratitude - 11/26/2017 Cultivate Gratitude, Part 2 - 12/3/2017 Why the Word Became Flesh - 12/24/2017 The Danger of Drifting - 1/3/2018 What We Have in Christ - 1/10/2018 Resolve-Faithfully Face Death - 1/20/2018 Come Hear Dr. Joel Beeke! - 1/21/2018 The Mercies of God - 3/25/2018 My Lord & My God - 4/1/2018 How is Your Prayer Life? - 4/18/2018 Forgiveness & Repentance - 5/2/2018 Paul's Final Letter - 5/9/2018 Lord's Servant Must Be Gentle - 5/16/2018 Save the Saints - 5/20/2018 Review of Living & Dying Well - 5/23/2018 Christ in Exodus - 6/17/2018 Christ's Correction - 6/24/2018 Recap-Resurrections & Judgment - 7/11/2018 In This Is Love - 7/15/2018 Sharing the Victory of the Son - 7/22/2018 The God of the Afflicted - 8/5/2018 Christian and His/Her Past, 1 - 8/8/2018 Christian and His/Her Past, 2 - 8/15/2018 Christian and His/Her Past, 3 - 8/22/2018 Recap of the New Heaven/Earth - 8/29/2018 Paul's Last Letter - 9/5/2018 The Church & The Mission - 9/12/2018 Straight Talk-Protect Marriage - 9/16/2018 How to Have Hope - 9/23/2018 Come Behold-Wondrous Mystery - 9/30/2018 Suffering in Christ - 10/17/2018 A Recap of Romans - 10/24/2018 Grace of Conviction of Sin, 1 - 10/28/2018 Grace of Conviction of Sin, 2 - 11/4/2018 The Theology of Obedience - 1/9/2019 Forget Not His Benefits - 1/27/2019 With All Your Heart - 2/10/2019 History & Faith - 4/21/2019 I Will Speak the Lord's Praise - 4/28/2019 A Sermon for Our Graduates - 5/19/2019 Generational Sins - 6/5/2019 Imitating the Faithful - 6/9/2019 Inscribed on His Hands - 7/14/2019 Reminders Men Need - 7/27/2019 Thinking about Death in Faith - 7/31/2019 Fighting for Your Faith, Pt 1 - 8/4/2019 Fighting for Your Faith, Pt 2 - 8/7/2019 A Life of Next Steps - 8/11/2019 Can Women be Pastors? - 8/14/2019 Filled with Spirit of Christ - 8/21/2019 How to Know God's Will, Pt 1 - 8/28/2019 United by His Blood - 9/1/2019 How to Know God's Will - 9/4/2019 Raising Mission Minded Kids - 9/26/2019 Words Show our Heart - 10/16/2019 The Life of Thankfulness, Pt1 - 10/20/2019 The Life of Thankfulness, Pt 2 - 10/27/2019 How to Never See Death - 11/13/2019 Nativity in Scripture and Song - 12/24/2019 Healthy Stewardship - 1/19/2020 Biblical Convictions About.. - 1/26/2020 What Made the Apostle Paul.. - 2/16/2020 Youth in Missions 2020 - 3/8/2020 My Help Comes from the Lord - 6/24/2020 The Opened Fountain - 7/5/2020 The Holiness of God - 7/24/2020 A Trinitarian Christian Life - 8/2/2020 Elders' Forum 2020-09 - 9/27/2020 Anxiety's Antidote - 10/11/2020 Pray the Word Be Glorified - 10/18/2020 Great Commission-Church Plant - 10/21/2020 The Gospel in Corinth - 10/25/2020 2020 Election in Perspective - 11/8/2020 How Long, O LORD? - 11/11/2020 Hope in the Darkness - 11/15/2020 Dayspring Church Commission - 12/27/2020 The Fire of Faith - 1/17/2021 The "Why" of the Gospel - 1/17/2021 Hope in the Lord - 1/24/2021 Ukraine Mission Trip Prep - 3/28/2021 Our Identity in the Triune God - 3/28/2021 Casting Our Cares on God - 3/28/2021 A Call to Wisdom for the Young - 5/9/2021 Servants Who Love the Saints - 5/23/2021 If We Lack These Things - 6/9/2021 The Father's Love for Us - 6/20/2021 The End Is Near - 7/24/2021 Communing & Connecting w/ God - 7/25/2021 Ukraine Presentation - 8/8/2021 Trinity & Mediation of Christ - 8/22/2021 Fight Good Fight of Faith, 1 - 8/28/2021 Keep Away from Idols - 9/8/2021 Fight Good Fight of Faith, 2 - 9/25/2021 Praying for the Sick and Dying - 9/30/2021 Loved with Unchanging Love - 10/3/2021 An Apology for OT Holy Wars - 10/10/2021 Our Sovereign God - 10/17/2021 Why Health&Wealth is No Gospel - 10/17/2021 Fight Good Fight of Faith, 3 - 11/6/2021 A Biblical Theology of Feasts - 11/12/2021 Ordination of Erick Elliott - 11/14/2021 The Father Knows His Children - 11/21/2021 Salvation by Merit - 11/21/2021 On Gratitude & Giving Thanks - 11/24/2021 God & Our Tears - 11/28/2021 Our Comfort in Life and Death - 11/28/2021 Death & Life from the Tongue - 12/12/2021 Who Belongs in the Church - 1/16/2022 Exhortations to the Church - 1/19/2022 Do We Rest or Do We Work? - 2/2/2022 Jesus Prays & Holds Us Fast - 2/20/2022 If I Could Touch His Garment - 2/20/2022 Jesus' Instructions for Prayer - 2/23/2022 He Descended into Hell - 2/27/2022 Parable of the Prodigal Son - 3/30/2022 Daniel Corey Installation.. - 4/10/2022 Biblical Theo.-Temple Motif, 1 - 4/20/2022 A Theology of Body & Soul - 4/24/2022 Biblical Theo.-Temple Motif, 2 - 4/27/2022 Christ Our Mediator - 5/1/2022 Missionary Presentation - 5/8/2022 A Prayer for Enlightenment - 5/8/2022 Thoughts on Preaching - 5/15/2022 Be Rich Towards God - 5/15/2022 Biblical Theology on Idolatry - 5/18/2022 The Ancient Paths - 5/22/2022 Biblical Theology-Idolatry, 2 - 5/25/2022 The God of All Comfort - 5/29/2022 When Dearest Friends Depart - 5/29/2022 King of the Nations - 6/12/2022 The Christian's Comfort - 6/19/2022 God's Faithfulness to an.. - 8/10/2022 Be a Man of God - 8/27/2022 Why Evangelize? - 10/5/2022 Why Will You Die? - 10/9/2022 The Truth&Power of the Gospel - 10/9/2022 The Covenant and the Image - 11/27/2022 A Call to Prayer - 12/28/2022 Pastoral Panel - Eschatology 1 - 1/22/2023 Pastoral Panel - Eschatology 2 - 1/29/2023 Objections to Election - 2/15/2023 God Has Spoken to Us - 3/12/2023 Apostolic Confidence in the.. - 3/19/2023 Behold Your King Comes - 4/2/2023 Whom Shall We Fear - 4/6/2023 The New World Order - 4/16/2023 Are You Wise & Discerning? - 4/19/2023 Life in God's Family - 4/27/2023 The Kind Touch of the Savior - 4/30/2023 Holy Boldness - 5/14/2023 A Graduate's Prayer - 5/21/2023 Children of Promise - 6/28/2023 If Only My Grief Could Be We.. - 8/13/2023 Put My Tears in Your Bottle - 8/16/2023 Ministering-Those in Grief, 1 - 8/20/2023 The God of All Grace, Part 1 - 8/20/2023 Afflicted But Not Crushed - 8/20/2023 Ministering-Those in Grief, 2 - 8/27/2023 The God of All Grace, Part 2 - 8/27/2023 Overcoming-Contentious Spirit - 9/3/2023 What Is It to Forgive, Part 1 - 9/10/2023 What Is It to Forgive, Part 2 - 9/10/2023 Christ,Rescuer of Pit Dwellers - 9/24/2023 You Have Come to Jesus - 10/8/2023 Zambia Trip Report - 10/18/2023 Christian Estate Planning - 10/22/2023 When God Sings - 10/22/2023 Thankful One Healed - 11/22/2023 The Genesis of Christmas - 12/24/2023 Looking for the Blessed Hope - 1/7/2024 Instructions -Unworthy Servant - 2/21/2024 Confronting the Bitter Root - 2/25/2024 Uprooting the Bitter Root - 2/25/2024 The Violence of the Christia.. - 3/10/2024 Look No Further - 3/24/2024 Cosmic Warfare - 3/24/2024 The Ascended Christ - 4/7/2024 Generation to Come Know Him, 2 - 4/14/2024 Will He Find Faith on the Ea.. - 4/17/2024 Dealing with Disappointments - 5/11/2024 A Call to Young to Wisdom - 5/19/2024 Assurance & The Perseverance.. - 5/22/2024 They Were Naked & Not Ashamed - 6/16/2024 Fasting in the Christian Life - 7/3/2024 The Husband of His People - 7/7/2024 What Is Wisdom - 7/24/2024 Sufficiency of God's Grace, 1 - 7/28/2024 Overview of Covenants in 1689 - 7/31/2024 Sufficiency of God's Grace, 2 - 8/4/2024 Leightons Serving in Spain - 8/7/2024 A Joyful Inheritance - 8/11/2024 The Sovereignty of God - 8/15/2024 A Call to Prayer - 9/18/2024 The Tragic Tradeoff - 9/22/2024 Son of Man Find Faith on Earth - 9/22/2024 A Gracious, Forgiving Savior - 10/6/2024 The Backbone of Missions - 10/9/2024 Christ as Our Mediator - 10/26/2024 The Battle Is the Lord's - 10/27/2024 Don't Forget the Unborn - 11/10/2024 Marveling at the Man, Christ-1 - 12/22/2024 Marveling at the Man, Christ-2 - 12/29/2024 The Bronze Serpent - 1/8/2025 An Astonishing Silence - 1/22/2025 Matthew Tells the Gospel Story - 1/26/2025 Our Hope Is in the Living God - 2/6/2025 Qualified Elders Are a Gift - 2/9/2025 Integrity, Purity, & Sanity - 2/16/2025 Ordination & Installation.. - 2/16/2025
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Milly Curry (2/19/2019)from Wylie, TexAs just outside of Dallas.
Great Sermon The most clear Biblical exposition of the source causes of obedience and disobedience to God’s commands and what it indicates about our commitment to trust that God is word is true.
Brian Borgman is the founding pastor of Grace Community Church. He earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Biola University (La Mirada, CA), a Master of Divinity from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary (Portland, OR) and a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Seminary...
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