Excellent Series! I thoroughly enjoyed this series. I loved how Bro. Brian revealed the hand of God at work throughout this Book, the character of the human materials that God was working with, His love for the Jewish folks that were willingly still in exile when their little hind parts should have already been back in Promised Homeland years earlier. Our God is sovereign; He has never EVER wrung His hands or said, "I didn't see this coming. What do I do now? How can this mess be fixed?"
Ok sermon This would have been a good sermon if you had fleshed out HOW to redeem the time.Instead you kept on drumming the one point that time is scarce.
It needs to have more application points.
Great Sermon! Billy Graham -A preacher who's message during an interview was different from his message in the pulpit.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones - A preacher who's message was the same in both.
Fantastic Sermon! Wow. I'm now up to no. 4 in this series, and I have to say it's the most intense preaching I've heard. The subject isn't easy, but worth it. I never thought I'd class Ecclesiastes as one of my favourite books. It answers an age old question, and one that I have been fixed on lately. Thank you so much Pastor Brian, very much appreciated.
Fascinating Sermon God blessed you to bless me and others. I love the story of Noah and the absolute holiness and majesty of God’s wrath, His hatred for sin and God’s heart for grace and mercy.
Bad audio file Please correct the audio file. I'd really love to hear this series. Dr Borgman is my favorite Bible expositor. I wish to go through the book of Joel with his teaching.
WOW! MAYBE EVEN BETTER THAN PART ONE! I listened to both parts overnight. Part one was so good that I just had to listen to part two & I couldn't get back to sleep because I was too busy inwardly shouting, over and over again "HALLELUJAH." Outwardly I was enthusiastically whispering the word -- I didn't want my doggie protector to think my shouting meant "Help! Come running, barking & with teeth showing!" Oh, such a good message...no, what a great message!
Great Sermon! this was very helpful. I also laughed out loud a few times, despite the sobering message. Pastor Borgman has a good sense of humor and knows how to balance it in a message.
Great Teaching & Instructions! Thank you, Bro. Brian, for letting me "sit in on" your teaching session. This was a very good, informative session. Because I've heard many of your teachings & messages over the years I know that you have a great love for God's holy Word & see It as inspired by the Lord.
Brilliant Message A splendid and very insightful message. I have listened to it 3 times, and am still learning from it. Thank you so much.
(The other messages in this series on "Fear, Anxiety and Worry", "Depression" and "The Word, Prayer and our Emotions" are equally good.)
Thank You for Explaining Things This has been very informative & helpful. I'm thankful for the explanation of the various English translations, what the translators were focusing on in their particular version.
Very, Very Good! Thank you for your take on this familiar incident in Scripture, Bro. Jason. Love your example of hot dog vendors at a church service. And yes, I've seen the lamb loving, "shampoo model" Jesus on the postcards at the Christian bookstore, but I ain't never seen that "whip held high" Jesus. Wouldn't sell too well, you know.
Convinced Alright, young man, I'm gonna have to get that book (OH LOVE THAT WILL NOT LET ME GO). I want to read for myself what they said. ☻
My best friend & I say that it's not death that bothers us, but the way we may die, the dying process: "Don't want to be eaten by a shark; don't want to be buried alive, don't want to be lingering for days; etc, etc." I think this book is the boot in the behind that we need to bring our thinking into balance.
(Self, in that last sentence, do you hear a little alliteration going on?
Maybe, but don't go changing the subject because it's about facing death.)