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Great Sermon! I am glad to see that there are people around the world who appreciate and understand this message as the Truth it is. Yet even today so many years after this sermon was first preached it is still a matter that is woefully lacking in the great majority of churches. There continues to be a need for this message in the US and around the world. May we all give witness to the Truth of scripture and may we all support men who will uncompromisingly preach the Truth to all men without exception. And may God bless us all as His children and give us the strength and courage to stand for Truth in these most evil of days!
Great Sermon! I grew up listening to Henry but I hadn't listened to him in a long time. Hearing this sermon reminds me of the excellent foundation in the gospel of God's grace I got from him. Glory be to God in the Highest!
Great Sermon! We thank God for our dear brother who brought the gospel message to us.
This is the last message brother Don preached at Zebulon in Sept. 2019.
We always looked forward to his yearly visit.
We shall miss him!
tom harding
Great Sermon! People sometimes say- Everyone says their religion is the right one and who are we to say that we are right and all others are wrong. I must inform you of this: Satan loves religion better than anything and his favorite place next to being God and king himself is the pulpit. He encourages all religion but one. Because he doesn't care what you believe as long as it is not the Truth. He is the Father of Lies and he will stand for any lie. He knows the Truth very well and is exceptionally adept at steering clear of it. He will put in just enough truth to make the lie acceptable. Satan's encouragement of any path but one is why his way is called the broad path in scripture as opposed to the narrow path of Truth. You can go any direction and still be on the broad path. God is not the author of confusion. His path is simple and singular. If we are to be on it we best ask God to show it to us! Anyone earnestly looking for God's path will find it. It you are looking for a path,you can mark out whatever path you like. If you are looking for THE path you must find out what it is. You can't get there from here if you don't go the right direction. That is Tom Harding's message and it was a blessing to hear.
Loved it. I loved this sermon.
"God says the death of Christ cleanses us from all sin!
Man says naw, it takes deeds, it takes works...Gotta have sacrifices...Gotta have sacraments...Gotta have law...Gotta have this, that and the other".
Great Sermon! I thank God that He has used Tom in the manner He has. Tom's preaching and leadership has been a blessing to many. I know that the congregation at Zebulon have supported Tom with their love and kindness. I envy those who are a part of that congregation. I hope that the path God has chosen for me leads through Zebulon at some point. This is sermon is blessing to any who take it to heart and to whom the Spirit lays it on their heart.
Powerful Truths God’s People Need Thank you Brother Tom for such edifying and spiritually enriching, enlightening Gospel truth! This exposes the false works based and heretical counterfeit gospels of this darkened world that encourage “decisional regeneration” or even water baptism regeneration. The water won’t save you, your decision won’t save you, it’s Christ alone who can save you. Remember the thief on the cross who pleaded for mercy and to enter Christ’s kingdom. He was never water baptized, yet received grace from the Lord to repent and believe. As Bro. Tom highlights, Simon Magus too “believed” but not to repentance or a heart after God’s mercy; instead Simon believed only as the demons do—in the Almighty POWER of God. We are told this is what Simon truly desired, so his belief was not saving but self-serving, indeed Satanic. For was it not even Lucifer who also desired such unholy privilege and authority, to be “like the Most High” and place his sinful throne in direct opposition to God’s (Isaiah 14:13-14)? False gospels promote obedient works unto salvation, that we can earn the right to be born again which is a twisted lie. The true Gospel is that God saves His people by His Sovereign mercy and we are complete in Him, and true faith rests in that fact and acts in true love for God.
More Hidden Gems of God’s Wondrous Gospel Wow so edifying and powerful! I had never considered the difference between Cain and Abel’s sacrifices before God in the way Brother Tom highlights. Thank you brother for more light. An important point many of us may have missed is how God declared in Genesis 3:17 the ground was cursed for Adam’s transgression. Yet blind and willful Cain disregarded this and sought to impress the thrice-holy Lord with the filth of his efforts and toil and produce of the land. Abel on the other hand surely recalled how that God graciously covered the sinful condition of our first parents in Genesis 3:21 with skins, which many Bible commentators agree first were skins from a lamb and secondly that served as a type of the covering for sin that Christ, the spotless Lamb of God, would provide for His people’s sins. So Abel sought a covering from God as well by offering the lamb for he surely recognized God’s grace-filled provision in covering sin which Abel knew he could not do himself. Hallelujah!