To Give An Account Basically, this sermon is regarding the fussing that humans do without any thinking. We as people, are basically spoiled rotten and whine at the least inconvenience. If we say we don't, we lie.
Henry points this out in plenty in this sermon. That's why he opens the sermon up with the statement that he is preaching to himself. He knows he's guilty. Just as guilty as Jeremiah was.
We don't take the time and effort to see the most basic of facts in that God created the saved AND the unsaved to serve HIS PURPOSE. Tell the unsaved that and watch how mad they will get.
We are all God's creation and we serve Him whether we know it or not. To sit and whine like little babies because we don't have this or that, or make the pain stop, etc.. is basically slapping God in the face. It really is when you get right down to it. Just like if we talked that way to our parents. Same thing.
God had to set Jeremiah straight on a few things in order for Jeremiah to see how things really are. We would do well to see things as they really are as well.
Please pray for me, I'm facing a very difficult situation! I'm a 62 year old disabled man, with CHF and HIV +/AIDS and have my immune system deteriorating, and now facing eviction for not being able to pay rent since Feb 2020! I have no one, but God and His family, please pray for me not yo loose my housing and if I do, that the Lord provides me with another one! Thank you so much!
Seek God Henry makes it simple. True preachers of the Word of God, will preach the Word faithfully and KNOW that God will call the ones that He has chosen. The preachers preach the Word and do nothing more. They cannot do anything more. God is the only one who can give us a new heart. God is the only one who can open eyes and ears. True preachers are nothing more than mouthpieces of God. That's it.
And Henry explains this quite clearly. If you have a question regarding scripture, you take it to God. Pray about it and the answer will be revealed to you. Understanding will be imparted to you. Man cannot help you, only God and God alone can help you.
Well done sermon.
Man's Evil Nature As humans we only want to hear about how wonderful we are. We don't want to hear the truth about ourselves. God knows our hearts, He knows us. If we were to see ourselvs as God sees us, we couldn't handle it.
Our goal should be trying to get as close as we can to God, because it is God alone who can save us.
Henry does a very good job with this sermon and therer is much to be learned from it.
On Being Elect The title of this sermon could be considered not exactly accurate in the sense that Henry spends more time talking about false prophets than he does on the Lord collecting His sheep. But, the sermon is still good.
In this world there are many, MANY false prophets. 9 out of 10 churches are falsely led. I know, been through quite a few myself. The preachers want to make the folks believe that everyone goes to heaven and there is no such place as hell. And there you have those with itchy ears - wanting to believe the lies.
Henry does well to point this out and try to help folks to see and understand how deceitful the world is. But, God has His people in His hands and He won't let go of them. He promises us that. We just need to be careful where we step is all and who we listen to.
This is a very good sermon, worth listening to over and over again.
How Are We Acceptable To God? We think, so many of us do, that if we work hard enough, say all the right things and create a specific image that we will be acceptable to God. WRONG!
Henry explains in this sermon that God cannot accept ANY of us unless we ourselves accept Christ. Christ is the key to acceptance by God.
We are chosen before we are even born, by God, to be His elect. But, it is in His time that He calls us to Himself. We may be young. middleaged or old when He does call us, but it isn't us making the choice, not even close.
But, even as God's chosen, we are still sinners in the flesh and nothing that we can do will please God, it all has to come through Christ.
Most people think they understand salvation, but they really don't, not by the way they express themselves.
Henry did a good job here at explaining and laying out just how salvation really works.
Glory To God In The Highest To a true believer, glorying only in God should make sense. The things of this world are going to pass away at some point and glorying in ourselves or the things of this world is utterly ridiculous. But, as weakm fleshbag humans, we usually do it.
Henry preaches a very relevant issue when it comes to glorying in anything other than God and how easy it is for us to forget and look to the world - when we should be looking upward.
This sermon serves as a great reminder to look heavenward instead of to ourselves or the world for all of our needs - not just some. God is great, God is all powerful and God deserves GLORY.
There Is Only One True Peace Henry has a tendency to pull back the curtain on the things that we don't see or recognize in this world and the site is pretty ugly. The lies and deception that are thrust upon us in this world day to day.
Here, Henry points out something very, very important - especially to true believers. There is NO PEACE except that which comes directly from GOD. And we have to ASK for it.
The world cannot give peace. Another human being cannot give peace. Only God can bestow peace when asked to do so. The peace that transcends all understanding.
This is a very enlightening sermon and even as a long standing true believer, there are things to be learned here. Well worth the listen.
What Is Peace? Alot of people think that there isn't much to be learned from the Old Testament, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Jeremiah was a very sensitive prophet, he wept over his people and their refusal of God. They preferred to follow the law instead of God. Yes, God laid down the law, but God was over the law and the people just couldn't get their heads around that aspect of it.
Jeremiah was a troubled prophet who needed to learn that in God lay true peace. To find peace was to find relief in a sense, but more importantly sanctuary with and in God.
And how do the true believers find peace? Look to God, for He will not let one of His own slip from His mighty hand. It's simple, you just need to have FAITH. And Jeremiah needed not only to be shown that, but to understand it.
What Will You Do When the Horses Come? Poor Jeremiah! He has always been one of my favorite prophets. He wearied the Lord with his concerns and questions regarding mankind. And the Lord had to finally pose the questiion to Jerermiah of "If you can't run with the footmen, then what will you do when the horses come?
In other words - if you can't handle these things then how are you going to handle much more difficult things Jeremiah?
Jeremiah cared. He cared about his people, but he had to be made to see that this world was not his home. These things of this world are fleeting and unimportant. Care about the Lord and what He wants, not man and what he wants or doesn't want.
We have the same issues to deal with today. A very enlightening sermon by Henry.
A Very Critical Question Henry again uses Simeon as his main example here. When Simeon was led by the Holy Spirit to the temple at the exact moment that Christ was being brought by His parents. He held Christ in his arms and declared that he had seen God's salvation and prophesized to Mary and Joseph about what Christ was here to do.
Henry also references other passages of scripture as well, noting that the correct term to be used is to DEPART. That DEATH or TO DIE is only that of the flesh dying in order for a sinner to be reborn.
This is a very long and involved sermon. Not boring, just very long and involved. You have to pay attention here because Henry moves quickly and covers much ground.
Suffice it to say that by the end of the sermon it can be said that a man is ready to die (DEPART) when he has come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior.
Henry does note during the sermon that the Apostles always referred to Christ as LORD while He was here on earth and they only referred to Him as Jesus when writing about Him.
Henry also notes that to recognize God is one thing, but to KNOW Christ personally is just as critically important. You cannot have one without the other.
Human Goodness Is Fiction This is one thing among many that Henry points out in this sermon and I agree with him. Christ himself said that NONE IS GOOD SAVE GOD! That's a fact.
Henry also points out in this sermon that
Human righteousness opposes the grace of God. Human righteousness is a hindrance to salvation. Human righteousness is an abomination to God. Human righteousness will keep a man from Christ for as long as it can.
These are definitely things to think about very seriously. We don't bother to consider just how decieved we really are in this world. Once our eyes are opened and we begin to see just how hideous this place really is do we look more seriously to God.
Thank God for Henry.
Ready To Depart The one thing that Henry points out in this particular sermon is the difference between the saved and the unsaved in how they respond to leaving this world.
It's painfully simple to understand, but we don't catch on to it that easily.
The saved will say that they are ready to DEPART. The unsaved say they are ready to DIE.
Scripture shows (and Henry points this out) that there is no death in the sense of how humans refer to it. There is but one death - the death of the sinful flesh. The death of sin and the birth of the new man in Christ. It doesn't have anything to do with physical death.
This is a very informative sermon and I learned things that I did not know to which I am very thankful that God chose to reveal them to me through this sermon.
A true blessing.
Excellent Question It is an excellent question. Most people (99%) are in mortal fear of death. And the funny thing is, the ones that say that they are saved and are that scared of death? Well, you have to wonder if they really are saved, because if they were and they love the Lord like they say they do....well, one would think that they would be eager to be with their Lord in Heaven. One would think.
Henry has preached quite a few sermons on this particular scripture and I plan to listen to all of them. Why? Because very simply, I don't fear death, I can't wait to get home to Paradise! So, his sermons will be words of encouragement for me.
Too bad more folks can't get a handle on this subject of death.
A Relevant Question To Be Asked This is the story of Mary & Joseph traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover, leaving and traveling back home only to find out that Jesus isn't with them. They have to travel all the way back to Jerusalem only to find the 12 year old Jesus in the Temple PREACHING.
The basis of this situation is that Mary & Joseph travelled all that way without even knowing that Jesus wasn't with them. Living life you might say without realizing that you in fact do not have God in your life. That's the critical message here.
Henry points out many, many examples of how we as people miss Christ. We go along (as Mary & Joseph did) in our day to day activities, not even thinking about Christ.
My question is how parents miss their child in the first place, but I guess as human beings we can do that. But, Henry does a fine job at pointing out that we don't have the handle on things like we think that we do.
It's Not What You Think This is a subject that more preachers need to be preaching on - but don't. Henry as always tackles the tough stuff!
He does an exemplary job at showing us the difference between running around the church hollering "Jesus" and actually knowing the Lord and having a personal relationship with Him. There is a difference, a huge difference and Henry lays it out. Most people won't want to hear it, but hear it they must.
The one thing that Henry points out in this sermon is the fact that knowing God comes over a period of time and it is by God's choice that He chooses who He will. We have NOTHING to do with it. Shaking a preacher's hand don't mean doodlysquat. It's God and God alone who chooses His people.
If you are seeking to know God, seriously know Him, this sermon is for you.
It Is Finished The title is deceptive to a certain degree. Henry speaks on the veil being rent in twain in the beginning of the sermon, but he goes forth and describes Him coming down off the cross, Joseph of Arimethia and Nicodemus going to Pilot and asking permission for Christ's body. They took Christ down, prepped Him and placed Him in Joseph's tomb.
Henry makes a point of showing in the OT examples of this situation. The sermon goes on to describe Christ's appearance to a certain few after He rose from the grave.
It's an expansive sermon, covering many things. It would be well worth your effort to take notes on this sermon. You'll need 'em.
Take Heed Brethern Most people believe that the unforgiveable sin is to blaspheme God. What they don't realize is that the unforgiveable sin is to not believe in God. Unbelief is what sends a person to Hell.
Most folks think that being in this world is a ticket for them to do whatever they want and if they need God, they'll let Him know. Here is the greatest of mistakes. To ridicule God and to call God a liar. Henry touches on all these things.
Unless you explain it to the people, they won't understand. Henry does explain it - do you understand?
The Shackles of Religion Most people refuse to believe that death changes nothing in a person. A mean person is a mean person in Hell and a saved person is a saved person in Heaven. What you are on earth you will be when you die. It's just that simple and Henry explains this is detail.
Most people choose to believe that by some miracle a person becomes saintly after death. The preachers that preach this should be ashamed of themselves. That was one of the major reasons that Charles Spurgeon refused to preach funeral services - he didn't want to LIE.
The rich man here in scripture is just as evil and wicked after death as he was in life. He is ordering Abraham to do this and that in order to satisfy himself. Abraham tells him that he doesn't get his way in death.
Henry references numerous scripture to back up what he is preaching and it serves to lead us to see just how deceived we actually are in life. This world is very deceptive and misleading. Thank God that He sent His son to save us.
Understanding Sin Henry does a stellar job here in showing and explaining to us exactly what Christ came to do and how the world confuses this.
To understand exactly what Christ was sent to do, you need to be able to follow Henry as he travels through scripture painting a very distinct picture of what Christ was sent to do. There are multiple passages of scripture that describe it and we very rarely have it explained to us as we need it to be.
One of the very critical things that Henry does point out here is that once we have that understanding of Christ and that relationship with Him, Christ opens our EYES, our EARS, our HEARTS and our MINDS to His Word and we become true children of God. We are now part of the true Israel.
Take the time here to listen and learn what Henry is teaching and preaching, you will be so thankful that you did.