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Henry T. Mahan / Zebulon Grace Church
Henry T. Mahan / Tom Harding  |  Pikeville, Kentucky
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Henry T. Mahan Media Ministry
Zebulon Grace Church
6088 Zebulon Highway
Pikeville, Kentucky 41501
6088 Zebulon Highway
Pikeville, KY. 41501
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"Amen, Only God is Too Big to Fail"
Marc from TX
Thank you for these Gospel truths and the sure refuge that is found in Christ Jesus. Not sure why but I started hearing that old...
Tom Harding | Zebulon Grace Radio
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Sermon3/26/2022 9:24 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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“ Excellent Question ”
It is an excellent question. Most people (99%) are in mortal fear of death. And the funny thing is, the ones that say that they are saved and are that scared of death? Well, you have to wonder if they really are saved, because if they were and they love the Lord like they say they do....well, one would think that they would be eager to be with their Lord in Heaven. One would think. Henry has preached quite a few sermons on this particular scripture and I plan to listen to all of them. Why? Because very simply, I don't fear death, I can't wait to get home to Paradise! So, his sermons will be words of encouragement for me. Too bad more folks can't get a handle on this subject of death.

Sermon3/26/2022 8:09 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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Have We Missed Christ?
Henry Mahan
“ A Relevant Question To Be Asked ”
This is the story of Mary & Joseph traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover, leaving and traveling back home only to find out that Jesus isn't with them. They have to travel all the way back to Jerusalem only to find the 12 year old Jesus in the Temple PREACHING. The basis of this situation is that Mary & Joseph travelled all that way without even knowing that Jesus wasn't with them. Living life you might say without realizing that you in fact do not have God in your life. That's the critical message here. Henry points out many, many examples of how we as people miss Christ. We go along (as Mary & Joseph did) in our day to day activities, not even thinking about Christ. My question is how parents miss their child in the first place, but I guess as human beings we can do that. But, Henry does a fine job at pointing out that we don't have the handle on things like we think that we do.

Sermon3/26/2022 8:02 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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Henry Mahan
“ It's Not What You Think ”
This is a subject that more preachers need to be preaching on - but don't. Henry as always tackles the tough stuff! He does an exemplary job at showing us the difference between running around the church hollering "Jesus" and actually knowing the Lord and having a personal relationship with Him. There is a difference, a huge difference and Henry lays it out. Most people won't want to hear it, but hear it they must. The one thing that Henry points out in this sermon is the fact that knowing God comes over a period of time and it is by God's choice that He chooses who He will. We have NOTHING to do with it. Shaking a preacher's hand don't mean doodlysquat. It's God and God alone who chooses His people. If you are seeking to know God, seriously know Him, this sermon is for you.

Sermon3/25/2022 6:38 PM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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The Veil Rent In Twain
Henry Mahan
“ It Is Finished ”
The title is deceptive to a certain degree. Henry speaks on the veil being rent in twain in the beginning of the sermon, but he goes forth and describes Him coming down off the cross, Joseph of Arimethia and Nicodemus going to Pilot and asking permission for Christ's body. They took Christ down, prepped Him and placed Him in Joseph's tomb. Henry makes a point of showing in the OT examples of this situation. The sermon goes on to describe Christ's appearance to a certain few after He rose from the grave. It's an expansive sermon, covering many things. It would be well worth your effort to take notes on this sermon. You'll need 'em.

Sermon3/25/2022 5:58 PM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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Unbelief - The Greatest Sin
Henry Mahan
“ Take Heed Brethern ”
Most people believe that the unforgiveable sin is to blaspheme God. What they don't realize is that the unforgiveable sin is to not believe in God. Unbelief is what sends a person to Hell. Most folks think that being in this world is a ticket for them to do whatever they want and if they need God, they'll let Him know. Here is the greatest of mistakes. To ridicule God and to call God a liar. Henry touches on all these things. Unless you explain it to the people, they won't understand. Henry does explain it - do you understand?

Sermon3/24/2022 11:54 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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“ The Shackles of Religion ”
Most people refuse to believe that death changes nothing in a person. A mean person is a mean person in Hell and a saved person is a saved person in Heaven. What you are on earth you will be when you die. It's just that simple and Henry explains this is detail. Most people choose to believe that by some miracle a person becomes saintly after death. The preachers that preach this should be ashamed of themselves. That was one of the major reasons that Charles Spurgeon refused to preach funeral services - he didn't want to LIE. The rich man here in scripture is just as evil and wicked after death as he was in life. He is ordering Abraham to do this and that in order to satisfy himself. Abraham tells him that he doesn't get his way in death. Henry references numerous scripture to back up what he is preaching and it serves to lead us to see just how deceived we actually are in life. This world is very deceptive and misleading. Thank God that He sent His son to save us.

Sermon3/24/2022 11:02 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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What Christ Was Sent To Do
Henry Mahan
“ Understanding Sin ”
Henry does a stellar job here in showing and explaining to us exactly what Christ came to do and how the world confuses this. To understand exactly what Christ was sent to do, you need to be able to follow Henry as he travels through scripture painting a very distinct picture of what Christ was sent to do. There are multiple passages of scripture that describe it and we very rarely have it explained to us as we need it to be. One of the very critical things that Henry does point out here is that once we have that understanding of Christ and that relationship with Him, Christ opens our EYES, our EARS, our HEARTS and our MINDS to His Word and we become true children of God. We are now part of the true Israel. Take the time here to listen and learn what Henry is teaching and preaching, you will be so thankful that you did.

Sermon3/24/2022 9:34 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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Thy God Will Deliver Thee
Henry Mahan
“ How God Saves Sinners ”
This is the first time that Henry preaches on this particular passage of scripture and this is the strongest version of it. If you want to understand God's law, this is the place to do so. If you want to understand the intricacies of God's law and how it works and what makes it what it is, look to this scripture and you will see it. Daniel represents the elect where the law is concerned. Very detailed. Darius is a representation of God as to how He handles His elect where His law is concerned. Those 2 judges that set this situation up is representative of how satan manipulates the law in order to punish the elect. If you listen closely to how this particular law is written here in Daniel and the wording used is very representative of God and His law that He gave us. Henry preaches in a very unique way - he tells the TRUTH. Too bad other preachers don't get it.

Sermon3/23/2022 3:12 PM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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“ Powerful & Introspective Sermon ”
I wasn't sure exactly what to expect from this sermon just going by the title, so I knew I needed to listen to it and I am very thankful that I was able to. Henry touches on many things in this sermon. One of them being the example of Darius where God and His law are concerned. By understanding the story of Darius and Daniel, we understand God and His law and how it works. Then Henry points to scripture that explains "pleasing God". Those scriptures are as follows: 1 Samuel 12-22 - His People Colossians 1:19 - In Christ Isaiah 53:10 - Nailed to the Cross 1 Corinthians 1:21 - Arresting You Psalm 40:11-17 Then Henry poses a question that all of us need to think about where salvation is concerned - a very appropriate question. "How much of the doctrines of Grace does a man need to know in order to be saved?" He goes into some very significant detail in order to answer that. And he does answer it. This is one of Henry's best sermons and if you are in question regarding your own salvation - give this sermon a serious listen - you might be surprised at what you learn.

Sermon3/23/2022 12:17 PM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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“ Thou He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust Him ”
Nebuchadnezzar was (and is) a great instrument of teaching. Much came from the interaction that he had with God and thankfully scripture saved this for us to learn by. Henry does alot with this passage in the 45 mins that he has here. One of several things that he speaks on is the following: God revealing himself in scripture MOSES - His ETERNALITY (I AM) ISAIAH - His HOLINESS JOB - His CREATIVE POWER & WISDOM JEREMIAH - His ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGNITY EZEKIEL - His LOVE & MERCY SOLOMON - He being the RIGHTEOUS JUDGE The above can all be found toward the middle of the sermon. But, needless to say, this sermon has much to teach. And in essence, this sermon could feasibly be titled "WHO IS THE LORD?"

Sermon3/22/2022 11:37 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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Darius's Dilemma
Henry Mahan
“ An Example of God ”
Henry takes this passage of scripture and shows us the contrast between Darius and God. There are some legitimate comparisons between Darius and God in the sense that Darius was King and could make law. Darius was ruler over his people. The King's word was law. Where one very significant difference occurs (and this is the basis of the sermon) is that even though Darius was King, he could not save Daniel from the Lion's den. God can. God's law is perfect, man's law is weak and fallible. Henry lays things out in such a way that you can clearly see and understand the difference between God and man. A very, very educational sermon.

Sermon3/22/2022 10:49 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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“ Pride Goeth Before Destruction ”
And a haughty spirit before a fall. True words from Proverbs 16:18. Henry reminds us here that mankind has basically become excruciatingly prideful and ignores the true God. In place of the true God they have created a god that they like much better. What man has failed to realize is that God is KING and RULER over all and each mortal will have to stand before Him and answer. Most will not like the reply that they receive from HIM. Henry lays out what mankind has done and how he will have to pay for that. And as Henry says so often, mankind doesn't want to hear it. If you want to know God better, this would be a wonderful place to start.

Sermon3/22/2022 9:38 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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Weighted and Wanting
Henry Mahan
“ The Exactness of God ”
In this exxample from the old testament of how God deals with people, we find here what we should already know. That God has ultimate and total control over ALL things. For by Him, were ALL things created. Belshazzar, like most all mankind, chose not to recognize that part, instead looking to his own ways and his own gods. What happened to Belshazzar is what happens to those who choose to ignore God and live for the things of this world. It's a dangerous game that mankind plays and he will always lose. Another excellent sermon by Henry. Again he makes scripture understandable.

Sermon3/22/2022 8:38 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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The Lion's Den
Henry Mahan
“ Jesus in the OT ”
How many of us really, truly understand God's law? How many of us understand what Christ represents? If you have questions or aren't sure - this scripture is for you. In 27 short minutes, Henry manages to take a scene out of the book of Daniel and show us exactly what God is all about through the example of King Darius and Daniel. It just doesn't get any more simple than this. When you hear that Christ is on the pages of the Old Testament - it's true. And Henry does a wonderful job at showing us the details of that. The Lion's Den is more than just a Sunday School story or lesson - much, much more.

Sermon3/20/2022 11:56 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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“ How To Be Truly Saved ”
Henry preaches so sincerely, so honestly. In explaining how to be saved, he does so from scripture as he should. With the example of the Ethiopian Eunuch Henry explains how simply and beautifully someone is saved. It's not complicated, it's not a political process - it's first and last from the unerring (inerrant) Word of God. This is where most preachers fall short. If you listen to most preachers they will tell you that you have to go through a process in order to be saved AND to be baptized. That's not true. Look to the thief on the cross and the Ethiopian Eunuch. The Eunuxh was saved AND baptized - but nothing close to what happens today. The thief was saved - but how and when and at what point on the cross? We don't know, we aren't told, but yet we KNOW that he was in Paradise that day with Christ because Christ said so. However, the thief was not baptized, why? He didn't have to be. Baptism is a choice, not a mandate. It's a suggestion, a recommendation, but not a mandate obviously because the thief did not require it - Christ took care of everything. Who are we to say that what happened there was wrong? Scripture is the last word. It's all so simple, and Henry tells us that and he uses scripture to do so. You can't go wrong here.

Sermon3/20/2022 10:50 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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The Way Made Plain
Henry Mahan
“ How To Preach the Real Word of God ”
Again, Henry points out in this sermon that trying to find a preacher who preaches the real and true Word of God is a very rare thing in this day and time. He doesn't just say it, but backs it up with example after painful example and he is right. However, he does point out quite clearly how Philip preached the Word of God to the Eunuch and how preachers in this day and time don't do that. We live in a very unfortunate place and time. But, thanks to God and His Grace, we have preachers like Henry and even though Henry is no longer with us here in this world, his sermons are - to be listened to everyday and understood.

Sermon3/20/2022 9:01 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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“ The Lesson That Keeps On Giving ”
Henry has done many of these sermons over the years and even if you listen to every single one of them you will undoubtedly walk away with a new lesson learned. Something that was learned here that wasn't learned in the others. That's the beauty of scripture and of a pastor who knows how to preach the Word of God. Always something of value, something precious to be learned.

Sermon3/20/2022 8:24 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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“ What Do You Know About Hell? ”
This is the earliest sermon it seems on this chapter and verse of Luke. There are at least a half dozen sermons, but this one seems to be the first - at least here on SA. Henry does a fine job at comparing what we do as people to prepare for a future here on this earth as opposed to what we do as people in order to prepare for eternity. The difference is startling. Henry points out 5 things that the rich man discovered once he got to Hell. And memories of this place are present with him. Where are you going? And more importantly, what are you doing to prepare?

Sermon3/19/2022 12:01 PM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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A Heart Right With God
Henry Mahan
“ The Answers Lie At Calvary ”
We don't understand just how worldly we are until we listen to sermons such as this. We think to ourselves that we are doing God's will when in fact we are doing the world's will. Frightening. But, if we truly seek the Lord, we will be led to Calvary where we will learn just what it is to have a heart right with God. But, we have to want it, really want it. And in this sermon by Henry, if we listen to what is truly being said here, we can have that heart right with God.

Sermon3/19/2022 10:25 AM
Aliyah from US  Find all comments by Aliyah
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The Conversion of a Sinner
Henry Mahan
“ The Truth Shall Set You Free ”
Henry is speaking the truth here in this sermon and nothing but the truth. He is delivering some very hard facts and telling things as they truly are - not what man would like for them to be. One of the reasons that I listen to so many of Henry's sermons is that with the way that he delivers scripture - I'm surprised that he wasn't assassinated for telling the truth. Because in the world we live in, telling the truth can get you killed. But, not if God's hand is on you, which it obviously was with Henry. When I listen to sermons such as this I am refreshed and made joyful at the Word of God. My faith is strengthened and reinforced. Thank God we have these sermons in this day and time to help us. Too bad that there are so few preachers such as Henry.

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