The Manchild The Manchild (Rev. 12:5) is the 1st fruit bride and body of Christ
(Ephesians 5:30-32) and will be with Jesus when he opens the seals in Revelation chapter 6. (Luke 21:36)
Rev 2:26 And HE THAT OVERCOMES, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations and he shall rule them with a ROD OF IRON; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
The 10 virgins are not the Bride. They are bridesmaids and the 5 wise ones will be taken when Jesus and his bride come from the wedding (Luke 12:36)
We see a picture of the Bride of Christ in Genesis 24. Abraham is a picture of God the Father. Isaac is a picture of God the Son (Jesus). Abraham's servant is a picture of the Holy Spirit. Rebekah is a picture of the bride of Christ. The Canaanites are a picture of the world. When Abraham says my country and kindred in Genesis 24:4, it refers to the church as a whole.
Grateful for this teaching! Listened to this with my teenage son tonight as we studied the Scriptures together. Pastor Mahan taught from many passages clearly pointing us to Who this is all about, The Lord Jesus Christ. Have been trying to learn more about this subject and this teaching blessed and helped us both! Praise and thanks be to God!
Our Life is Hid in Christ Jesus, Amen Great word spoken, dear Brother Tom. And I felt God speaking to me thru your sermon when you expounded on the precious promises of eternal life for the believer. Whether we live or whether we die, we belong to the LORD (Romans 14:8). But He also pressed this verse on my heart and I share it with you: “He is not God of the dead but of the living.” (Mark 12:27a), which Christ used to combat the heresy of Sadducees who denied the resurrection. This gave me a vision of how we believers who may fall asleep before Christ returns may resemble plants, who without roper water or sunlight eventually fade away and expire under natural conditions. But once refreshment comes and the dawns breaks, see how even plants can revive: The vid author proclaims at the end once the plant has seemingly come back from the dead “pure water, it’s a lifesaver” which may be true enough in this physical realm, but we boldly proclaim Christ’s Living Water which grows in the believer into a spring of everlasting life (John 4:14). When Christ returns, we shall behold those sleeping believers like weary plants now renewed by the sun’s rays or fresh rain stretch forth from the graves and arise to greet the Brightest Star with overwhelming joy! Hallelujah!
Amen, Federal Headship is Biblical Truth! Excellent summation and exegetical study of the teaching clearly described in 1 Cor. 15:21-23 and Paul’s own broader exegetical writing in Romans 5:12-19 on the 2 kinds of imputation in the Bible: one of sin, and the other of righteousness. The first imputation of sin came from our first father Adam and federal head of the carnal nature, and the second imputation by God’s Sovereign choice and grace came through His Son unto salvation, righteousness and holiness that fallen man otherwise could not partake. Some even ponder why Adam’s fall meant no person born after could qualify of themselves being holy or righteous, despite whatever personal effort or religious works they might accomplish. This is because of the Federal Headship of Adam and recall Genesis 1:31 where God declared all He had made in the beginning was “very good”. This was our first estate as human beings in Adam, who was the first and eminent being of goodness in God’s universe. For Adam to fall meant that the being who was “very good” failed to maintain that goodness and, like copies we run thru a printer of the original document, future generations of man could only lessen in quality and authentic “goodness”. But praise to the Lord Jesus Christ who has become our righteousness and perfection from sin!
Amen, Jesus Calls Sinners not the Self-Righteous Such a powerful and sobering truth preached Brother Tom, it is not the self-righteous whom the Lord Jesus Christ calls to repentance but the broken and contrite sinner seeking mercy. This word you preached reminded me also of why Jesus declared in Matt. 5:17-48 the extreme perfection demanded by God’s holy justice and that we are not to relax the commandments but uphold and revere them firstly as self-examination, and ultimately exposure as unworthy sinners incapable of fulfilling the Law in ourselves. In Matt. 5:20, Jesus challenges the disciples to be more righteous than even the Pharisees. The self righteous hear this and determine “ok challenge accepted” and consider themselves capable of meriting holiness and blessing. Yet this is contrary to the Gospel, for if righteousness come by the Law then for what miserable end was Christ sacrificed? No, we preach and teach God’s commandments to silence all self righteous mouths and like a mirror reveal the filth and sin staining men’s hearts so that they desperately cry out for the only just and worthy Savior, who alone can cleanse us from all sin and has fulfilled and done all things well and pleases the Father. Glory to the Lamb of God!
Amen, Only God is Too Big to Fail Thank you for these Gospel truths and the sure refuge that is found in Christ Jesus. Not sure why but I started hearing that old business slogan “too big to fail”, but my heart immediately knew it was in contrast against where this lost world places its shallow and foolish confidence: in the manmade banking and monetary systems that often do fail. But it is in God’s promises alone where we find utmost assurance, satisfaction and peace: He is the only entity and Being too big to ever fail! I am reminded of that lesson Christ gave in Matt. 10:29-31 that God’s people can rest confidently in His provision, care and grace for He who watches over sparrows surely and jealously watches over and guards the souls of His saints from cradle to grave and beyond. Praise His holy name!
Have Mercy On Me O God, the Sinner Amen. Foolish men who consider their morality worthy of securing a spot in heaven fail to heed Christ’s immediate command: “BE YE PERFECT…” (Matt. 5:48). But only perfect according to human standards relative to the next sinner? No, it is utter holy and divine perfection: “Be ye perfect even as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” This is impossible thru our innate faculties: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). Where can this perfection be found? Only in Christ Jesus “who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” (1 Cor. 1:30). So let us not be like Pharisees, who were skilled at appearing moral and righteous but often vainly prayed “God, I thank you that I am not like other men” (Luke 18:11-14). We cannot look to ourselves because we have a handful of moral boundaries we carefully observe and yet lack the perfection God requires. Only Christ can complete us, perfect us and sustain us in His righteousness, perfection and holiness.
EXCEEDING GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISES Recently heard a message on 2 Peter 1 (Partakers of the Divine Nature), which confounded my (as well as others) understanding, is absent of simplicity & confused everything taught here, and offered no comfort of the Scriptures declared here in this blessed message by brother Henry. Add to this the message of brother Don, Marvin, and Tate preached on (Partakers of the Divine Nature) … bless God He has calmed my soul and spoke peace to my heart, as well as "Will God Indeed Dwell Upon the Earth - DF (2013). Also, I refer to brother Don's message: Partakers:Delighting in the Obvious, where he made the point (he has made it before) and I quote: "I cannot think of a poorer way to study Scripture than by doing "word studies" in which you look up the meaning and interpret every passage that uses that word without considering the context God the Holy Spirit uses that word". Amen ... that clears up the confusion, and also confirms to me that all and only God called and sent men declare the clear same message. God is faithful!
Great Sermon! In this message, brother Henry is not exhorting the hearer as to How to attain conversion, or How a sinner is made righteous before our Holy God. Rather, he is stating the obvious reality (that is, obvious as revealed in the Word of God) as to the power of the quickening of the Holy Spirit in the experience of the sinner-saint, who is in union with His Representative (our Lord Jesus Christ), and which is made sure by the obedience, successful and effective accomplished work of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Bride. Our Lord Jesus has not put "lipstick on a pig" but as He was made sin for her, she. has been made the righteousness of God in Him. His Bride is as He is in the world. And thought she does not yet have her glorified resurrected body, the Shulamite (Gamer) is now made acceptable to the Father and the Son; she is as holy as she will ever be and that is a glorious work performed for her, on her and in her. She heartily confesses not a hand in this grand Divne work and rejoices in it.