Surprising Sermon When I found this sermon I was expecting Henry to talk about the book of Philemon. He started out talking about it & then took the listener on an unexpected journey.
The best way I can describe it is that it was like being out on a nice sunny summer day in a convertible, just riding through the countryside, enjoying the beauty of God's world. That's what listening to this sermon was like for me.
Henry hit on many things, but kept it in the realm of grace, salvation, faith & the unending, enduring love of God. It worked, I don't know how, but it did & afterward I felt refreshed. That's Henry for you.
If you want to be refreshed, listen to this sermon.
There is an interesting story that Henry relates regarding a particular sheep named "Queenie". You'll like it & it is very applicable to true believers.
Outstanding Sermon! For anyone who wants to KNOW the difference between real belief and religion, listen to this sermon. If you want to know if you are in a real church or not, listen to this sermon. If you want to know if you are truly saved or not, listen to this sermon.
Henry Mahan, in his day, had a way with the Word of God. He was truly a mouthpiece for God. This is one of his best sermons. The best of the best. It will not disappoint if you are sincerely seeking.
He covers a wide range of scripture in this sermon & gives plenty of scripture for further study.
You just can't go wrong with Henry.
John the Baptist Came To Town Let me begin by saying that I have nothing but respect for Henry Mahan. Most of his sermons are exactly what they need to be. But, Henry is a mortal man & subject to the regular frailties of being human. This is one of those times.
First off, the sermon is MURDER to listen to. If you don't have much patience, you won't do well with it. This audio was done in 1969, but it is hard to understand most of the time.
The first 8 mins is Henry reading scripture. The next 3 mins is praying. The next 6 mins is singing. Then around the 16 min mark Henry starts preaching the funeral.
At the 23 min mark the audio will skip & I don't know how much is missed.
Rolfe Barnard was a exceptional preacher. I do agree, that if you had to compare him to anyone, it would definitely be John the Baptist, no doubt.
I have listened to many a Rolfe sermon & I have to say that for preaching, fired up preaching - he's the "go to" guy. He makes me feel good listening to him. I love his passion.
But, what he isn't is a "teacher". He doesn't teach scripture, he PREACHES scripture. There is a difference. Henry's style is much different that Rolfe's. Henry can get loud, but not like Rolfe.
I would have really, really liked to have been able to seriously listen to this sermon.
Very Informative First off, the beginning of the sermon is clipped. It starts with Henry in the middle of a sentence. So we have no idea what he was talking about before this point.
That doesn't change the fact that this is a very powerful sermon. For anyone who doesn't really have a good grasp on Romans 7; Lord willing, this will go a long, long way into explaining things in a very simplistic way.
As always, Henry does a magnificent job in his preaching. I regret that I never was able to listen to him preach in person, that must have been something to behold.
He mentioned one thing during this sermon that really resonated with me in a very powerful way. He said "Deliverance from the law is necessary to sanctification."
He also goes into explaining why the law doesn't have a hold over God's elect and he does so in a very easy and understandable way.
Scripture reference - Galatians 5:13 & 22
Excellent Sermon This sermon was such a blessing when I heard it last evening in church. God always knows what we need and He certainly used Brother Gabe last night to teach me.
I keep thinking about that precious word, ‘nevertheless’ and what it meant. I thank God for His Precious, Marvelous, Sovereign GRACE.
Great Sermon! From the sermon, 'someone crosses me or offends me I'm through with them!' - "that's self love"- what a profound statement!
How many of us are guilty of this?!
Again, what a great message, to God be the glory
Great Sermon! How necessary is this message in our day. So many thinking themselves 'Christian', as the SA news comment forum demonstrates, yet deception is rife. All over America there are dead in sin sinners professing something they simply do not possess ---- Christ. Salvation is by grace and not by anything of man.
Beautiful, Gospel Truth! Thank you for this message of God-glorifying, Gospel truth! This also serves to demolish the false, racist, ethnocentric notion of Christian Zionism. God is not obligated nor never intended to save every single Jewish person or physical descendant of Abraham. His plan from eternity, called the mystery of the Gospel, was to save individuals from every tribe, language, nation, etc. on earth and unite in His Son, one house of faith, both Jew and Gentile, in one accord and bond of love. To God be the glory!
Great Sermon! This message is excellent, a must hear for all. Many Christians refuse to see and acknowledge sin, rather, excuses are made and sin is covered over. Christians embrace other Christians, regardless of unrepentant sin, and put loyalty to one another above loyalty to Christ.
May the Lord always show me what lies in my OWN heart, and protect me from those who are Christian in name only.
Uplifting and Wonderful Message! Thank you once again for such a powerful and God-inspired message, brother Tom! So many nuggets of God's truth but I especially enjoyed your discussion around coming to a right understanding of what Christ meant when He said that we are called to love and worship Him alone as Lord of our lives to the point of even "hating" our mother, father, wives or children. You clarified this beautifully since Christ was illustrating the difference and quality of love we should reserve for Him versus that of our family members. It is figurative language to help us understand just how much more we SHOULD love Christ in contrast to the rest of the world because He is our Lord and God of our salvation, indeed our very own self-sacrificing Creator. So the love we have for Him is a holy, sanctified love, committed and dedicated to Him alone that should cause all other loving relationships to pale in comparison. While we still do and should love our family and show kindness to one another, God should always be our FIRST love, who in turn inspires greater and more perfect love in us towards our family and fellow man. God bless your ministry Brother Tom with much love and wisdom!
Great Sermon! Excellent message; so many hold to the accursed 'free will' gospel and proceed to twist God's holy word to defend their error. Many will have much to answer for on that final day.
Amen! Powerful, Godly and Biblical Not only do these Bible truths refute the notion that fallen, sinful man has some power in his so-called "free will" choice but exposes that classic theological battle regarding Regeneration and Faith. Those that praise and celebrate "free-will"ism reject the Biblical doctrine that Regeneration (MUST) Precede Faith for the sinner is dead and lifeless and can not initiate anything God-ward. May God continue to bless your ministry, Brother Tom!
Duplicate Sermon This is a duplicate sermon. This particular one is the longer of the 2 by about 2 minutes. Both transcripts are identical as well. The sermon for both was preached 2/20/83. The only difference, a couple of minutes.
Pulling Back the Curtain on Religion I just finished listening to this sermon for a 3rd time in 2 days. It had that kind of impact on me.
Pastor Mahan does what few preachers do and that is TEACH on Romans 7.
He speaks on a problem that we have where FALSE HOPES are concerned and lists 6 of them:
1 - Ignorance of the gospel
2 - Church Privileges
3 - Material Blessings
4 - Morality (External Reformation)
5 - Self Love
6 - A wrong idea of the love of God
He also speaks on 3 Ways To Quiet A Heart
1 - Come To Christ
2 - Religious Profession
3 - Blind His Eyes
Also, there are 3 things that dawn upon a man who's slain by the Holy Spirit:
1 - Convinced of SIN - nature & principle of
2 - SINS
3 - God humbles us over the evil of our own righteousness.
If you are wanting to focus on who and what God really is about, you will learn so much from this sermon.
Scripture references: Romans 3:17 & 24,7:9-25,9:7/1 Corinthians 2:7/2 Corinthians 13:5/Hebrews 3,6:4,10:38/Philippians 3:5/Isaiah 28:14, 64:6/ John 8:38-41/Psalm 73/Matthew 7:3/Ephesians 1:7/Revelation 3:7
Partial Sermon Two things wrong with this sermon.
First we enter after the sermon has already started. How far into it? It's hard to tell exactly, but from the way Pastor Mahan is speaking, I would say 10-15 minutes into it.
Second, the sound is over driven, which makes it extremely hard to listen to it.
With these two things at work, one is left with the feeling that they are missing out on something that could be quite special.
What did I miss in the beginning? What did he say? Was it important? I will never know.
It is very hard to work at listening. Trying to hear and make out what is being said. That takes away from a sermon that has the potential to be very informative and helpful. I took away some things from it, but felt that I could have gotten so much more.
In the end, something is better than nothing at all, when it comes to hearing the true word of God preached.