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Portland One:16 Bible Church
Pastor Chuck O'Neal  |  Beaverton, Oregon
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Portland One:16 Bible Church
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"Thank you for your comment 1"
Chuck O'Neal from Beaverton, Oregon
Dear Chris, Thank you for the encouraging words and defense of Dr. Mohler. First, please understand that I love and appreciate...
Chuck O'Neal | Psalm 78:9
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Sermon10/31/14 9:39 AM
Charlie Schafer from New Castle, Delaware  Contact via emailFind all comments by Charlie Schafer
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks Pastor O'Neal for This Sermon !! Reminds me of Of my Corps days ! And also my Father telliiing me same thing/ somthing gonna get us wxhen we croak!!! Semper Fi charlie

Blog10/15/14 11:29 AM
Passing Through from Asia  Find all comments by Passing Through
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Thank you for telling the truth. I so admired this man's videos
when he began to make them, but i guess the emergence of
more "popular forms" of Christianity is crushing every truth God
gave us in their beautiful simplicity to proclaim. You are a bold
man to say what is real, instead of the polar opposite of what's
"trendy". God just smiled when you posted this, even if i'm only
seeing it a year later. Bless you

Sermon6/14/14 7:47 AM
Charlie Schafer from New Castle, Delaware  Contact via emailFind all comments by Charlie Schafer
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor O'Neal this was a great Sermon !!! As Ex catholic many Yrs. ago thanks to Holy Spirit & my father / I came Out ; believing in my own rightousnes I was saved -- Now knowing Jesus Christ , Imputed His at the Cross ;my own mother & sister who also were catholic ; sister Ex Nun 14 yrs.came out; but not catholic church // died 2001// Not saved ?? Jesus said His Mercy Endurith Forever also Job 4:7 or verse Jesus spoke Unaware of sin --no sin- my hope// Be listening rest of your Sermons// good preachin// God Bless --charlie

Blog9/4/13 9:56 PM
Ella from United States, East coast  Find all comments by Ella
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What crisis pregnancy center do you support in your area? Thanks.

Blog8/8/13 2:05 PM
Pastor Chuck O'Neal from Beaverton, Oregon  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Pastor Chuck O'Neal
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Pastor Tim Challies ran afoul of Julie Anne Smith and her destructive slander-blogging friends. Here is the article he wrote in response on 4/3/13, In the Crosshairs of the Discernment Bloggers.


Blog8/8/13 2:00 PM
Pastor Chuck O'Neal from Beaverton, Oregon  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Pastor Chuck O'Neal
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Don Miller was fired from his position at BGBC after he repeatedly made ridiculous accusations that I "don't preach Christ, don't preach the Gospel, and don't preach the whole counsel of God" and then sought to draw two deacons and a layman to stand with him against the leadership of the church. Julie Anne and Steve Smith, and Meaghan and Tim Varela were very close friends with Don Miller. When their friend was fired they left the church and began a bitter assault on the Gospel ministry of BGBC, the families of BGBC, and my wife and children. After 5 years we are regaining strength and getting back in the fight for Christ, His Gospel, eternal souls, and the lives of the unborn in a significant way. Julie Anne Smith and her slandering friends are fighting with fresh slander the whole way. May God grant them repentance of the evil they have done, and are yet doing.

Sermon7/12/13 12:32 AM
Mic76543 from Kyoto, Japan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mic76543
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a very good video. Keep up the good work !

Sermon5/1/13 3:43 PM
Pastor Chuck O'Neal from Beaverton, Oregon  Protected NameFind all comments by Pastor Chuck O'Neal
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“ Charles Spurgeon on the Law & Gospel ”
"There is no healing a man till the law has wounded him, no making him alive till the law has slain him" -Charles Spurgeon

Sermon4/28/13 1:59 AM
Pastor Chuck O'Neal from Beaverton, Oregon  Protected NameFind all comments by Pastor Chuck O'Neal
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“ George Whitefield on preaching ”
"It is a poor sermon that gives no offense; that neither makes the hearer displeased with himself nor with the preacher" ~George Whitefield

Blog4/6/13 7:46 PM
Just Another Saint from Pacific Northwest  Find all comments by Just Another Saint
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Per Wikipedia: “Cyberbullying may include public actions such as repeated threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels, or defamatory false accusations, ganging up on a victim by making the person the subject of ridicule in online forums”. I’ve followed this woman’s public blogging and in my opinion she used sexual remarks against you and your church, pejorative labels, defamatory false accusations and then ganged up on you by making you the subject of ridicule in her online forum devoted to your churches destruction, ALL a textbook case of cyberbullying. This blog recording her church-hating antics will be invaluable to future victims. Although we Christians forgive, we must love others in action and truth as they face persecution. I’m sure Pastor Challies appreciates this blog as well as that poor man and his wife who are the focus of the “JESUSSUE” blog. Demanding people “get their rage up” on a couple and then to “act upon it” is brutal, unthinking cyberbullying. I’ll be praying for their safety.

Blog4/6/13 9:30 AM
CJ Forsythe from USA  Find all comments by CJ Forsythe
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What do we do with people who are at different levels of sanctification? We preach the Word to them like Jesus. That Word includes strong, repeated, NEW TESTAMENT, instruction about sins of all types. Some of these sins are mentioned more than others due to their destructive nature. Sexual sin is one of them. And yes, people are fallen and struggle with temptations of all kinds. But a failure to preach the Word clearly, concisely, thoroughly will result in people who “just aren’t bothered by that particular sin”, even those God mentions over and over (sexual sins). Repentant people when tempted wrestle privately due to their new shame God has given them about their sin. Unrepentant people don’t have that gift from God yet and need to hear the Word about that sin. Bold, comfortable sinning should prompt the minister to reevaluate his preaching, not reevaluate the Holy Spirit. To then say the Holy Spirit has changed and clearly FORBIDDEN BY GOD IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, life-destroying sins are now akin to Israel’s shellfish restrictions is bizarre.

Blog4/6/13 9:00 AM
CJ Forsythe from USA  Find all comments by CJ Forsythe
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Since we know faith comes by HEARING the Word of God (Romans 10:17) and we know the Holy Spirit will convict the conscience of sin after this hearing (John 16:8), rather than lecturing the Church these men should take a moment and look at their ministering skills. Have they delivered the Word on these topics? Are the unrepentant people unrepentant because of the silence of these “pastors”? Or worse, is sin being “celebrated”? If I had a church full of prostitutes, I would be rejoicing that they came to hear the Word, but they would hear what the Word says about being identified by the glaring sin that enslaves them. If they were still unmoved, they would be earnestly WARNED of their eternallity in that place of torment. Their complacency and comfort in their glaring sin would be a sign of my failure as a minister of the Word. To make a bizarre comparison of Israel’s Old Testament dietary law to CLEAR, often repeated New Testament commands regarding sexuality, is almost laughable. But penning a blog demanding that God’s clear, concise Word and His Holy Spirit be “reimagined” to compensate for their ministerial failures is a sad sign of the times.

Blog4/5/13 5:02 PM
Pastor Chuck O'Neal from Beaverton, Oregon  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Pastor Chuck O'Neal
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Pastor Tim Challies ran afoul of Julie Anne Smith and her destructive slander-blogging friends. Here is the article he wrote in response on 4/3/13, In the Crosshairs of the Discernment Bloggers.


Blog4/3/13 8:30 PM
Marian  Find all comments by Marian
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I just got into a discussion with a young
man on FB over this very issue. He claims
to be “well-versed in the Bible” and used
the shellfish argument with me as well.
Sadly though, this young man does not by
his own admission believe in the
inerrancy of the Holy Scripture. He said
therefore cannot be trusted. He also
sited the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as
a parable, not an actual event. He said,
“Unless you can find me the scripture
that explicitly defines marriage as one
man and one woman you will continue to be
a bigot who uses religion incorrectly to
justify their intolerance.”
Interestingly I have heard these same
arguments from my Atheist nephew.

I agree with you, Pastor Chuck that 1
Corinthians 6:9-11 is clear about what it
is teaching. Why would anyone, especially
a pastor, want to exclude gay people from
that list, to repent of their sin?
Because it is unpopular or they are
afraid of being called a bigot, when an
eternal soul is at stake? That is not
loving or even sensible in light of 1
Corinthians 1:18… how can we who know the
truth keep silent?

Blog4/3/13 5:48 PM
Pastor Chuck O'Neal from Beaverton, Oregon  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Pastor Chuck O'Neal
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Hello Todd,

I see what you are saying, but Jeff Cook isn’t merely talking about an ongoing Sanctification process that we might debate over. He goes on to suggest that we abandon the concept that homosexuals and lesbians need to repent at all. He suggests that we should view homosexuality and lesbianism like OT dietary restrictions for shell fish that simply didn’t apply to the new Gentile believers in the early church. He is clearly encouraging us to entertain homosexuals and lesbians coming as they are and staying as they are, as being the new wave of the new work of the Holy Spirit that overrides what God’s Word so clearly says (1 Cor. 6:9-11).



Blog4/3/13 5:47 PM
Pastor Chuck O'Neal from Beaverton, Oregon  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Pastor Chuck O'Neal
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You ask, “Is she a lesbian woman or is she a born again woman?”

Does being born again mean you are instantly not a lesbian? Or a sluggard, or a liar, or a glutton, or abuse alcohol, or smoke a pipe?

We are all new creations when we accept Christ.

But sanctification takes time.

And we still struggle.

The question is… what do we do with people who are at different levels of sanctification?

That’s what he’s trying to address.

He’s saying that he’s seen remarkable progress in her journey… but that progress has not yet reached her sexuality.

See very possible to me from people I’ve watched. Sometimes it takes time and is not instantaneous.


Blog4/3/13 4:46 PM
Todd Rhoades  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Todd Rhoades
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Todd Rhoades repsonded:


Did you even read the article?

It didn’t sound like it.

I believe homosexuality is a sin as well. But the questions asked are valid.


Sermon3/28/13 7:57 PM
Pastor Chuck O'Neal from Beaverton, Oregon  Protected NameFind all comments by Pastor Chuck O'Neal
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“ rebels justifying & defending apostasy ”
Well reasoned and flowery justifications and defenses for apostasy and apostates based upon personal experience will wear thin on that Day in which we all must give an account. Gal 1:6-9, 2 John 10-11, and Jude 3 cry out against such folly with absolute clarity and infinite authority. How dare any man or woman open their foul mouth or put their foul fingers to the keyboard to speak against God's eternal Word. The Word of God judges their defense of apostasy now and the God of the Word will judge them when they stand before His throne if they do not repent. Those who Love the Lord Jesus, His Gospel, and lost sinners will happily stand with Jeremiah and Spurgeon against all those who cry "Peace, peace! When there is no peace" (Jer. 6:14).

Blog3/22/13 2:55 PM
Pastor Chuck O'Neal from Beaverton, Oregon  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Pastor Chuck O'Neal
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Thank you for making some great points Margaret.

Ed Chapman is a long time, faithful follower of Julie Anne Smith.

In answer to Ed's question, MATTHEW HENRY (CHARLES SPURGEON’S FAVORITE BIBLE COMMENTATOR), JOHN CALVIN, AND ALBERT BARNES support me, my family, and our church in a just defense against vicious criminal accusations vindictively made by the close friends of Don Miller (see http://wp.me/p2YEp0-54), a fired former staff member. These heavy weight pastor/theologians stand firmly with us against the evil assault of Christ's church and our families.

Here is Matthew Henry's commentary on 1 Cor. 6, “Here is at least an intimation that they went to law for trivial matters, things of little value; for the apostle blames them that they did not suffer wrong rather than go to law (v. 7), which must be understood of matters not very important. In matters of great damage to ourselves or families, we may use lawful means to right ourselves. We are not bound to sit down and suffer the injury tamely, without stirring for our own relief; but, in matters of small consequence, it is better to put up with the wrong. Christians should be of a forgiving temper. And it is more for their ease and honor to suffer small injuries and inconveniences than seem to be contentious.”

Blog3/22/13 10:50 AM
Margaret from California  Find all comments by Margaret
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Mr. Chapman, I believe you could find hundreds if not thousands of Pastors who would strongly denounce ALL papal acts against Christ (such as offering up the daily sacrifice of mass as justification for sins). A quick search on this website alone yields numerous sermons on this very topic. No matter how illustrious a man may be in his organization, if he starts to slide into heresy (Mr. Shoemaker), it is a Christ-obeying Pastor’s duty to rebuke him. Again, I commend Mr. O’Neal for his stand here, despite it costing him the FGBC’s censure. It’s obvious to me the lawsuit was a convenient excuse to oust O’Neal for his Christ-honoring standards now distasteful to ecumenical groups. This happens all the time in compromised organizations. Additionally, our faith should never be the product of group think. We should aim to please Christ alone. Remember Noah? How many supported his ark building? And if I practiced DARING people to do something, I might dare you to name one leader in Noah’s day that supported him.

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