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Portland One:16 Bible Church
Pastor Chuck O'Neal  |  Beaverton, Oregon
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Portland One:16 Bible Church
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"Praise God for This Pastor!!!"
Steph from Mid-atlantic State
I am thankful for pastors like this. Jesus said, "...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" May God help...
Chuck O'Neal | Church is Essential
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Blog5/5/08 7:22 PM
RLKMIN from Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by RLKMIN
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Thanks for sharing this. It is disappointing and shocking that so many well known "leaders" would sign such a document. By doing so they've basically agreed with the culture in saying "There are many Paths that lead to heaven". The Scripture is clear that this is not the case. Yes, we should love our neighbors but to unite fully with them, if I'm understanding the document correctly, is in essence to say, that God and His Word aren't correct when Jesus said that ... "He is the way, the truth, the life, no one comes to the Father except through me". I'll be praying for them because many of them are doing good things for the Lord but I must say that this isn't one of them.

Blog3/29/08 4:45 PM
Ryan Green from Portland, OR  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ryan Green
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Bad news, dude, you are riding a hypocrite high.

You quoted multiple scriptures out of context in this article, not only that you poorly interpreted a variety of quotes - particularly those from Rick Warren.

I started reading because I saw in the introduction you pointed out several obvious heretics, with some guys I have respect for (Warren and McManus) and I wanted to hear your case. It was weak. I suggest you go to seminary, learn some Biblical interpretation and give it a whirl. Also, study a little philosophy and rhetoric so that you can actually understand that when someone says there is "truth in other religions" that means that there are some things true, certainly not the entire picture.

Please understand that this is not a personal attack or insult any greater than those you posted in your article.

Mr. O'neal, I live nearby perhaps we could go out to lunch and discuss your doctrine and work through these issues. It is my heart that you are not angry over this message, but that you humbly repent from your attacks and grow in conviction of truth, not adiophora.

May God's truth free your heart,
Ryan Green

Sermon1/28/08 7:17 AM
Grady from South Carolina  Find all comments by Grady
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Karen, try downloading the mp3 file to your computer and play it from the hard drive.

Sermon1/27/08 11:44 AM
Your M/L Karen from Argyle, IA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Your M/L Karen
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“ Won't Play ”
1/27 - 11 am Hi Chuck! You're probably right in the middle of your sermon right now. Sure wish I could be there - especially since I can't get your messages on Sermon-Audio to play on my computer. I click, and double click, the PLAY and Play Audio buttons, and wait a long time, and nothing happens. Any idea what I'm doing (or not doing) wrong? Please e-mail me or call 319-795-5050 when you get a chance. God Bless You, Luv, Karen

Sermon12/7/07 8:00 PM
Vernon from Tifton, GA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Vernon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Once again, Pastor Chuck speaks much needed truth! Your messages are a great blessing to true believers.

Sermon12/7/07 7:56 PM
Vernon from Tifton, GA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Vernon
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“ Much Needed Message! ”
This message is vital in this time of great apostasy. When the pastor of the largest church in America publicly refuses to acknowledge Jesus as the ONLY way to Heaven, one is left to wonder if the nation is finished! While Pastor Osteen denies Jesus, and gives weekly "pep talks", he increases in popularity. Whatever happened to "He must increase, but I must decrease"? Pastor O'neal speaks for many of us who are rarely heard in this day of ecumenical apostasy.

Sermon9/6/07 4:55 AM
Ben Shamberger  Find all comments by Ben Shamberger
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so much for the well researched sermon on the emergent church. My wife and I attended a local church that sponsored an emergent church plant in 2006. At first we were very naive, thinking it was going to be of the same denomination and doctrine as the church we were attending, just closer to home. From the first planning meetings something didn't seem right. This sense (prompting of the Holy Spirit) kept getting more noticable, until during one meeting the new pastor mentioned a web link to a couple of emergent websites. Over the course of a short period of time my wife and I studied this emergent rebellion and were horrified. We finally declined going with the church plant. It breaks my heart to know that this pastor could be duped by such deception; the error of the emergent "doctrine" is so clear. Please be encouraged. God is using those who are exposing this heresy to alert His elect that they be not deceived. In Christ, Ben

Sermon8/19/07 11:11 AM
Stacy Harp  Contact via emailFind all comments by Stacy Harp
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“ Outstanding sermon ”
If every Pastor in America, who actually believes the Word of God, would teach the Word of God, then our country would be in a lot better place. Kudos to you for taking the TIME to STUDY the issues and the Scriptures and preach the truth about this issue. I can't wait to listen to more of your messages.

Sermon5/1/07 9:35 PM
Michael Potts from Hillsboro, Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Potts
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“ Great Sermon! ”
AMEN...and I thought this quote would encourage you with this battle for souls that the Church should be fighting: "If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, then I'm not confessing Chirst, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is tested."--Martin Luther. This issue is by no means a "little point", and we must fight for the truth of the Bible. Thank you for your boldness. Mike

Sermon2/26/07 12:14 PM
Steve E. from Fort Worth, TX  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve E.
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I respect the knowledge of Scripture and passion for Christ and His Commission that you have. It is with that respect that I respectfully disagree with your portrayal of the emergent Church. I have been apart of a Church that would be considered by many to be "emergent". I myself view it that way, yet have never heard the word mentioned within our community of faith. I have however, seen God in my midst, not wolves. I have myself gone from skeptical to believing. I have been in the Church my whole life and have reached the highest spiritual point thus far. I am fully content with the accuracy and deep rootedness we have in the Gospel of Christ and the Bible that He read and lived His life by. Thanks for your thoughts and a graceful conversation is more than welcome if anyone feels so compelled. In Christ I come and in Christ I remain--Steve E.

Sermon1/1/07 3:10 PM
Bev Selby from Colorado Springs, CO  Contact via emailFind all comments by Bev Selby
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“ Great Sermon! ”
AMEN! There is danger in our midst...and most of us have our head in the sand. This movement is coming after our children! I thank GOd for Pastor O'Neal for standing for the truth and exposing the darkness! YOU MUST HEAR THIS..your church could be headed towards the emerging apostosy!

Sermon11/30/06 2:39 PM
Dave Mitchell from  Find all comments by Dave Mitchell
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“ Great Sermon! ”
God bless you Pastor Chuck. My heat is broken over the apostasy the emergent church has brought into our Fellowship. I have been a Brethren by conviction not convenience for over 60 years and I would have never believed that our fellowship would be bowing at the altar of Rick Warren and others i the emergent church. What is even more devastating is that there are pastors that know better but have been intinidated to the point they are allowing heresay into the Fellowship. I am glad to know there are others now raising their voices. my son Steve and I have been voicng our opposition for a few years now and hardly anyone has stood with us...We stand with you brother... Pastor Dave Mitchell Waipio GBC Mililani, Hawaii

Sermon10/28/06 2:00 AM
Bob Burch from Grand Rapids, MI  Find all comments by Bob Burch
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Purging the Emerging!
Chuck O'Neal
“ Great Sermon! ”
I believe that have a very valid right to be nervous about this movement. I thank God for people who are willing to stand up for God against the twists and perversions of the gospel that come against the church. I think that, though quite twisted, it is possible that Doug Pagitt actually believes his teaching to be God's desire. The bible states in 2Ti 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. I believe that Pagitt has been deceived and is deceiving many.

Sermon10/16/06 6:26 PM
A Concerned Believer  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for preaching on this important subject. Besides hearing about it in this sermon, I've heard about the emergent/missional church from a blog, and most of what it seems to be promoting is liberalism and Marxism - anything but historical, orthodox Christianity. Christians need to be aware of all of the new buzz words that undermine the faith. Thanks again for expounding on this topic.

Sermon9/4/06 1:00 PM
Paula and Jason  
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“ This is a wake up call to the church! ”
Thank you for exposing the false teaching of the popular church growth proponents. Rick Warren is just the latest and most popular flavor of this vain philosophy of man. Thank you for remaining true to our Lord and preaching the truth 'in season and out of season.' The Purpose Driven church very effectively and subtly exchanges the truth of God for the lie, and quenches the Spirit in the local group of believers, if the philosophy is adopted.

Sermon1/27/06 1:54 PM
Angela P. from California  
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Reformation Fire!
Chuck O'Neal
“ Reformation fire ”
This was a wonderful, thought provoking sermon. As the church becomes more ecumenical it strays farther from the truth of God's Word.

Blog7/27/05 10:02 PM
Neil from Tucson  
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(Blog entry no longer available)
Here's the original with footnotes:

Blog7/27/05 7:42 PM
Stephanie from Oregon  
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(Blog entry no longer available)
Ok, so I'm convinced now. The Potter books, which were recently relegated to a dark corner of the guest closet are on the way to the trash can.

Allot of articles against the Potter series get down to some issues that I think are trivial and over reaching. But this guy gets it down to the nitty gritty and does a really good job of slapping you in the face with it, LOL.

Is there a link for the footnotes?

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