Great Sermon! Just like Pastor O'Neal said, this false gospel of the Catholic Church is false and damning. Jesus Christ is the true Saviour of the world not the dead pope nor the new live one. If the pope is so wonderful and he has "joined the army of the Living Lord Jesus, why does he need someone to pray for his soul?
Great Sermon! Your sermon about the Pope really blessed me, Pastor Chuck. Thank you for faithfully preaching the Word. Bold proclimation of the Word is rare these days, especially if it will "offend" an influential group like the Catholics. Keep up the good work!
Great Sermon! May God bless Pastor Chuck O'Neal for boldly proclaiming the truths of God's word. I have been so convicted and challenged by them that I will probably listen to every one on this site. I've already listened to several. I'm even recommending the God's Church, God's Way series to my own pastor. May God strengthen Pastor O'Neal and the Walker Road church to continue their work in His kingdom.
Best Sermon Ever This sermon continues to bless our lives. This is one of the most important sermons we have heard. It hurts our hearts that so many are being mis lead. We encourage all to listen to this rich and super teaching from God's Word and how to do things God's way and not man's. Praise God.
Pastor Chuck O'Neal you did a fabulous job in teachig the truth to all of us. We look forward to more teaching from your sermons.
Wonderful Exposee! A wonderful message on the church growth movement's connection to Robert Schuller, and revealing details surrounding the the movement, such as enforced egalitarianism. So many people who should know better are being duped with Rick Warren's book(s), and it's beyond infuriating. Thank you for this sermon and thank you for taking a stand, Pastor O'Neal!