Helpful Reminder! This review of the 4th Petition of the Lord's prayer rightly states: "Man depends upon heaven for the means and comforts of this life. The fourth petition underscores this point that God's concerns are for our spiritual and temporal needs in this life."
What dependent creatures we are on the Creator of all men and the redeemer of his elect. We are reminded by the Larger Catechism (Q.193) when we petition God to give us a reasonable portion of the good and necessary things of this life that we ask for mercy. We have by our sin, original and actual forfeited our 'right'. Christ has procured this right in the Covenant of Grace giving us faith to ask for what he deems necessary for us in order that we are able to fulfill what is expected of us or our duty in seeking first his kingdom and righteousness.
In my life the great God of heaven and earth has used this simple concept of dependence on him in this matter to show me my heart and conform me more and more to that which is pleasing to Him, his own image in us. Being too easily forgetful He daily reminds us of our great need of Him and of submission to Him in all things, by showing us as only He can; not our needs only but all men's, especially those dependent upon us, or we upon them.
I return thanks for this help.
Great Sermon! This is an excellent sermon on the sovereignty of God and on His goodness. Spurgeon does a wonderful job on proclaiming God's goodness as he expounds upon Moses request.
boast not of tomorrow This sermon starts with the following:
What should we think about celebrating a “secular” Christmas?
“Pastor, perhaps you haven’t noticed that this is mid-summer rather than
winter. December 25th is yet months away.” I know, but my thinking has
run along the lines that perhaps a discussion about this topic might be
best addressed at mid-summer long before we are facing the holiday
season and before holiday sentiment and plans are already burning
This is in direct violation with Prov. 27:1 and James 4:13-17. What should we think about celebrating a “secular” Christmas?
“Pastor, perhaps you haven’t noticed that this is mid-summer rather than
winter. December 25th is yet months away.” I know, but my thinking has
run along the lines that perhaps a discussion about this topic might be
best addressed at mid-summer long before we are facing the holiday
season and before holiday sentiment and plans are already burning
It is better to preach in such a way that men may know whether they are heading for heaven or to hell. Many can copy this talk, like Mr. Talkative, but few can walk the walk like Christian, Faithful and Hopeful.
Great Sermon! Richard Bennett wisely points out the satanic aspect of the Romans Catholic Church, how that thworks papacy is thexactly antichrist. May God bless this sermon to open the eyes of many Roman Catholics.
Wonderful and Very Helpful I've gone through a very hard 18 months with financial struggles after losing P/T work. I am not an orphan nor am I a widow. Because I never married it has left me with numerous questions at times. At the core, I desire to be self-sufficient according to 1 Thess. 4:11-12 but being on disability has made it uniquely difficult & challenging as I've looked for ways to become self-sufficient. As I've encountered unexpected expenses, I have felt burdensome. This message helped put things into perspective even though I don't fall into the widow or orphan category. Thank you for this much needed message. God bless.
Very Helpful! I've gone through a very hard 18 months with financial struggles after losing P/T work. I am not an orphan nor am I a widow. Because I never married it has left me with numerous questions at times. At the core, I desire to be self-sufficient according to 1 Thess. 4:11-12 but being on disability has made it uniquely difficult & challenging as I've looked for ways to become self-sufficient. As I've encountered unexpected expenses, I have felt burdensome. This message helped put things into perspective even though I don't fall into the widow or orphan category. Thank you for this much needed message. God bless.
Great Sermon! Pray for our leaders. When a leader of any nation is converted, the citizens follow. Satan is not bound by voting.
Pray for the conversion of our leaders as brought out in this message.
Warning Sermon! This sermon focuses on natural disasters that are the result of God's judgment on the growing hate of God by mankind. Today, the "sciences" disregard these types of major events coming from God to serve a warning to sinful man. But as we become more sinful, these events will become more common, and as we see them happening our response should be repentance for our self and extended prayer for our nation before we feel a major tragedy like nothing before.
Encouraging word! Excellent, encouraging and practical teaching. Useful for young Christians and those who struggle to maintain the discipline of consistent bible study.
Best message in a while! This message has motivated me in several aspects of my walk with the Lord Christ Jesus, especially a consistent, moderate and REALISTIC schedule. I'm so bad about that... while I read my Bible everyday, it's often with no direction and shorter or longer depending on my surroundings.
Praise God for this!
As I am a "all or nothing" type of guy, please pray that God will grant me the maturity and discipline to be constant in my growth endeavors!
Great Information! Guess I'm what that one guy called a "naive literalist" also. I believe the Lord meant six literal days. Henry Morris gave great reasons as to why he was a "naive literalist."
Great Narration... I really like this man's narrations. He reminds me of Charles Koelsch who does the Prince of Preacher program, Charles Spurgeon sermons. I wish I could find more of his narrations. T M S