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Sermon3/15/16 9:09 PM
Joshua from South Carolina  Contact via emailFind all comments by Joshua
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dealing with depression myself and to hear such a sermon brings great encouragement.

Sermon3/6/16 12:10 PM
Mourner  Find all comments by Mourner
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“ Psalm 22 ”
In the past, I've been instructed regarding exclusive psalmody from Psalm 22 by the God's word and Spirit. I found this teaching very edifying and instructive. So much so that I continued my meditation in Psalm 22 this morning. I'd encourage the reading of Matthew Henry's 5 points on verse Psalm 22 v.22-31 regarding *the satisfaction and triumph of Christ in his sufferings*: - I found much encouragement in points 4&5 It was a wonderful way to begin the Lord's day and stir one's heart to render thanks unto the LORD; it is a comely thing and to thy name O thou most High due praise aloud to sing! Thy loving-kindness to show forth when shines the morning light and to declare thy faithfulness with pleasure every night. I can anticipate doing that as well. Thank you for these words of instruction.

Sermon3/4/16 5:07 PM
Mourner  Find all comments by Mourner
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“ on schedule ”
This morning in private worship I had a number of thoughts and had my yearly physical in Exodus 15:26 thanks to Robert Murray M'Cheyne's Bible Read Through Schedule. It was after today's reading and meditation I noticed this 2/23/16 edition and listened. I agree. In recent days beginning about 2/12/16 I have been much taken up with the consideration of the first table Commandments; their promises and threatenings. How can anyone claim to be a Christian if they do not take God at His word, and cast themselves in total dependence on Christ who is the fulfillment of the law. Who but Christ could propitiate God's wrath that was due us for original sin in Adam and the least violation of any of his commands? He is our justification by His imputed righteousness. A justification that will be evidenced by a filial fear of God as His adopted children (Mal.1:6a A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear?) and an increasing conformity to Christ; even our imperfect sanctification, that is accepted in the Beloved. O for greater thankfulness and love to Christ for all He has done and will do for his people and for grace to walk worthy of such a Savior! Romans 8:9-14

Blog2/2/16 11:16 AM
truthfollower  Find all comments by truthfollower
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I actually would find it more sad that
anyone would need theses holidays that
originated elsewhere to be happy. if you
love yourself and want to have a good time
you can do that anytime not on some specific
day because everyone else does. at the end
of the day if you have a true belief in the
one true god of the bible, shouldn't you be
trying to do what is needed to uphold those

Sermon1/31/16 3:33 AM
maureen from wigan england  Contact via emailFind all comments by maureen
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes I can imagine spurgeon and though he be dead he stillspeaks

Sermon1/29/16 10:14 PM
Richard9 from Papua New Guinea  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard9
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I appreciate Mr. Martin as a man of God, but sometimes his unnecessary harshness presents Christianity in a way that I do not believe it is intended to be presented. He feels strongly about things, and I mostly agree with all these things, but I can well understand that people find the style distracting. There doesn't seem to be much room for graciousness. For example, roughly quoting a point made in this sermon, that pastors who subscribe to a sermon outline service will stand in God's judgement for that. Well, I agree a pastor should not be lazy (his point, I think), but there are many reasons a person may do this other than because he is lazy in God's work. Did he, for example, not use commentaries or other helps when he was a young pastor?

Sermon1/26/16 2:59 PM
mary cummings from west seneca, n.y.  Contact via emailFind all comments by mary cummings
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“ I am in agreement with calvin. ”
anyone who has truly been regenerated is more than welcome to share their faith with me . feel free to email me at anytime.

Blog1/12/16 1:43 PM
John Burke from Santa Cruz  Contact via emailFind all comments by John Burke
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"The spiritually mature always turn to God for help in times of
anxiety, distress, confusion, or unrest in the soul, and they are
assured of wise counsel and deliverance."

In actuality, sometimes God may leave us in a state of anxiety,
distress, confusion or unrest---this is the testing of the soul, which
Christians have experienced in all centuries.
John Burke, PhD

Sermon1/7/16 9:03 PM
harry ecks from Leeds UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by harry ecks
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“ Good solid teaching ”
History is vital - without it the Bible is unfathomable to most

Sermon1/2/16 11:29 AM
allan Thomson from Glasgow Scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by allan Thomson
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“ thanks Albert ”
Thanks so much for the helpfulness of this message It is much appreciated My friend Robin Shankly of Glasgow sends his regards also

Sermon12/25/15 9:52 AM
XRC  Find all comments by XRC
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“ Great Sermon! ”
* * * * * Five star lecture on the 'XMess' blasphemous time of year festival that the whole world and religious professors can come together and get the 'warm fuzzies' as they watch anti-Christ from Vatican city carry his plastic baby doll (his god) and make an absolute fool of himself and billions of others as they 'ooh and aah'.... :ugh:

Sermon12/24/15 3:54 PM
Asa  Find all comments by Asa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for the truth and well done. But how will the pastors get a bonus if they follow after popery?

Sermon12/14/15 7:16 PM
Barry Hodkinson from wallasey england  Contact via emailFind all comments by Barry Hodkinson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have listened to a number of these Spurgeon sermons, and have thoroughly enjoyed them. the man who spoke these sermons has captured them perfectly. I can imagine that it is the man himself speaking. I would dearly like to thank the man in question. can anyone tell me his name.

Sermon12/3/15 5:52 AM
Thomas Sullivan from Grand Rapids MI  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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Answers to Prayer 1 of 12
Archibald Alexander
“ Thanks to S W R B ministries ”
This month marks my 30th anniversary of narrating books. I have no copies of the original cassettes, this narration being from 1985. If Reg had not uploaded this here I would have no copies or even memories of what it sounded like in the beginning, December 1985.

Sermon11/22/15 10:16 AM
Mourner  Find all comments by Mourner
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“ Many considerations ”
Have been listening to your series and am in essential agreement. That being said, I'd encourage you to consider the following lecture that was read here on sa of Stephen Charnock's by a Reformed Church in WI. The text is from Rev. 2:5 the teaching entitled 'The Removal of the Gospel' his comments on the 7 Churches especially Laodicea's removal before John's exile per Charnock and his consideration of Dr. Moore's work was interesting. Charnock's thoughts on the 11th Chapter of Rev. should be noted and the pouring out of the dregs of the wrath of God by the vials would then be heightened by "Rev 15:8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to 'enter into the temple', till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled." the removal of the Gospel for 3 1/2 years not in its going forth to individuals but by the political powers that be (death of the witness). Durham on the closing of the temple interesting by comparison, note Charnock on the 10th part of the city being the weakened political empire of Rome, the 8th which is of the 7 that will be overthrown thus causing other political powers to fear. I found Charnock's teaching here very revelatory of sins to consider and avoid. Appreciate your series.

Sermon11/8/15 11:05 AM
mike from ROME  Find all comments by mike
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“ Great Sermon! ”
thank Christ for Men like you. Jesus said his flock is small,the path to life is narrow and only a few follow it.Narrow is the gate and few go through it. Someone has to be is just the way it is and truth is only in the eye of the beholder

Sermon11/6/15 2:09 PM
1260student from usa  Find all comments by 1260student
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“ Thank You! ”
Thank you Mr. Dodson for the unbiased coverage of the 1260 years. I've been scouring the internet and sermonaud io looking for a sober, timely sermon regarding 756 and 2016. Like you I also refer to 606ad as "the 606". I highly recommend Nathaniel Stephens' "A Plain and Easy Calculation of the Number, Mark and Name of the Beast". It was published in 1656 (same as the flood - 1656 after Adam) and one full prophetic "time" before 2016. Matthew Poole covered it in his commentary and it is available online. I would love to hear your comments on it.

Sermon10/21/15 6:02 PM
Natalie from Oklahoma  Find all comments by Natalie
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Such a good reminder of why I am keeping my boys at home! Thank you for the encouragement!

Sermon10/11/15 10:05 AM
Deborah Jackson from Manchester, England  Find all comments by Deborah Jackson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This message should be preached all year through... Christmas is a pagan holiday and I thank God for pastor Greg... And I pray that God will open the eyes of christians about this serious issue. God bless you pastor Greg.

Sermon10/11/15 5:14 AM
Rev. Robert Allen from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rev. Robert Allen
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“ Great Sermon! ”

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